

Well-Known Member
I like the job I have now, just need an income I can live off of. In the end if you're struggling to make rent then you need a new career. I was on disability for a while after getting hit by a car. There is no worse hell than sitting around feeling useless, so the thought of working until the day I die doesn't sound too bad.

Got a job interview tomorrow so hopefully things will go well.

I have roughly 80 #'s in my phone.

Subtract the business numbers and you have about 40 personal numbers.

Now take away co-workers and family and that leaves about 10.

of those 10 people none of them return my calls/txt.

But I try. If I find someone that we connect with I'll give them my number to keep in contact. They never do though. :/

and for the last one, I've never had a problem approaching people, flirting and making the effort. For some reason though I put off the sex appeal of a lamp.

I was born with nothing, and I still have most of it left.
Based on what you've said and considering your username, I would have to guess you have low self-esteem/self-worth/self-confidence. I have the same issue but as a female, I think it's a lot easier for me to make do...

What are you good at? What do you love? You have to decide what you want out of life first... if you're not happy with what you're making at work but like your job, figure out what you can do to warrant asking for a raise. If a raise still won't help, consider going to school or taking classes to help you get good at something you genuinely like. I recently decided to take some coding classes and it landed me a job.


Well-Known Member
Based on what you've said and considering your username, I would have to guess you have low self-esteem/self-worth/self-confidence. I have the same issue but as a female, I think it's a lot easier for me to make do...

What are you good at? What do you love? You have to decide what you want out of life first... if you're not happy with what you're making at work but like your job, figure out what you can do to warrant asking for a raise. If a raise still won't help, consider going to school or taking classes to help you get good at something you genuinely like. I recently decided to take some coding classes and it landed me a job.

actually I just asked my boss for a raise, he refused, and I was supposed to be promoted months ago. Unfortunately I'm the only one that will actually do the dirty work there so they won't move me to cook.

As far as what I'm good at and what I love... ever hear the phrase "starving artist?" But I'm in a band, and I've supposed to be doing artwork for a music store. Just gotta wait for a sunny day.

What do I want in life? well that's easy.

The three things I listed pretty much sums it up. My wife won't fuck me, I have no friends, and my job won't pay me what I'm worth.

But I gotta try and keep moving forward. Not like the alternative is any better. Tried that, didn't end well.


Well-Known Member
actually I just asked my boss for a raise, he refused, and I was supposed to be promoted months ago. Unfortunately I'm the only one that will actually do the dirty work there so they won't move me to cook.

As far as what I'm good at and what I love... ever hear the phrase "starving artist?" But I'm in a band, and I've supposed to be doing artwork for a music store. Just gotta wait for a sunny day.

What do I want in life? well that's easy.

The three things I listed pretty much sums it up. My wife won't fuck me, I have no friends, and my job won't pay me what I'm worth.

But I gotta try and keep moving forward. Not like the alternative is any better. Tried that, didn't end well.
You just want to be free :)


Well-Known Member
@iamnobody grow weed.. thats your answer.
5 lights and you will make the equivalent of an asshole with a 6 figure salary.. 5 lights, a bedroom and a closet plus equipment.

For 2500 in equipment (2 flowering lights) you can have a lb a week of healthy dank, and good genetics.

Sell that to 1 person 1500 a lb and make money, while not doing shit.

Get a loan or credit card to do this..

Eventually with another grand, you can have 5 lights, work to automate it and go take your wife to the tropics.. if she wont fuck you still, of you still dont have boppin friends. I guess go to school


Well-Known Member
@iamnobody grow weed.. thats your answer.
5 lights and you will make the equivalent of an asshole with a 6 figure salary.. 5 lights, a bedroom and a closet plus equipment.

For 2500 in equipment (2 flowering lights) you can have a lb a week of healthy dank, and good genetics.

Sell that to 1 person 1500 a lb and make money, while not doing shit.

Get a loan or credit card to do this..

Eventually with another grand, you can have 5 lights, work to automate it and go take your wife to the tropics.. if she wont fuck you still, of you still dont have boppin friends. I guess go to school
haha trust me if my wife was cool with it I'd have had a grow room set and ready years ago. She's actually got a pretty good green thumb. You should have seen her garden when we lived on the farm.

But she won't approve, and I won't go behind her back and do it.

Aside from all that, the tropics are boring to me.


Active Member
Do you have to feel remorse to confess?

I once cut a man's balls off, sauteed them and made him eat it.
I cut a clerk's pinky finger 3/4 off, to get a drop safe combo from the manager (it worked.)
I used to wire all of my cars with a a little IED+cell phone detonator, in case I got car jacked.
I started the woods behind our townhouse on fire when I was 9 because the birds in it kept waking me up.
I helped my sister start a field fire, because she got stung by an ant.
I poisoned the cat that scratched me when I was 5.
I poisoned (non-fatally) my grandparents after an especially bad beating. My sister helped me with that.
I pissed on my grandfather's grave and sent a pic of it to my grandmother in an email, entitled "Wish you were here."
I made small distilled chlorine/ammonia bombs for my brother, because the neighbors would beat him whenever my sister and I weren't home He snicked in through the crawl space connecting the townhouses and bombed them while they were at dinner -- I think one of the kids that bullied him died.
I busted all of a musician's fingers when I was 15, because he'd given my sister something. He hung himself a day later.

Feeling better about making someone puke, Inda?
Fucking A


Well-Known Member
actually I just asked my boss for a raise, he refused, and I was supposed to be promoted months ago. Unfortunately I'm the only one that will actually do the dirty work there so they won't move me to cook.

As far as what I'm good at and what I love... ever hear the phrase "starving artist?" But I'm in a band, and I've supposed to be doing artwork for a music store. Just gotta wait for a sunny day.

What do I want in life? well that's easy.

The three things I listed pretty much sums it up. My wife won't fuck me, I have no friends, and my job won't pay me what I'm worth.

But I gotta try and keep moving forward. Not like the alternative is any better. Tried that, didn't end well.
Well if you know you're worth more than you're getting paid, it's totally on you to get that to happen. When you asked for a raise, did you ask what you can do to get one? Does your boss realize you aren't happy with what you're making? If you just ask for a raise out of the blue, even if you honestly deserve it, you're probably going to get a no. Especially if you don't give any reasons or show any eagerness to do better.

Why won't your wife fuck you?? Women don't just have low libidos like men like to think.... if you guys have huge fundamental issues maybe you should break things off with her?


Well-Known Member
Well if you know you're worth more than you're getting paid, it's totally on you to get that to happen. When you asked for a raise, did you ask what you can do to get one? Does your boss realize you aren't happy with what you're making? If you just ask for a raise out of the blue, even if you honestly deserve it, you're probably going to get a no. Especially if you don't give any reasons or show any eagerness to do better.

Why won't your wife fuck you?? Women don't just have low libidos like men like to think.... if you guys have huge fundamental issues maybe you should break things off with her?

I didn't just demand a raise. I simply told him, that I feel I have proven myself as a hard worker and a team player and that I feel it's time I was considered for a raise since I have yet to continue my cook training (something they started a few months back then stopped because they had 3 dishwashers quit in one week)

As far as me and my wife goes.... that's another story. But it's something we've discussed and there's far more to our relationship than just sex (or lack there of) so as bothersome as it is, I don't see divorce in our future.


Well-Known Member
When I first discovered CL, I kept posting in the missed connections forum. One of my firsts was something to the effect of "Cute Homeless Girl" then I went on to talk about some bizarre conversation we had and how I hope she finds me on CL. Several kind people responded to let me know the homeless girl probably doesn;t have a computer. I also ran alot of ambiguous stuff about girl in black skirt, etc. Once I posted about some girl in a black dress I met in "some club" downtown two years ago and how magical the night and soul connections and shit. I may have to start up again.
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Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
View attachment 3458116

I drown Sims when I am depressed.
I filled an entire lot in the first game with tomb stones like that. When it gets like 1/2 full there are multiple ghosts 24 hours a day, and if you move anyone on the lot they die of starvation because they're too scared to do anything at all.

They can't sleep, eat, interact with anyone or anything and they go to the bathroom on themselves.


Well-Known Member
I filled an entire lot in the first game with tomb stones like that. When it gets like 1/2 full there are multiple ghosts 24 hours a day, and if you move anyone on the lot they die of starvation because they're too scared to do anything at all.

They can't sleep, eat, interact with anyone or anything and they go to the bathroom on themselves.
Sounds like a party I was at in '74

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
The only bad thing is, if you have a family you want to keep living on another lot, they might come over there to visit and wind up dead in game.

Me and my cousin used to say, in a thick Maine accent: "You don't want to go down that road."

He lost his in game family and I lost two of mine before we figured out what happened lol.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
lol that was the shit back in the day. I'd walk by and see him playing and be like "sometimes dead is better." and shit, we used to crack each other up.