Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

Once was a Pedo, Rapist, Snitching Potty mouthed R.I.U Member called Bucktard who Posted many,many times.. but tbh it was all just shite.. and such a give away to this VILE persons train of thought.. ..that do ya?
income wise, no.

between her investments, her earnings, and my earnings, we probably crack the top 25% ($67k a year).

in terms of wealth, $8.4 million is the cutoff. her parents probably make that cut, but most of it is not liquid. it is invested in property and buildings. she owns 10% of most of those, along with a fairly high amount of stocks and other money making things which i do not feign to understand.
Sorry, I was high and not thinking clearly.

67k is like middle class.

I read millions and my befuddled brain thought income instead of investment value.
Sorry, I was high and not thinking clearly.

67k is like middle class.

I read millions and my befuddled brain thought income instead of investment value.

i was surprised to see that 67k puts us in the top 25%. we don't live like millionaires either, or even top 25 percenters. our neighborhood would be categorized as blue collar working class.
Sleep well, Buck.
shoulda redone this to make mention of your constant threats of federal prison on growers, but i spent all day building a fence. so not gonna bother.

You are right. Not all conservatives are obsessed with the idea that somebody else might get something they aren't getting..

Agreed, which is the polar opposite of most liberals. They also never let the fact they neither earned, nor deserve it, get in their way.
You are right. Not all conservatives are obsessed with the idea that somebody else might get something they aren't getting..
The biggest recipients are poor white conservatives. I think that what they are actually afraid of, is the whole welfare queen myth started by Reagan. They hate women, especially mothers. In particular, they begrudge women of color any help.

It was actually Goldwater's presidential campaign that exposed the south as having gone fully republican. The cornerstone of his campaign was opposition to civil rights.

They also never let the fact they neither earned, nor deserve it

Please, tell me more about how "they didn't earn it"..

Conservatives and liberals in the lower economic classes are getting fucked over equally by republican economic policy, the difference is conservatives are too prideful and arrogant to admit it. Your policy failed and you don't want to admit you were wrong
The biggest recipients are poor white conservatives. I think that what they are actually afraid of, is the whole welfare queen myth started by Reagan. They hate women, especially mothers. In particular, they begrudge women of color any help.

It was actually Goldwater's presidential campaign that exposed the south as having gone fully republican. The cornerstone of his campaign was opposition to civil rights.

Yep, Herr Goldwater's stance on civil rights was correlated to or its my guess the cause of the switch to republican party in the the south. Nixon's silent majority was part of that movement too. I never understood how the majority could love Reagan. But they did. He was a master at speaking to the racial fears of his WASP followers without saying the words. Those voters are dying off though. The new south is not as extreme or so I hear. But you tell me, what kind of south do you think will emerge when the boomers die off.
Agreed, which is the polar opposite of most liberals. They also never let the fact they neither earned, nor deserve it, get in their way.

Just looking at party affiliation, I'd say you are correct. But looking at ideology, liberals are no more likely to take food stamps than conservatives. However the talk about social welfare programs is vehemently against and continuously coming from the conservatives. Which is why I say they are obsessed with it. Not all but way more than justified given that all are equally taking advantage of them.

I know, its complicated, don't trouble yourself to understand it, just call me a few expletives and stop thinking about it.

Also this:
The survey found that significant proportions of Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%). The programs were Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.

Just looking at party affiliation, I'd say you are correct. But looking at ideology, liberals are no more likely to take food stamps than conservatives. However the talk about social welfare programs is vehemently against and continuously coming from the conservatives. Which is why I say they are obsessed with it. Not all but way more than justified given that all are equally taking advantage of them.

I know, its complicated, don't trouble yourself to understand it, just call me a few expletives and stop thinking about it.

Also this:
The survey found that significant proportions of Democrats (60%) and Republicans (52%) say they have benefited from a major entitlement program at some point in their lives. So have nearly equal shares of self-identifying conservatives (57%), liberals (53%) and moderates (53%). The programs were Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, welfare, unemployment benefits and food stamps.

I think you have the wrong idea about me. I couldn't care less who is receiving the benefits, it changes nothing in my view. A scumbag Republican living on welfare is just as detestable to me as a scumbag democrat. If they want to be hypocritical and knock a system that they utilize, that's their failing, it doesn't affect my position at all.
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Please, tell me more about how "they didn't earn it"..

Conservatives and liberals in the lower economic classes are getting fucked over equally by republican economic policy, the difference is conservatives are too prideful and arrogant to admit it. Your policy failed and you don't want to admit you were wrong

I don't have a policy and any philosophy I hold rarely collides with that of Republicans, so it's very hard to reply to your charge. You might as well tell me all about "my religion" being wrong, despite the fact I'm an anti-theist.