Aussie Growers Thread

Yeah it sucks. You'd think organics would be huge here..
Gotta find a huge garden centre; the ones nearby are good but small... small range, big mark-ups...

you would think but i find Australia is behind the ball on a lot of thing especially organic gardening. I wish we had half the range of orgainic meals and soil additives they do in america and other countries
also legalisation will always come with regulation so a more pharmaceutical product would be sold instead of something cooked up in a dealers back shed which, IMO, is where most of the problems come from. personally as someone who takes party drugs, ie lsd and mdma, id rather buy them from a chemist and pay more and know what's exactly in them and how strong they'll be.
LOL look at methadone... Junkies love it cos it's clean, consistent, cheap and safer to get. Let em have it I say.
you would think but i find Australia is behind the ball on a lot of thing especially organic gardening. I wish we had half the range of orgainic meals and soil additives they do in america and other countries
No shit.. Guano or kelp meal anyone? The best kelp is Tasmainian but where the fuck do you get it?
Those two alone would be awesome.... Got a couple mobs bookmarked; sent email re small quantities of Kelp but no replies yet.... No money in 20 kgs at a time, is there?
LOL look at methadone... Junkies love it cos it's clean, consistent, cheap and safer to get. Let em have it I say.

when people OD it costs the tax payer money, its more expensive if they die while in care. a cleaner product helps stop ODs and the the tax raised can be put into better healthcare which benefits everyone. not to mention the benefits to our education system, employment rates and export market.
Cheers ruby yeah I've not seen rocket fuel OR kabloom here... Kabloom isn't on Neutrogs website (I can't find it anyway..) maybe discontinued?
Gonna have to hunt it down....
I use the Gogo juice in compost tea also works a treat..
Just trying to nail down a good organic bloom fert that isn't made for hydro-too expensive!
Nah not discontinued mate i found there is some stuff on the brand that isnt on their website page funny that..but it was at bunnings last season and also 2 months ago.
It comes in a big 10 or 20 litre bag like the rocket fuel.
The rapid raiser and seamungus comes in big buckets 10 lire i think and seamungus is also sold in liquid form like powerfeed is
Hey guys interesting conversation youse are having.. Ive yet to start anything but wanna do a couple outdoors (in big fabric pots) this year as well as veggies etc in raised beds... Trying to keep it natural; I've been making my own compost for a year now, got a bit, and I like to make my own potting mix; my compost with coco, perlite...
If there was 1 or 2 extra products to add, what would you recommend?
I'm definately gettin the Rocket Fuel! I already use GoGo juice, Charlie Carp, eco.Seaweed and Searles 5in1, poultry/sheep manure compost, compost fines as a homemade fert/supersoil(cooking right now), with some eggshell, coffee grounds, banana peel, dolomite, epsom salt and crushed potash and guano phos...
Want it to be simpler! Looking for a good organic bloom fert to add either at mix time or just before flowering starts.....
So basically, my question is: compost plus coco plus perlite plus rocket fuel and what else??
Then powerfeed/gogo juice every fortnight, plain water as needed.....
Cheers from mid-east coast
For my 2 cents if you use charlie carp u prob dont need powerfeed

Similar stuff same job
Powerfeed is my main additional fert. Charlie Carp organic is pretty low NPK so I use it in flower (so far in conjunction with chemical PK booster), but also in compost tea cos it's pretty mild... Good stuff.
But trying to pare down all the extra stuff and KIS so yeah looking for that bloom stuff. If I can get Kabloom that'll do me. My compost is pretty good; we eat lots of fruit and veggies (well; the missus makes me!) so a good mix goes in, makes a great base.
the only problem i could see with the kabloom is its low phosphorus to nitrogen ratio. ive been looking at it as a base fert for flower for micro nutrients and a little nitrogen then toping it up with the organic phos and potash
Yeah I've resorted to organic granular phos, sposed to be from guano.. I grind it to powder and mix it in to supersoil. Will see if it works.... Probly about 2 cups to 60 litre bin full of mix..
Yeah I've resorted to organic granular phos, sposed to be from guano.. I grind it to powder and mix it in to supersoil. Will see if it works.... Probly about 2 cups to 60 litre bin full of mix..

i just tried a tea kinda with the same stuff the other day. just soaked it in a bucket of water with some gogo juice and an air stone. im still working the kinks out but it cleared up the phos def plants i have going now. used about 5 cups to a 9L watering can
ive found it hard to finding anything organic in Australia with enough phosphorus for flowering. i generally just buy bags of organic nitrogen, phosphorus and potash from burnings and mix them in the quantities i want. nearly all nutes available in bunnings/master etc (except hydro nutes) are low phos, especially in WA. even most blood and bone brands contain mostly blood meal (N) very little bone meal (P)
ive used this for 6yrs, seems good, i combine it with inorganic bloom ferts too but ffs dont try & siphon it from one container to another cos if any gets in yur throat you will have some very bizarre amoebas existing in your tract, i think its sold on aussie ebay as well as various other outlets in search
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i used to use a mixture of organic/non oraganic nutes. then i started to read up on soil structure and a little more into organics. started to thought your better off going one way or the other. chems kill beanies, beanies breakdown organic matter, so chems work against organic matter. now i just try to keep as organic as possible.
i used to use a mixture of organic/non oraganic nutes. then i started to read up on soil structure and a little more into organics. started to thought your better off going one way or the other. chems kill beanies, beanies breakdown organic matter, so chems work against organic matter. now i just try to keep as organic as possible.
i agree, ive just got into a habit of combining which works, but on your correct statement about one working against the other in the longterm one day ill stir my grey cells into a more pure approach to this topic
the only problem i could see with the kabloom is its low phosphorus to nitrogen ratio. ive been looking at it as a base fert for flower for micro nutrients and a little nitrogen then toping it up with the organic phos and potash
I know what your saying there reza...i use kabloom on top of soil a month before flower but i really do rely on my maxibloom soluble fert to do the bulk of the job.Cant believe noone gives me shit when i say i use it from the 2 month mark onwards ....halfway thru veg more or less till 2 weeks from the end
I know what your saying there reza...i use kabloom on top of soil a month before flower but i really do rely on my maxibloom soluble fert to do the bulk of the job.Cant believe noone gives me shit when i say i use it from the 2 month mark onwards ....halfway thru veg more or less till 2 weeks from the end

well a bit of extra P in veg isnt problem either. remember most veg ferts are high N and mid K but low P. the closest i have seen is dynamic lifter its like 3-2-2.5