Addressing someone as Doctor...

Addressing a doctor

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Well-Known Member
Had a customer call the office yesterday and he referred to himself as Doctor SoAndSo rather than Mr SoAndSo. What are your thoughts on this? I've always felt if I'm not in their place of work, then them being a doctor has absolutely no bearing on the situation. What do you guys think?


Virtually Unknown Member
It's important to THIS doctor, that he be called that, and he is your customer.

Many docs, both MD and PHD only desire the honorific be used in front of patients, students, residents or if they are introduced by another in a professional situation. In a social situation if intro'd with the title, they will say "please call me John" to make everyone feel more at ease. One of the least pretentious men I ever met had multiple doctorates, a peerage, and was a full tenured professor at Oxford. Anyone that knew him, knew to intro him as just "John Smith" in a social setting. He was gracious, welcoming and unassuming, a real classy guy. I never once heard him intro himself as Dr.


Well-Known Member
LOL, I've known a few of those as well. Yeah, you're right cause their status requires their "lessors" to address them properly and they expect it from most everyone.
And a good number of them have PhDs. They would be so pissed if you called them Dr rather than Admiral. Mind you, we are talking about non-active personnel here.


Well-Known Member
Not a doctor but have been thanked as one in my profession.. I did not correct them. Just saved a bunch of money

You can get your doctrine in many fields other than medical and walk around referring to yourself as doctor pepper all you want but it's the ones in the medical field that has my true respect and I show them that by addressing them as so.


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends...If I'm paying them, I feel like I should be able to cal him them Shitbag if I want to...But if they're paying me, I'll jump through whatever hoops they want me to.
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Well-Known Member
my mom has her PHD and all that jazzy bullshit and she ALWAYS gets offended when people forget the DR. doesn't matter the situation. even in highschool when my friends would say mrs instead she'd get butt hurt.personally i think she needs to chill the fuck out :)