Dropped a seed in a pot... Will I have pot??

image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg got a little clearer pic this first one showing I think pistils and calyx and this is what tells its a female am I correct on that?image.jpg


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To early to tell....if you think it's a male in the future before you know get a spray water bottle and just give a couple sprays bc the water will keep the pollen sacks closed until u can find out for sure
That's not huh I thought male preflower were supposed to look like spades I was thinking like a stretched pear I'll tell that's one problem with learning through the Internet you read one thing one site and something else another site. How long till I would be able to tell you think? I read 4-6 weeks for seed I'm at almost 11 now. I would assume different for each strain
To early to tell....if you think it's a male in the future before you know get a spray water bottle and just give a couple sprays bc the water will keep the pollen sacks closed until u can find out for sure
Can some tell me if that Color of the new growth is ok it's brighter green at first by time the leaf is full size its the regular color its been doing that almost the whole time but if it a nuke problem or soil problem can try to fix
Can some tell me if that Color of the new growth is ok it's brighter green at first by time the leaf is full size its the regular color its been doing that almost the whole time but if it a nuke problem or soil problem can try to fix
That is normal. Nothing to worry u doing great.
image.jpg :wall:I'm So devasting news spider mites today the sun hit it at a angle I could see shiney thin webs all around the leaves, stems, the whole plant. I have been seeing the leaves having little shiney specs not many but some but think anything of it but that with the webs Im screwed I took a pic there on stem white or silver shiney dot can't tell it's a bug but sounds like it is. What can I spray sounds like a lot options but this late in growth im screwed either way image.jpg
I read about Azmax most seemed to say good things this is something I have to make sure before doing anything for example a lot of people say use 70% alcohol and mix it 50/50 with water I even went to store and got it lluckily I doubled checked when I got home and people talking about how alcohol killed their plant I believe even someone on this site suggested alcohol to treat. Wrong move here it could end a nice plant I'm not seeing any damage so I figured I go to grow shop today and find something won't harm plant but im leaning towards PM-90 I didn't one bad review from people that actually used it. Also there is something natural that uses clove ,something else and water can't remember but I can find again. Those stringy things around leaves could only be spider mite webs right I can't see anything moving on any leaves.
To all appreciate everyone's help expect the guy who says use hydrogen peroxide. Real nice come to a first time growers forum and speak about something you don't know about. So spider mites actually not even present anymore I went lead by leaf removed all webs and look at leaf and spider were not anywhere this and there are specs must been something from wind it is outdoors but just gave some neem oil treatment also transplant complete I'll post pic of the new home I have one worry I was able to transplant as one piece so the dirt was stuck together which should help not have to much shock but if I cover with little extra soil and doesn't get dry don't I run the risk of root rot Would breaking up the old medium a little each watering work? I did the pot you can water from buttom just in case.


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Which picture showed you it was a girl so I know what I'm looking for next time. This is sweet. Ahhh hell yea!!!
After you guys said it was female I kind of figured that it that pic it's the that that looks different all the pics but just wanted to make sure:weed: = :bigjoint:bongsmilie