Aussie Growers Thread

Legalization is coming
yes i cant believe whats happening in the states, the greatest wowser country on earth(no offence to my yankee buddy growers) has legalised it for personal use in some states, i truly never thought it would happen there, and australia just being a burb of the states will only follow suite, soo sad to think of the millions of victims around the world whose lives have been ruined through criminal convictions for having contact with the weed, possibly one of the greatest misjustices ever placed on mankind?
yes i cant believe whats happening in the states, the greatest wowser country on earth(no offence to my yankee buddy growers) has legalised it for personal use in some states, i truly never thought it would happen there, and australia just being a burb of the states will only follow suite, soo sad to think of the millions of victims around the world whose lives have been ruined through criminal convictions for having contact with the weed, possibly one of the greatest misjustices ever placed on mankind?
Did u watch the Australian on drugs thing on the abc?? We all know prohibition doesn't work!
Did u watch the Australian on drugs thing on the abc?? We all know prohibition doesn't work!
i didnt see that but i know the top boffins in the legal/medical fields all agree EVERY drug should be legalised, QC nicholas cowdery to name one of the group
Hey guys interesting conversation youse are having.. Ive yet to start anything but wanna do a couple outdoors (in big fabric pots) this year as well as veggies etc in raised beds... Trying to keep it natural; I've been making my own compost for a year now, got a bit, and I like to make my own potting mix; my compost with coco, perlite...
If there was 1 or 2 extra products to add, what would you recommend?
I'm definately gettin the Rocket Fuel! I already use GoGo juice, Charlie Carp, eco.Seaweed and Searles 5in1, poultry/sheep manure compost, compost fines as a homemade fert/supersoil(cooking right now), with some eggshell, coffee grounds, banana peel, dolomite, epsom salt and crushed potash and guano phos...
Want it to be simpler! Looking for a good organic bloom fert to add either at mix time or just before flowering starts.....
So basically, my question is: compost plus coco plus perlite plus rocket fuel and what else??
Then powerfeed/gogo juice every fortnight, plain water as needed.....
Cheers from mid-east coast
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Hey guys interesting conversation youse are having.. Ive yet to start anything but wanna do a couple outdoors (in big fabric pots) this year as well as veggies etc in raised beds... Trying to keep it natural; I've been making my own compost for a year now, got a bit, and I like to make my own potting mix; my compost with coco, perlite...
If there was 1 or 2 extra products to add, what would you recommend?
I'm definately gettin the Rocket Fuel! I already use GoGo juice, Charlie Carp, eco.Seaweed and Searles 5in1, poultry/sheep manure compost, compost fines as a homemade fert/supersoil(cooking right now), with some eggshell, coffee grounds, banana peel, dolomite, epsom salt and crushed potash and guano phos...
Want it to be simpler! Looking for a good organic bloom fert to add either at mix time or bust before flowering starts.....
So basically, my question is: compost plus coco plus perlite plus rocket fuel and what else??
Then powerfeed/gogo juice every fortnight, plain water as needed.....
Cheers from mid-east coast
Green sand and D earth is gd stuff if you can get it.
Powerfeed i make sure i use for the first 2 months weekly and just watered go go juice in when i felt like it once a fortnight.
I used a soluble bloom fert from 2 months onwards regardless wether they are in flour or not.
Everyones different but thats what worked for me last season
Hey guys interesting conversation youse are having.. Ive yet to start anything but wanna do a couple outdoors (in big fabric pots) this year as well as veggies etc in raised beds... Trying to keep it natural; I've been making my own compost for a year now, got a bit, and I like to make my own potting mix; my compost with coco, perlite...
If there was 1 or 2 extra products to add, what would you recommend?
I'm definately gettin the Rocket Fuel! I already use GoGo juice, Charlie Carp, eco.Seaweed and Searles 5in1, poultry/sheep manure compost, compost fines as a homemade fert/supersoil(cooking right now), with some eggshell, coffee grounds, banana peel, dolomite, epsom salt and crushed potash and guano phos...
Want it to be simpler! Looking for a good organic bloom fert to add either at mix time or bust before flowering starts.....
So basically, my question is: compost plus coco plus perlite plus rocket fuel and what else??
Then powerfeed/gogo juice every fortnight, plain water as needed.....
Cheers from mid-east coast
Oh and if u can get rocket fuel grab a bag of kabloom pellets they are nuetrog as well i spread a couple handfuls of that stuff around the plant a few weeks b4 veg.thats where the go go juice works well on top as a drink on the pellets
Cheers ruby yeah I've not seen rocket fuel OR kabloom here... Kabloom isn't on Neutrogs website (I can't find it anyway..) maybe discontinued?
Gonna have to hunt it down....
I use the Gogo juice in compost tea also works a treat..
Just trying to nail down a good organic bloom fert that isn't made for hydro-too expensive!
Cheers ruby yeah I've not seen rocket fuel OR kabloom here... Kabloom isn't on Neutrogs website (I can't find it anyway..) maybe discontinued?
Gonna have to hunt it down....
I use the Gogo juice in compost tea also works a treat..
Just trying to nail down a good organic bloom fert that isn't made for hydro-too expensive!

ive found it hard to finding anything organic in Australia with enough phosphorus for flowering. i generally just buy bags of organic nitrogen, phosphorus and potash from burnings and mix them in the quantities i want. nearly all nutes available in bunnings/master etc (except hydro nutes) are low phos, especially in WA. even most blood and bone brands contain mostly blood meal (N) very little bone meal (P)

if you look into statistics its far easier/more effective to treat legal substance addiction than illicit substance addiction. ice is fucked but if junkie cunt are going to use it id rather them have to pay tax on it. that way the bill for their rehab/goal etc dosnt come out of my pocket.
if you look into statistics its far easier/more effective to treat legal substance addiction than illicit substance addiction. ice is fucked but if junkie cunt are going to use it id rather them have to pay tax on it. that way the bill for their rehab/goal etc dosnt come out of my pocket.

also legalisation will always come with regulation so a more pharmaceutical product would be sold instead of something cooked up in a dealers back shed which, IMO, is where most of the problems come from. personally as someone who takes party drugs, ie lsd and mdma, id rather buy them from a chemist and pay more and know what's exactly in them and how strong they'll be.
Yeah it sucks. You'd think organics would be huge here..
Gotta find a huge garden centre; the ones nearby are good but small... small range, big mark-ups...