Moondance's Universe of Breeding


Well-Known Member
Yeah those were from the last run, as I find them I post them is all, still got the pinched nerve thing going on, day 4 now, it can go away at any time. I think I would rather have any other pain that the pinched nerve in my neck this sucks.


Well-Known Member
Lookin' good!

Yeah, Pinched Nerves are a pain in the ass. Someone says hi and you forget and turn your head and BAM.


Well-Known Member
Those were a test run of mine before I did the vertical run of the ED and PK, those 2 smoked so good though.

Happy to report the GG#4 has leaves and is above ground, the SK x DB are lost, did not come up above soil.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Universe, how the hell are ya. I finally have relief from the damn pinched nerve, so I am taking it easy again today so I don't re pinch it somehow. We have seeds cracked from the Tangie and Lifestar jars, so those along with some BASH are going into paper for a few days to grow some tails and get stronger. BASH is from Oregon Green Seed Company, mold and mildew resistant strains that kick ass. When I had it in stock BASH was a weekender only for me, or special holidays. I put in seeds from my last run not some originals just to see if they will crack and grow.
The little ones I think I am going to update every other day on them until they get a decent size, I like seeing them grow day by day, but I don't want to be a boring host. I did put them on kelp juice and cal mag water, they seem to like it, I dilute it a quite a bit as to not burn anything just give them a little bit to feed off of.

Not to bad a line up BASH, Lifestar, Tangie, Skunk Wrecked Widows and a GG#4 out of chance.

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
For posterity, that seed found in the GG#4 is actually a GG#4 S1 (first selfed generation).

@taGyo the GG#4 is a clone only.strain. it can only be found in clone form and passed along from person to person that way. It's not available in seed form.

The seeds that I have are also S1's, but I haven't found anything that good in them yet. Chances are that they'll differ from the parent... GG#4 is pretty unique but I'm hoping for something good in those seeds. My last crop had two GG#4 crosses (gorilla fuck x GG#4) and both those plants threw some pollen sacs so just be on the lookout for when the time comes!

I just smoked some scissor hash and some of one of the Gorilla Fuck x GG#4 crosses, very spicy and racy!

Have a good day ya'll


Well-Known Member
@taGyo I usually don't plant random seeds I find in a bud, but I figured for shit's and giggles I would see what it did, plus I was bored. Yes trying to do some addition with the Tangies into one of my signature strains for the future, and it would be a vital part, along with the Lifestar, I am hoping for a male or two out of this run.
Looks like the killer dream seeds were just a bit underdeveloped so no go on them.
Peace, Be Safe MD.


Well-Known Member
Good Morning Universe, A big Happy Fourth of July to everyone. We are going to just having a relaxing weekend together, The wifey and I are doing some much needed gardening in the big garden. So Stay Safe - Stay High and be Happy everyone! Peace, Be Safe MD.