Mac or PC?


Virtually Unknown Member
Ah yes, I remember fucking around with Win3.0, 95,98, 2000, NT and all that DOS. Those early versions, you thought it was a miracle just to be connected to the net.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes, I remember fucking around with Win3.0, 95,98, 2000, NT and all that DOS. Those early versions, you thought it was a miracle just to be connected to the net.
I remember buying MS-DOS. Can't remember what version (2.0?) but it was before they settled on a color for Microsoft. The box was forest green.


Well-Known Member
What the hell? This thread is nothing butt a troll trap.
The simple truth is to buy what you like or need. F*ck the politics.


F*ck it all. Hack the world. Smoke a jay, eat some shrooms, get it done bitches. I'm out.


Mother f*cker.