Washing your buds after harvest?


Well-Known Member
Yea I agree with what you have said .....HEMP.......was massively used in the textile industry in the past ....couldn't say if it's used so much now but I see no reason why not.......apart from alot of synthetic products that would be cheaper to produce.......hemp itself is a very strong' durable' and flexible substance so strong that in the past various ropes and sacks were made from it.........very underused imo.....


Well-Known Member
Yea I agree with what you have said .....HEMP.......was massively used in the textile industry in the past ....couldn't say if it's used so much now but I see no reason why not.......apart from alot of synthetic products that would be cheaper to produce.......hemp itself is a very strong' durable' and flexible substance so strong that in the past various ropes and sacks were made from it.........very underused imo.....
Of course its underused, it's one of the main reasons it became illegal in the US..typical greed and evil. google William Randolf Hearst. He had a huge part in the initial propaganda and push against cannabis/hemp.


Well-Known Member
Even going as far back as when tobacco and tea were being brought over from some of the Asian countries......hemp sacks and hemp rope were being used on the boats........very usable for various uses..baskets,carry bags,hats,and also cooking.....and finally if you grow your own you get to see all the outher benefits like watching it grow from seed to basically a Bush and then....... sit back........roll a fat one......and say thanks to your next grow for the lovely smoke she's going to give you..........works for me guys......Lol...


Well-Known Member
If you feel like i was responding to you for some reason, i probably could..

Probably could anyway unless you already understand the formation of terpenes and esters, altering aldehydes. And how the cure works through hydrolysis ans gas exchange. What that does in the plant. Amd how to use this to cure more efficiently in practice. Do you know what makes the hay smell? Do you know why n tox creates ca and p def?
You ever grown a 26 week or better sativa indoors? Outdoors?

Im confused on the purpose of your comment


Well-Known Member
yeah but you guys are missing the point, listen to what dris 420 was saying.

first you grow the weed shit (overcrowding, no proper pruning or preventative measures etc)
then you chop it early because you notice a powdery white substance is quickly growing all over your plants
then you use an oxidising and bleaching agent to wash off said powdery substance so it concentrates the potency of your now louder than loud dank!

finished product is worthy of a ht cannabis cup!

that jorge cervantes sure knows his SHIT...............

Ways to use peroxide in the garden
  • General fertilizer, either in plant water or sprayed on foliage.
  • For sick plants. Spray on the leaves and add to water.
  • Hydroponic gardening. Hydroponic gardeners often use peroxide to feed plants, by adding it to the watering system.
  • Spray on tree cuts, to prevent infection.
  • As a spray in the greenhouse, to control mold and mildew.
  • Sprouting seeds before planting. Added to the water that seeds soak in, the seeds will sprout faster and grow stronger.
  • Rooting cuttings. Added to the water, if you’ve put the cuttings directly into water. Or, if you’ve put the cuttings into soil or medium, use peroxide in the water you’re using to water the cuttings with.
  • Mold or fungus on plants or in the soil. Hydrogen peroxide will help to control mold on plants or in the soil. If you’ve got mold on the plant, spraying the leaves is probably bes
  • Weed killer. I’ve read that 10% hydrogen peroxide will kill weeds. Personally, I would rather pull the weeds up. If you do decide to try this, I certainly would NOT use 10% peroxide close to other plants… and I would come back later and add a LOT of water after the unwanted plants ("weeds") have died. This is very very very concentrated
Mixing charts for gardening with hydrogen peroxide
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Well-Known Member
Yea guys......I'm not sold on the washing your plant's if they DON'T need it..........yes it would be very beneficial if you had mould or your plant's we're exposed to some outdoor elements......but as previously posted I will RINSE 4 of mine at the weekend........the outher 4 will be left as I normally dry and cure......so.......hopefully I won't be disappointed when the verdict is In........that's if I have the energy after trimming 8 plants....Lol.....fkn hate trimming.....


Well-Known Member
It could take a while..
Especially if i encompass all the aspects of our plant. Like the polar surface area of thc vs cbd and what that means or thcs logp and how that is applied. I can tell you how it binds to receptors through hydrogen bonding leaving a lysine residue (simplified). I can tell you what the addition of an o etc to the molecule does to binding affinities.
I can make an xr weed pill that lasts several days. I can make a water soluble form of thc playing with methylated cyclodextrins.i can tell yiu how it is formed in the plant along with the other terps. How to use it medically
This is fun

My confusion on the idiocy of your posts does not validate them. I know your a little special..but theyre just plain and simple...simple..but i hope in your delusional world you feel a little better about yourself. Its those kinds of senseless posts that created the wonder known as mainliner..so maybe keep it up


Well-Known Member
Congrats..your older than me....

Ego has nothing to do with information in and of itself. Yiu thinking youvknow something or whatever because yiur older is ego..you obviously did not collect the amount of knowledge i did in even less time


Well-Known Member
It could take a while..
Especially if i encompass all the aspects of our plant. Like the polar surface area of thc vs cbd and what that means or thcs logp and how that is applied. I can tell you how it binds to receptors through hydrogen bonding leaving a lysine residue (simplified). I can tell you what the addition of an o etc to the molecule does to binding affinities.
I can make an xr weed pill that lasts several days. I can make a water soluble form of thc playing with methylated cyclodextrins.i can tell yiu how it is formed in the plant along with the other terps. How to use it medically
This is fun

My confusion on the idiocy of your posts does not validate them. I know your a little special..but theyre just plain and simple...simple..but i hope in your delusional world you feel a little better about yourself. Its those kinds of senseless posts that created the wonder known as mainliner..so maybe keep it up
jesus is right! ++motherfucking REP!