Dropped a seed in a pot... Will I have pot??

Hey bro thanks so much for help I think shes feeling better but did have to bring her in last night all night a lot rain and actually last week our temps high 90's and hudmity over 80% so wounded cooked so kept for the whole time and by the same window And she did great I'm thinking about leaving here what do you think?image.jpg image.jpg plus helps stealth
So seeing she improved from yesterday color is better and she looks alive again I assume this is perfect soil dampness for her so l checked the dirt with a Popsicle stick didn't have a straw so now I know what the soil should feel like. Great idea you had with the straw I did give her a very diluted amount of big bloom for earthworm casting and bat guano I couldn't find it to add with soil mix and it was part of the mix suggested
Once you figure out the weight of the plant wet and dry just use that to gauge whether or not it needs water. When I first started growing indoors in soil I used those pots and had better results when I top watered until runoff filled the bottom then emptied it. Have to be careful about leaving water in there. Plants look much better! Over watering is the number one issue IMO with newbs myself included.
Once you figure out the weight of the plant wet and dry just use that to gauge whether or not it needs water. When I first started growing indoors in soil I used those pots and had better results when I top watered until runoff filled the bottom then emptied it. Have to be careful about leaving water in there. Plants look much better! Over watering is the number one issue IMO with newbs myself included.
It seems easiest mistake to make she was outside and I was letting nature take care of watering for the most part then 3 week drought and transplant and I drowned her if wasn't for the help from people here and I decided to dry her with a fan on low she would been a goner think.
So here's what going on when we had the drought and temp in high 90's and humidity in 80% for 2+ weeIs I brought and she was growing great once temps returned brought back outside that was Saturday so Sunday thought overwatering Monday kept her in because of workers in yard she grew couple inches and looked healthy all day last night brought her back outside and started drooping agiain so what's is she got use to the temp and amount sunlight she gets inside which instead of 6 morning hours the whole plant gets direct sunlight after the she in shade inside she has some sunlight all day but not all of plant the whole time. So outside is 6-7 hours full direct sunlight then just light inside is 10 hours of top leaves more then bottom and one side half day then other side other half of day. i have to harden her back to outdoor sunlight does anyone advice this stage in her life if it's too much stress should I just let her be and hope for best and that she keeps growing like she has so far inside and learn from this mistake should have moved to more shade but left outside during high heat or should I reintroduce the outdoors a little more each day
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Yep it 5 min for her to perk back up once inside she seems to much happier at that window one thing I been told over and over is your plant well tell you what she needs although it might cause a lower harvest because amount of energy she has to flower but to much stress might make her turn on me then my harvest would zero is the way I see it can someone let me know thier thoughts on it
It seems easiest mistake to make she was outside and I was letting nature take care of watering for the most part then 3 week drought and transplant and I drowned her if wasn't for the help from people here and I decided to dry her with a fan on low she would been a goner think.
I did her a lot of water but I think it was more about the change in environment for a couple then trying to put her back I posted some thoughts if you can check out my post
I did her a lot of water but I think it was more about the change in environment for a couple then trying to put her back I posted some thoughts if you can check out my post
Man she looks great! Good job.
What is your light schedule atm? Roughly how long inbetween sunrise and sunset
For first month she was getting direct sunlight the whole day about 3 weeks she was getting noticeable so she was moved I decided the morning hours for her sunlight I had choose one or the other so sunlight started hitting approx. 6:am and she direct sunlight till 4-5pm might have been a little earlier that was about 7 weeks at that point are weather where got really hot and really humid so I brought her in and placed by a set of windows I have light is from5:15 till 9:15 the sun comes in through 10am-8pm so I say after I spent little checking her over for any bugs or other problem signs and looking to make sure no male preflowers she dark pretty 10pm till 5:15 am the sun hits about 30 percent of leaves at one time so throughout the day I move her and spin the pot to get as much sun as can making sure to always have sun on top leaves and main growth she is happy actually growing quicker and fuller by the window. I am trying to get her back to morning sun spot but she is not taking that much direct sunlight well at all she droops growth stalls soon as I bring she perks right up and she grows. yesterday and today she has gained 3 inches and much more more branch leaf growth the way the lighting has worked out and that she still doing well is luck And because she is tolerant I moved her because I had to I didnt plan out certain light cycles for certain amount of time as this my first plant I figured I would write it all in case might be a help to someone else sometime
At this point I'm sticking with the window setup for her daytime maybe it's to humid and hot outside for her type of plant she looks happy thoughimage.jpgimage.jpg