You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

your buddy dyz (who is apparently not a rocket scientist or neurosurgeon) is opposed to civil rights and says denying them to people was never harmful.

how is that not racist?

and why the hell am i asking a guy like you, who espouses racist neck down evolution theories, about your opinion?

jesus fuck, you're making me stupider just with your very presence.


You are trying to defend your actions on a completely different site on a pot forum because it's that important to you. You are still repeating the same worn out shit you've been repeating for years... And like I said, it's not just the idiot climate deniers, people on your side were telling you to stop posting you were so bad. I find it funny you are in such denial about it, like it's the most important thing in the world to you that people here don't find out how you are thought of when you post somewhere else.

I think you may be my hero.
Not sure why you'd want to remind everyone of how dumb you were, but OK man, since you asked.

My favorite part is when you claim science backs you up.

You literally proved nothing. Are you this fucking delusional? Or are you just trying to troll?

Appendix is useless.
Coccyx is useless.

I did not refute my earlier claims as you've presented us. In fact, I have further proven as to WHY they are useless.
If anyone wondering, this is how Buck acts when he goes to other places as well. He loses a debate and starts yelling RACIST!! (While throwing out David Duke quotes too, it's quite the delicious irony).

Google UncleBuckley and read his pocket fives debates and you will almost feel sorry for him.

I has a sad. Unclebuckley was a fish out of water, a troll without his favorite bridge. Where were his acolytes in his time of need?

You are trying to defend your actions on a completely different site on a pot forum because it's that important to you. You are still repeating the same worn out shit you've been repeating for years... And like I said, it's not just the idiot climate deniers, people on your side were telling you to stop posting you were so bad. I find it funny you are in such denial about it, like it's the most important thing in the world to you that people here don't find out how you are thought of when you post somewhere else.

I think you may be my hero.

are you seriously delusional?

i invite everyone to go over there and watch me make sport of the retarded science deniers and racists over there.

while they are there, they can check out some of the white supremacy quotes from you supporting evolutionary racism, like this one:


"races with higher intelligence tend to be more successful and this is the reason for the white-black gap in our country. they seem to discount socioeconomic factors...I BELIEVE BOTH PLAY A ROLE" - ginwilly.
This one was pretty funny:


so did you and ginwilly decide to do your stormfront white supremacy outreach together, or was it a coinicdental meeting between white supremacists that brought you two together?

what do you think of ginwilly's theory that "races with higher intelligence tend to be more successful and this is the reason for the white-black gap in our country"?

did you know KKK grand wizard david duke has the same theory?
i'm delusional for thinking that "libertarians" think that civil rights is an attack on property rights, according to this guy.


he looks like a man of superior intellect, wouldn't you say?
I do not think it is a good idea to judge intellect on looks, he does have a nice beard though


does this guy below "look" like he is a man of superior intellect ?
eye ree.JPG
the question is just a reflection of the fact that you are functionally illiterate.
Your English is disgusting you write like a teenager on youtube

Your usage of the word "actual" is (extraneous) unless you are stating that a "racist"/neo-nazi is not a racist unless they are an "actual racist"/ "actual neo nazi"
for your statement to be correct the term "racist" is false , and only an actual racist can be "actually racist"

you used the word "actual" because you were overcome with emotion when you recalled the neo-nazi event that occurred at riu
you let your emotions get the better of you .. hence the grammar slip, you were trying to overemphasize a point like a teenager on youtube

"real actual neo nazis , no shit honest .. not pretend neo nazis like those other nazis , these were the real deal , bonafide 24 carrot neo nazis"

Now, these ^^ are the type of fellows you really really really truthfully have to watch out for .. no word of a lie
Your English is disgusting you write like a teenager on youtube

Your usage of the word "actual" is (extraneous) unless you are stating that a "racist" is not a racist unless they are an "actual racist"
for your statement to be correct the term "racist" is false , and only an actual racist can be "actually racist"

you used the word "actual" because you were overcome with emotion when you recalled the neo-nazi event that occurred at riu
you let your emotions get the better of you .. hence the grammar slip, you were trying to overemphasize a point like a teenager on youtube

"real actual neo nazis , no shit honest .. not pretend neo nazis like those other nazis , these were the real deal , bonafide 24 carrot neo nazis"

Now, these ^^ are the type of fellows you really really really truthfully have to watch out for .. no word of a lie

adjectives can be used for emphasis, don't have a meltdown over it tiny dick.
has my use of a single word really bothered you for this many days?

or are you just butthurt about your 100% true story?

Your youtube English implies that some of the neo nazis here are not "actual" even an imbecile like you knows this

perhaps you should name those who are "actual" and those who are not