

Well-Known Member
OK, here is maybe an unexpected one.
In high school, and friend and i pulled a prank on a custodial employee. What we did was mean and hurtful. We were stupid kids, but we hurt the guy (emotionally not physically). I'm not telling details because it's too embarrassing... in that we were mean.
So that's it.


Well-Known Member
I can only imagine you shoved a magnum magic marker up his ass and the lid came off.
Wait that may have happened to another guy,

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Pickle Queen
My sister in law is a filthy 8 days she showered twice. ..washed her hair on day 7...spend the entire 8 day's in a string bikini. she doesn't wax....this evening she decided it was OK to sit in my living room wearing only panties and a fucking wife beater ...she's currently spread eagle picking her nasty post vacation email reminding her that pants should be worn in front on my guy..or anywhere I see her in my home seems like something I shouldn't need to explain to a 42 yr old female. ..seriously who does this!!!!!


Well-Known Member
My sister in law is a filthy 8 days she showered twice. ..washed her hair on day 7...spend the entire 8 day's in a string bikini. she doesn't wax....this evening she decided it was OK to sit in my living room wearing only panties and a fucking wife beater ...she's currently spread eagle picking her nasty post vacation email reminding her that pants should be worn in front on my guy..or anywhere I see her in my home seems like something I shouldn't need to explain to a 42 yr old female. ..seriously who does this!!!!!
got any pix?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Take pictures and threaten to post them on face book if she doesn't take a shower every day or every other day next time. She also must wear shorts/pants unless she is going to the beach in 10 min.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah!! Lemon. When she is slouching, spread eagle in the lounge chair, the scent of lemon must emanate from there