Random Jibber Jabber Thread

Yeah, but worth the extra dough for sure. Last time we had some we all got shitfaced and set a bunch off in WalMart. Got chased out by security.

Lol I'm past those days BUT I did set one off right in front of my old aunties and mom and her new boyfriend. "Oj mijo are those loud" BOOOOOOOM I felt kinda bad. But I don't know why they were sitting so close
I like sticking morters in fruit...hear me out now there are two parts of awesome to this....first you get a water melon..cut a hole in it big enough to stick the mortar in, stick the morter in, and lightly replace the square cut out (condenses the explosion makes it better) light the mortar...stand close enough so you are in the blast radius...trust me on this fruit does not hurt and it adds to the awesome of explosion...then and this is important..squish your toes in the water melon remnants its better than any foot massage I swear.
The mortars I bought last time could put you in the hospital if you were within a blast radius...I started getting the triple and quad report mortars with multiple effects. I had a tube burn up on me and misfire the mortar three years ago...suffice to say, good thing it was only my gf and I at the beach by ourselves.
Shit. Now I really want to go get fireworks. It's like a 4 hour drive each way, and I don't feel like paying Saturday night rates to stay out there...Might just drive out and back in one day? Camp in the middle of the desert? Bite the bullet and get a room on the strip?

Maybe I not go.... :(
Found a bunch of morphine i stashed away a while back. Be back in a week.

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One of the new sponsors on here is shipping me a free ten pack of TGA Nine Pound Hammer because I'm a big weiner!! Haha, thanks @GorillaSeedBank , and Sherry for showing me the love! I'll post pics when they arrive...wanted to try TGA for ages, but always chickened out before from hearing nanner stories...but lately I've been craving something fruity, and the universe, and The Gorilla, provided for me!

Thanks again, Sherry!
I got two prospects for a new connection.

The problem is I only have enough cash to pay one them. One was supposed to hook me up tonight but it didn't happen (playing middle man). The other one offered to sell to me as a complete surprise (last person in the world I'd expect to be a dealer).

Anyway, one is supposed to text me tomorrow to let me know it's on. While the other is just planning to bring it.

I don't like being in situations like this, and normally would try to avoid them. It's just the second one threw me off guard, while the first one didn't come through.

Any idea how to handle this? I don't have their phone numbers, but I see both of them pretty regularly. Problem is I won't see either one until it's time for money to change hands.