Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

I think you have the wrong idea about me. I couldn't care less who is receiving the benefits, it changes nothing in my view. A scumbag Republican living on welfare is just as detestable to me as a scumbag democrat. If they want to be hypocritical and knock a system that they utilize, that's their failing, it doesn't affect my position at all.

it took you 7 minutes to compose that pile of schlock?
I couldn't care less who is receiving the benefits, it changes nothing in my view.
Here's a short list of some of the top government subsidies recipients:


Why do you care when the person receiving benefits is poor but not when they're wealthy, powerful corporations?
What, you both just happen to coincidentally believe minimum wage workers "haven't earned it and don't deserve it"?

What economic philosophy do you favor? Why?

Oh, I believe they've earned it and they deserve it, in most cases. While $7.25/hr is a DRASTIC case of overcompensation for many employees in positions that pay minimum wage, I feel that number is just about right for most of them.
Here's a short list of some of the top government subsidies recipients:


Why do you care when the person receiving benefits is poor but not when they're wealthy, powerful corporations?

What gave you that idea, I'm all for cutting them all off. Fuck every one of them. Flat tax baby.
If I get "something" it's because I worked for it. Homey don't take no handouts. Got too much pride.
"Homey don't take no handouts" Umm, that's kind of strange language to see from you. You are a white and ancient bitter Texas failed farmer. Sir, where in your social circle does anybody talk like that? We'uns don't need no govmint money. Now that's cracker talk.
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it took you 7 minutes to compose that pile of schlock?
Here's a short list of some of the top government subsidies recipients:


Why do you care when the person receiving benefits is poor but not when they're wealthy, powerful corporations?
He's just another Rob Roy. Hie'll go round and round spouting disagreeable stuff. But there will never be anything of substance in his drivel. Not even the country that he touts as something great and pure is good enough for him. Maybe when he dies, the heaven or hell he finds will match his expectation. But never here. Never in history. Never ever.
The minimum wage machine allows anybody to work for minimum wage. Turning the crank will yield one penny every 4.5 seconds, for $8.00 an hour, or NY state minimum wage (2014). If the participant stops turning the crank, they stop receiving money. The machine's mechanism and electronics are powered by the hand crank, and pennies are stored in a plexiglas box. The MWM can be reprogrammed as minimum wage changes, or for different wages in different locations.
Oh, I believe they've earned it and they deserve it, in most cases. While $7.25/hr is a DRASTIC case of overcompensation for many employees in positions that pay minimum wage, I feel that number is just about right for most of them.
Should a worker's wage be based on his skill level or the amount he earns for the company?
I feel that number ($7.25/hour) is just about right for most of them.
Why do you believe taxpayers should fund the basic necessities of minimum wage employees? Why do you believe I should make up the difference corporations like Walmart and McDonald's employees require to pay for their basic necessities?

Do you even understand you support an economic position that shifts the burden of finance from the employer to the taxpayer? You spit and spout about how people shouldn't ask for handouts yet you support corporations begging for handouts.. Why is that?
Flat tax baby.
If you make $100 and I make $1,000, and we both have a 5% tax rate, equally, who do you suppose it hurts more?

You pay $5 in taxes and are left with $95 for the week. I pay $50 and am left with $950 for the week, so who is burdened more?

A flat tax harms the poor/lower middle class disproportionately because they spend a higher percentage of their income than the wealthy class.

Again, I'm shocked to find out, somehow, magically I guess, your views line up exactly with the GOP platform for decades..
Why do you believe taxpayers should fund the basic necessities of minimum wage employees? Why do you believe I should make up the difference corporations like Walmart and McDonald's employees require to pay for their basic necessities?

Do you even understand you support an economic position that shifts the burden of finance from the employer to the taxpayer? You spit and spout about how people shouldn't ask for handouts yet you support corporations begging for handouts.. Why is that?
The problem with your analysis (although spot on) is that Faux News doesn't report this, so it can't be true. Actually this is the brilliance of the republicans and their minions. They repeatedly dupe poor people into voting against their own economic interests by selling them the "dream". The loudest opponents of "Obamacare" (tea baggers) are some of the biggest recipients of it. Pick on the supposed "welfare queen" while corporations literally rob us blind. It's the American way.

The problem with your analysis (although spot on) is that Faux News doesn't report this, so it can't be true. Actually this is the brilliance of the republicans and their minions. They repeatedly dupe poor people into voting against their own economic interests by selling them the "dream". The loudest opponents of "Obamacare" (tea baggers) are some of the biggest recipients of it. Pick on the supposed "welfare queen" while corporations literally rob us blind. It's the American way.

You're right, but they can only spout off economic prosperity for so long. The economic system in place right now is destined to fail, by its nature. Trickle down can only work if people get a taste of some of the scraps, and 1% just ain't enough for everyone..

Eventually, even the republicans will have to concede..
You're right, but they can only spout off economic prosperity for so long. The economic system in place right now is destined to fail, by its nature. Trickle down can only work if people get a taste of some of the scraps, and 1% just ain't enough for everyone..

Eventually, even the republicans will have to concede..
I agree, even though I would've thought that we would've reached that point already. Problem is the fact that many of these idiot voters are easily duped into becoming single issue voters. Never mind the fact that many of these people are living in abject poverty. Trick them into thinking that Obama (or any democrat) is going to take their guns, or perform abortions on the capital steps, you can get these people to vote for Hitler is he was alive.
If you make $100 and I make $1,000, and we both have a 5% tax rate, equally, who do you suppose it hurts more?

You pay $5 in taxes and are left with $95 for the week. I pay $50 and am left with $950 for the week, so who is burdened more?

A flat tax harms the poor/lower middle class disproportionately because they spend a higher percentage of their income than the wealthy class.

Again, I'm shocked to find out, somehow, magically I guess, your views line up exactly with the GOP platform for decades..
Should there be a reduced sales tax for poor people?

There is no increased burden from an even tax rate in my eyes.

100 a week is not what a 40 hour a week person would make anyways. Poor people get more back in taxes then they put in too. When my hubby was making 9 dollars an hour we had a negative effective tax rate.
15 an hour is basically a living wage in Washington isn't a pack of cigarettes like 8 bucks? I worked min. wage while taking care of my wife and two small children for about 2 years while finishing college. If it was not for my overrage checks from my tuition we would have had to move in with one of our parents. We made it out and now I'm in the house grew up in. I never would have been able to buy a house period on min. wage. Everyone deserves a living wage for honest work. An honest pay for an honest days work!