things i have learned from republicans this week


In the end; only conservative folks will be left with MJ. The rest of you fucks ate too lazy to grow and there won't be any pathetic communists to grow for you.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Please forgive my ignorance but is he not required to submit a budget as outlined in the constitution and Budget act?
yep, but his last several budgets didnt even get support from the democrats in the house and senate.

harry reid only brought 2 of 4 up to a vote, and they got ZERO yea votes.

thats why he loves continuing resolutions. we were still running on bush's budget from 2007, with Bush's built in baseline increases until this year. and even then, The One blew the doors off his own moronic mathematical construct, and needs a bigger line of credit, which is whats goin down now.

the 2014 budget isnt gonna be like last years, since barry has fucked us over with his off the books obamacare cost overruns.

meh, TLDR, republicans are meanies and they want children to die in the streets.

Edit: fuck im high.

Barry is required to propose a budget, basically a wish list, but the congress creates their own appropriations bills. thats why the dems are trying so hard to keep the appropriations bills away from a vote, if barry receives a budget on his desk that doesnt have everything he wants he will veto it, and that puts the blame squarely on Ole Hope N Change himself.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
unfortunately, not for a good the paragraph again.
People are getting less subsidies and the government is paying 11% less because the people have to pay more. That makes sense because mine went up as you know nearly 20%. Bucky's pumping that like he won something.

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
This is a good read, and there health care went up 20% also.

When Obamacare doesn't seem so affordable
By Marcie Geffner •

The Affordable Care Act, or ACA, has made health insurance accessible for millions of formerly uninsured people. But are Obamacare health plans as affordable as the law's name implies?

For some people, no. My experience could be a case study.

Big hike in premiums and no subsidies
My pre-ACA individual health insurance policy had a $317 monthly premium and $5,200 annual deductible. It provided me with protection against catastrophic medical bills, reasonable negotiated rates for services and access to a wide selection of doctors.

Save on your health insurance -- compare quotes

In 2014, my policy was canceled because it didn't comply with the health care law, and my insurer moved me into a new "bronze" plan. Obamacare plans come in four metallic tiers; bronze is the lowest tier and pays just 60 percent of covered medical expenses.

The Affordable Care Act offers subsidies to help with the costs, but my income level makes me ineligible for those.

My new plan came with a $344 premium, $4,500 deductible and $6,300 out-of-pocket maximum. In January 2015, my premium jumped to $382, for a two-year increase of $65 per month, or $780 per year.

I had to wonder: In what way is a more-than-20-percent spike in premiums "affordable"?

Mixed feelings about health law
I like my Obamacare plan's preventive services at no additional cost, the end of lifetime caps on health benefits and the ability to change plans without worrying about pre-existing medical conditions. But no plan includes all of my doctors in network. In fact, one doctor's group practice has even had a sign at reception saying, "We do not accept any ACA insurance."

Low-income people who qualify for the subsidies -- premium tax credits and reductions in deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs -- have received the greatest benefit from the law, says James Scullary, a spokesman for Covered California, my state's state-run health exchange.

Covered California signed up more than 1.3 million people in 2014's open enrollment period. Some of those people pay no monthly premium, $3 copays for doctor visits and $5 for prescription medicine, while others pay a monthly premium that's less than the cost of cellphone service or a gym membership, Scullary says.


Well-Known Member
People are getting less subsidies and the government is paying 11% less because the people have to pay more. That makes sense because mine went up as you know nearly 20%. Bucky's pumping that like he won something.
2014 - subsidies covered 100% of gold plan
2015 - same subsidies no longer covered 100% of any plan; same gold plan was quoted $33/month with subsidy; billed $77/month..bronze plan would have been around the $40/month, based upon quoted and actual.

this might was well be $40,000,000.00, for me.

increases must be across the board, all i used my ACA last year was to be able to see the doctor once to renew medications and RX. $77/month.

needless to say, i no longer have ACA.

i don't blame the president for this..but guess who i do blame?

scum dollar hoarding billionaires..thats who!:finger:


Well-Known Member
People are getting less subsidies and the government is paying 11% less because the people have to pay more. That makes sense because mine went up as you know nearly 20%. Bucky's pumping that like he won something.
everyone's ACA went up across the board equally, to make up for the very ill who suck up our medical resources.

mine was $0, with subsidy last year; $77/monthly well doc visit for rx renewal and rx's that were barely covered because generics are almost as costly as brand..they keep wanting me to swap out the meds that work for shit that is chemically similar with a molecule off..hey brainiacs! = not the same:lol:

nitro harley

Well-Known Member
2014 - subsidies covered 100% of gold plan
2015 - same subsidies no longer covered 100% of any plan; same gold plan was quoted $33/month with subsidy; billed $77/month..bronze plan would have been around the $40/month, based upon quoted and actual.

this might was well be $40,000,000.00, for me.

increases must be across the board, all i used my ACA last year was to be able to see the doctor once to renew medications and RX. $77/month.

needless to say, i no longer have ACA.

i don't blame the president for this..but guess who i do blame?

scum dollar hoarding billionaires..thats who!:finger:
Sky, I feel your pain and who ever said we would be saving 2500.00 per house hold can stick those billionaires up his ass.


Well-Known Member
Sky, I feel your pain and who ever said we would be saving 2500.00 per house hold can stick those billionaires up his ass.
we have a choice nitro..long live the S-CORP, LLC! death to C-CORP!

do you feel the 'bern' of the billionaires yet?

time to take our country back, men!