Goodbye Cruel World

The Maidu are on the fringe of the tattooing tribes. In the northern valley the women wore three to seven vertical lines on the chin, plus a diagonal line from each mouth corner toward the outer end of the eye. The process was one of fine close cuts with an obsidian splinter, as among the Shasta, with wild nutmeg charcoal rubbed in. For men there existed no universal fashion: the commonest mark was a narrow stripe upward from the root of the nose. As elsewhere in California, lines and dots were not uncommon on breast, arms, and hands of men and women; but no standardized pattern seems to have evolved except the female face.
You're speaking my language.

You KNOW how much I like the Giffies. Bring your girl along, I might actually like that too...

View attachment 3460728

OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH man..i knew that shit looked just opened up a can of worms ..the fun shall begin about dependapotamus (sp)



