Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

Yeah, "sort of" and also where I say, "It seems kind of mendacious when I hear you complain" yeah well "kind of" was the same thin blade of sarcasm..

Irony uncle buck, irony and sarcasm.

Actually its downright filthy and reeks of corruption, pathological grasping for what is not his and criminal intent to defraud the government.

But who wants to say that to a buddy on a pot forum?

He's not going to understand anyway, conservatives are obsessed with the idea that somebody else might get stuff that they didn't get. So they reach in and grab whatever they can without conscience.

Disgusting heap of rotted flesh...that he is. Well maybe sort of....
Heeeey now.

Lets not make generalizations about everyone based on one example.

I don't think all democrats are bad because of a few bad eggs.
I am watching a old VHS video that had Peter pan and other movies. After Peter pan I am seeing a press conference on cspan from the 90s. Interesting. Talking about Clinton raising taxes on middle class and lowering the unemployment. Something like 1% reduction in unemployment drops the nations deficit by 60-65 billion dollars.
Pardon? I didnt follow what you meant.

"We don't know what we don't know" (I love that quote.)

In a time of no loopholes.......When we were the #1 place on earth to live.....

Higher Education was damn near free, you had to buy the pencil.
Police overtime was unheard of unless you were racist.
State provided mental care, not just a piece of card board and a sharpie and or jail.
Family time together was probably 50% more, 2 week vacation was a given.
If you wanted to protest, it was done, without permission/permit or fences.
We didn't deal with Communist countries because the people couldn't vote.

Oh, sorry, yea, there about 8 countries now where is a healthier environment for raising a family.
Thanks for bringing the IQ of the room down, nitrox. You say its all due to those darn workers that negotiated a good pension with their employer in exchange for lower paychecks while working. Yes, those darn workers keep on living. Why can't they just die like they were supposed to. Very convenient explanation you have. Its all their fault so they should take the hit and you nor I should not consider ourselves responsible for their pensions.

Those people earned every penny of their pension. It wasn't a pyramid scheme, it was an agreement to take less pay now so that they could have a higher pension later. The problem is that Reagan, came into office and started the erosion of wages for the middle and blue collar earners. They were the tax base for those cities. Now that their spending power has dropped, they can no longer afford those houses and pay those taxes. The wealthy that benefited from those pay cuts don't live in those cities. Their fire departments are doing just fine thank you very much.

Oh, your wife collects a social security pension that you sort of got by gaming the system doesn't she? Its ok, you played by the rules well not really but you found a loophole. Good for you. It seems kind of mendacious when I hear you complain about other people negotiating in good faith and claiming they milked the system. .

Edit: Here is a breakdown of the 8 cities that declared bankruptcy.

Five of the eight bankruptcy were triggered by something other than pension funding crises. Nitrox's penchant for spouting Faux News is revealing its inaccuracy again.

My wife earned her wages just like you do. There was no gaming because that money she earned for doing book work was money that somebody would of got if she didn't do the books. She did it for free for a lot of years until I came to realize that all of our income doesn't need to go to me. It was common sense not gaming. Now my son does the books and manages the business and he is not gaming either.

Where did I say city people milked the system? I said they milk the little guy until they run out of money.
sort of?

he "hired" his 62 year old whale partner just so that her non-existent social security benefits (because she never worked or paid into the system for her entire life) would be bumped up to about $1500 a month, aka $18,000 every year.

all this because she paid 6.2% of ~$50k worth of fake earnings that she never even worked for 8 years, a grand total contribution of $24,000.

combined with the medicare benefits she receives to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars annually (because she is morbidly obese), everything they collect after year 1 is free money that they in no way deserve nor earned nor paid in.

at least the government employees busted their asses 40 hours a week for decades on end to earn their retirements.

nitro harley and his whale of a wife just cheated their way into hundreds of thousands of dollars of our money until their pathetic and racist existences on this mortal coil cease to be.

I guess selling pot for a living isn't what you would call the greatest retirement plan. Make something of your self before it is to late.
My wife earned her wages just like you do. There was no gaming because that money she earned for doing book work was money that somebody would of got if she didn't do the books. She did it for free for a lot of years until I came to realize that all of our income doesn't need to go to me. It was common sense not gaming. Now my son does the books and manages the business and he is not gaming either.

Where did I say city people milked the system? I said they milk the little guy until they run out of money.
changing your story now. typical
Given the context of the ridicule you're leveling against Nitro and his family, I don't believe for a second you don't understand what's racist about your crude mythical satire. It's exactly why you chose to do it in the first place.

Would you argue a little "black-face" never hurt? I suppose, given your "non-coherent" thought process, quite possibly.

You have to be held to a higher standard because you're that "guilt ridden kracker" taking on the responsibility of the "social rectifier" the "social do gooder".

You misogynistic bastard, you!

that's some fine fake outrage there.
I guess selling pot for a living isn't what you would call the greatest retirement plan. Make something of your self before it is to late.

yeah, my wife and i will somehow have to make do on the millions of dollars worth of investments and assets her family gave to her.

heavens to betsy, however will we manage?
Doesn't that put her in the 1%?

income wise, no.

between her investments, her earnings, and my earnings, we probably crack the top 25% ($67k a year).

in terms of wealth, $8.4 million is the cutoff. her parents probably make that cut, but most of it is not liquid. it is invested in property and buildings. she owns 10% of most of those, along with a fairly high amount of stocks and other money making things which i do not feign to understand.