Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

MSNBC is much more obvious. Calling others stupid based on they're disagreeing with you reflects on your credibility, not theirs.

don't cry just because someone pointed out that your favorite network is not a legitimate news source. just go burn down their house.
Fixed it for you.

Not practically.
Goodness, you have a real sense of humor. That made me laugh. Thanks for that and no sarcasm intended..

It still doesn't explain how the race to the bottom for wages, thereby making a shithole out of this nation makes sense.

Adjusted for inflation, the wage was between $10.10 in 1968 and $8.56 in 1980



So you contend wage should be based on the employee's expenses?
Sounds to me as if your family is off to a good start and good luck to you and yours for that. Big respect from me to anybody working hard at whatever their occupation.

I don't know where you are getting your economic theory from. Economic theory coming from the television is not to be trusted. You'd do better reading about wages and inflation on Wikipedia than wherever you heard that minimum wage increases drive inflation. Maybe a trip to the library will help.

Think about this: wages adjusted to inflation were flat for about 30 years and for the last 15 years, they have dropped by about 15%.. Forty years of hard work and what do you get? A pay cut! If inflation was strongly linked to wages, especially the wages in the lower income brackets then we'd expect to see it go down eventually. But it has not.

When prices go up without a rise in wages, consumers need to spend more to make ends meet and they (you and I) cut discretionary spending. This cools the economy and slows job growth which is exactly what's happening right now.

Where then is the extra profit made from denying wage increases but continually increasing prices going? It's going into the pockets of those that have control of the economy -- the Koch brothers, and Trump for example. People at that end of the wealth bracket speculate and consolidate, not invest to grow their wealth. Compared to how hard you and your husband work, Trump and his ilk don't work hard enough to earn the kind of income they receive nor do they create new jobs.

Don't expect things to improve by denying wage increases to those in your income bracket and and lower. Things are only going to get worse if that trend continues. Perhaps you might want to consider joining that union and demand more from you and your husband's labor. Its the best thing you could do for this country.
The Koch brothers employ 60,000 people, yet you claim they don't create jobs. When was the last time you were hired by a poor person?
The Koch brothers employ 60,000 people, yet you claim they don't create jobs. When was the last time you were hired by a poor person?

the kochs wouldn't hire a single person if not for poor people, and other people, buying their products.

good job on the verbatim fox news talking point though.
Consider this, Those that are lobbying for lower wages in our Capital are also building schools, roads, police stations in Asia.
We got a new Walmart, but we lost 2 fire stations here in CC county.
I'm pretty sure nobody is lobbying for lower wages.
The Koch brothers employ 60,000 people, yet you claim they don't create jobs. When was the last time you were hired by a poor person?
There is a difference between employing people and creating jobs. The Kochs are consolidators, not job creators. Fewer jobs remain after they are through. They are vulture capitalists. They recycle, not create.

As far as it goes, I've heard that line about how the wealthy create jobs. They don't . The entrepreneur creates jobs. Entrepreneurs come from all walks of life. Almost never from the wealthy. The Kochs, like Romney and Trump are not entrepreneurs.

Also, I was never given a job. I was offered a job because I demonstrated that I could make more money for my employer than I was paid. This sense that we should revere the wealthy because they employ us has a sickening odor to it.

Jeeez Red, you are such a tool.
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Due to a strong trade union movement, wages in Denmark are generally higher than in the United States. Negotiated minimum wage is approximately $20/hour. Income tax in Denmark, however, is high by international standards, and ranges from 45% to a high 56%.
So their wages are really about $10/hr after income taxes. Minimum wage earners here don't pay or pay very little income taxes.
There is a difference between employing people and creating jobs. The Kochs are consolidators, not job creators. Fewer jobs remain after they are through. They are vulture capitalists. They recycle, not create.

As far as it goes, I've heard that line about how the wealthy create jobs. They don't . The entrepreneur creates jobs. Entrepreneurs come from all walks of life. Almost never from the wealthy.

Also, I was never given a job. I was offered a job because demonstrated that I could make more money for my employer than I was paid. This sense that we should revere the wealthy because they employ us has a sickening odor to it.

Jeeez Red, you are such a tool.
What is the difference between employing people and creating jobs? The Kochs created entirely new businesses, not just buying up old businesses. Calling the wealthy "entrepreneurs" doesn't negate that they are the ones offering jobs.
"Also, I was never given a job. I was offered a job" And you call me the tool? Where did anyone, especially me, say we should revere the wealthy? Once again, dishonestly misstating others statements.
Jeeez Dog, you are such a tool
Thanks for bringing the IQ of the room down, nitrox. You say its all due to those darn workers that negotiated a good pension with their employer in exchange for lower paychecks while working. Yes, those darn workers keep on living. Why can't they just die like they were supposed to. Very convenient explanation you have. Its all their fault so they should take the hit and you nor I should not consider ourselves responsible for their pensions.

Those people earned every penny of their pension. It wasn't a pyramid scheme, it was an agreement to take less pay now so that they could have a higher pension later. The problem is that Reagan, came into office and started the erosion of wages for the middle and blue collar earners. They were the tax base for those cities. Now that their spending power has dropped, they can no longer afford those houses and pay those taxes. The wealthy that benefited from those pay cuts don't live in those cities. Their fire departments are doing just fine thank you very much.

Oh, your wife collects a social security pension that you sort of got by gaming the system doesn't she? Its ok, you played by the rules well not really but you found a loophole. Good for you. It seems kind of mendacious when I hear you complain about other people negotiating in good faith and claiming they milked the system. .

Edit: Here is a breakdown of the 8 cities that declared bankruptcy.

Five of the eight bankruptcy were triggered by something other than pension funding crises. Nitrox's penchant for spouting Faux News is revealing its inaccuracy again.
The city workers negotiated their pensions in exchange for voting for the negotiators, not lower wages. The negotiators representing the cities weren't the employers anyway. They were politicians, buying votes.