Mac or PC?


Well-Known Member
K, I'll be first. Mac all the way. Easier to utilize... It works... It's reliable... It never shutdown.
Also use the iPad and iPhone. No watch.


Well-Known Member
Pc. Why? Because i have 110% complete control of my hardware which i keep changing every few months! But its fun!


Well-Known Member
Mac and PC are the same hardware now.
Mac with there fag=ship OS is to homo for me to locked up like there itunes and everything else they touch, to much control over the hardware they will let you use.

PC with winblows Complete shit !!!!

PC with Linux , Ubuntu or Linuxmint nice .

PC Made by with there system driver so everything works rock solid Priceless !

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
The PC/Mac war was very ugly from around 1984 - 2002. I worked in education where PC's were scarce in a classroom below the high school level in California. PC's were king and people who used Macs were considered just plain stupid by many. After 2002, Apple became a major player in developing music and film.

By the end of my career I was using both systems for different reasons. I learned the value of each system.
Nobody won the war... The world will probably continue to use PC/Mac/and Lynux forever...

Peace to all users...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Whatever works for you. I like pc because of the hardware side, and the software customization side. I dislike ma because it is dumbed down for idiots (the ones buying it because of the logo) yet is somehow still unintuitive.

Itunes match really highlights how retarded mac can be though.


Well-Known Member
I use an iPad and a PC. There is not a day that I do not want to throw my iPad, Frisbeeelike, into the trash. I am annoyed by the choices that the black turtle-necked asshats have made for me. For example, arrows. No fucking arrows. What's the matter Apple? Did the arrows ruin the aesthetic of your keyboard? Well fuck it, get rid of them. create some fucked up magnifying glass thingy that takes three times longer to use and works half as well. It's the little things, but there are a million of them. Apple should stick to making toys.

Fluff Up

Well-Known Member
dual boot linux mint because it's free and works best out of all & win7 for games, damnit steam hurry up with the rest of your library
if you're not using Mac to edit audio or video you're a cancer on the earth, I hope you get raped by a confused lesbian who goes by the name Bowling Ball Bag Bob
@Unclebaldrick thanks for system76, never knew it existed :D