Good Morning Universe, how the hell are ya. I finally have relief from the damn pinched nerve, so I am taking it easy again today so I don't re pinch it somehow. We have seeds cracked from the Tangie and Lifestar jars, so those along with some BASH are going into paper for a few days to grow some tails and get stronger. BASH is from Oregon Green Seed Company, mold and mildew resistant strains that kick ass. When I had it in stock BASH was a weekender only for me, or special holidays. I put in seeds from my last run not some originals just to see if they will crack and grow.
The little ones I think I am going to update every other day on them until they get a decent size, I like seeing them grow day by day, but I don't want to be a boring host. I did put them on kelp juice and cal mag water, they seem to like it, I dilute it a quite a bit as to not burn anything just give them a little bit to feed off of.
Not to bad a line up BASH, Lifestar, Tangie, Skunk Wrecked Widows and a GG#4 out of chance.