telling sob stories to gain sympathy and discounts

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have any o you ever told a sob story in order to get a discount on something?

maybe even free stuff?

i've never even tried this technique to get out of a speeding ticket, just wanted to see who has and what kind of stories work.
Dammit you!

I was just getting ready to do this.

By this I mean post a thread. I would never scam anyone or tell fake stories to get free stuff.

Lowest of the low.
Bro my dog got a thorn in his paw, and was yelping so I gave him a rip of my joint and he stopped. But I'm all out of weed now, and I feel horrible for him. If only somebody can send me some clones and some dabs I would be ok. Today really Sucks but I'm just looking at the positives bro! You know?
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