Seattle sees fallout from $15 minimum wage, as other cities follow suit

Buck. I don't give a fuck who they donate to. Gates and buffet are leading the pack for being greedy fucking democratic rich people and the left ignores it was my point. I mean Travis.

you seem especially bitter today. how many black men has your 400 pound wife fucked already?
Cost of Living
Due to a strong trade union movement, wages in Denmark are generally higher than in the United States. Negotiated minimum wage is approximately $20/hour.
Income tax in Denmark, however, is high by international standards, and ranges from 45% to a high 56%.
The flat-rate VAT in Denmark is 25%. Major exemptions from VAT are rents, medicine and newspapers.
The cost of living in Denmark is considerably higher than in the United States. Copenhagen is among the five most expensive cities in the world.,+CO&city2=Copenhagen

copenhagen, denmark costs about 10% more to live in than denver, colorado.

but your husband's wages would go from $13 an hour to at least $20 an hour, an increase of nearly 50%.

and you would have free world class healthcare included in that.
you seem especially bitter today.


Why do you hate black people so much? you are going to have to give them more credit than you do for their taste in women. Or when you try to rolli with superman the black grown ups won't like you. I mean Bucky boy sorry.

You forgot that my wife is seventy years old. So your fairy tales and lie's are going to make it very difficult for you to ever rolli with superman and fulfill your biggest dream. just so you know. I mean bucky boy.

You forgot that my wife is seventy years old. So your fairy tales and lie's are going to make it very difficult for you to ever rolli with superman and fulfill your biggest dream. just so you know. I mean bucky boy.

nothing a little astroglide and aleve won't fix.
wow, mighty great argument you have there. OK, let me try the same on you.
Bullshit...not in the real world.

View attachment 3468983
Bullshit, not in the real world

If Walmart raised wages for the typical cashier from about 8.00/hr to 13.60/hr they would have to raise prices 1.4%. That box of mac and cheese would go from 68 cents to 69 cents. It would also save the taxpayers $300,000,000 per year.

So, how much would they have to raise prices if the minimum wage was $15? Maybe another half a percent or less than one more penny per box of mac and cheese.
Cost of Living
Due to a strong trade union movement, wages in Denmark are generally higher than in the United States. Negotiated minimum wage is approximately $20/hour.
Income tax in Denmark, however, is high by international standards, and ranges from 45% to a high 56%.
The flat-rate VAT in Denmark is 25%. Major exemptions from VAT are rents, medicine and newspapers.
The cost of living in Denmark is considerably higher than in the United States. Copenhagen is among the five most expensive cities in the world.
Yes, Denmark is very different from the US. In many ways. Taxes are higher. With higher taxes, the cost of living is higher.

But look at what they get from their investment.
  • Low government debt relative to GDP. Their debt is half that of the US.
  • A stronger economy than the US in terms of GDP growth rate.
  • A comprehensive, effective and very popular health care system from cradle to grave. Comparing costs and effectiveness their system is much better than the US.
  • Denmark's education system is very good and college is tuition free for Danish citizens. Danish college students receive assistance for housing and a stipend of about $900/month. The result is a better educated work force which is the main driver for their healthy economy.
  • Poverty rate is low, the economy is strong, employment rates are better than in the US,
  • Corruption in the government is low,
  • Studies looking at the mental well being of the population show that the Danish are happier than people in the US.
  • Social mobility -- the percentage of people born into the lower income brackets and move up to the higher income brackets is higher in Denmark than in the US.
  • A standard of living that is among the highest in the world.

So, don't just look at the cost. Look at the benefit too.

Denmark is very different from the US and I'm not saying that everybody will be happier if we just adopted their system. I'm just saying that our paradigm is not even close to the best. Conservatives want to keep us that way. I don't know why the working classes would support that. I don't think they will for very much longer.
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