Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Got some free passes for the zoo this weekend so we went since neither of has had been since we were kids. That god damn place is the most depressing place ive ever been. Never saw it that way as a kid but as an adult that shit seriously ruined my day. All the animals were all sad looking in their little "habitats" made of fake trees and rock faces. I will never go to the fucking zoo again. Ugh sorry. Had to get that out. I vould go on but i wont.


Well-Known Member
Indeed I do. Been 2 weeks now. Unnatural amounts of phlegm and mucus being sneezed and hacked up? Tissues everywhere as if its Fin's college dorm room?
Holy fuck - it's infected Canada as well.

Ive been sick for a week. Never ending nose-blowing and coughing.

Luckily I'm not currently sexually active, and I know all my snot rags are just that, and not used as clean up in a sexy scenario.

This cold is a boner killer for sure.