On "What makes you believe that God is real?"


Well-Known Member

These answers are what we'd expect.. Very shallow and not very well thought out.. Something meant for the moment, not our entire existence..

"Because I believe God showed himself to me!"

"Because my dad was an adamant atheist and he asked God for help, and he helped!"

"Because the world just doesn't make sense!"

"Because my mom had leukemia and asked for God's help, he saved her, and then the cancer returned, but she knew about it this time and felt it, he didn't choose to save her again, and she knew it, so that's why God exists!"

"I asked God to make my mom quit drinking, she quit drinking, so God exists!"


Anybody noticing a trend?
Nice vid Paddy. But my faith is not shaken. I will not preach to anyone for their lack there-of. The question that weighs on my mind is why some seem to have a fascination in debunking the belief in the first place. I understand we have extreme religious zealots who are no different in their push. As far as an answer to your original question, I don't have the answer but can only aver that my family and I live a more peaceful, loving and forgiving existence because of our faith. I am not better nor worse than anyone else, however I do believe I'm a better person to myself friends, family amd loved ones. Clearly I am not as educated as you in the ways of the world. I have read many of your threads and agree with you on many points you have written but rarely will I reply especially in the political forum because I don't care much for some of the company there. Honestly I don't know how some are able to stay verticle with all the top heavy weight of hate.
when life sucker punches you...you grab onto to what ever there is that's in reach... more often then not its religion...one time myself and a friend were in the ocean the current took us far enough out, that people on shore looked like ants...I freaked out,and almost drowned...I saw my friend as the only thing to grab onto push him down to keep me up... you think of nothing but saving your own life...that's why life guards throw devices to you and life has also sucker punched me I grabbed on to the god thing also... that's what was in my reach so I grabbed... and I grabbed hard and tight...but I learned many things since then...there is no diety looking to be worshiped or obeyed...I most likely would have grabbed a human friend if there was one around at the time
Ive found "apologetic" writings on genesis 1 rather interesting. Combining todays science and astronomy to come up with a surprisingly accurate representation of the earths formation and what that wouldve looked like from the perspective of someone on earth as described in genesis.
Does that make me believe god is real? Certainly not in and of itself. But i am a christian, there are many things that combined give me a very strong faith
when life sucker punches you...you grab onto to what ever there is that's in reach... more often then not its religion...one time myself and a friend were in the ocean the current took us far enough out, that people on shore looked like ants...I freaked out,and almost drowned...I saw my friend as the only thing to grab onto push him down to keep me up... you think of nothing but saving your own life...that's why life guards throw devices to you and life has also sucker punched me I grabbed on to the god thing also... that's what was in my reach so I grabbed... and I grabbed hard and tight...but I learned many things since then...there is no diety looking to be worshiped or obeyed...I most likely would have grabbed a human friend if there was one around at the time

using your example:
suppose before your ocean excursion, someone had told you to put on a life vest because it could save your life if the current pulls you too far out. you think it foolish to wear it as it will impede your experience of the ocean so you refuse it. as you are already aware, in that moment of near-drowning, you were willing to grab on to anything to save your life--even at the expense of your friend's life--and probably wished you had a life jacket. that is what Jesus Christ is: He is your life vest. now is the time to put Him on. James 4:14 ...for what is your life? it is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.


there is a Creator. creation itself declares it. Psalm 19:1. Romans 1:20 says that His invisible attributes are clearly seen since the creation of the world so that no one is without excuse. Psalm 14:1 says a fool has said in his heart there is no God.
the Bible says there is no greater love than for a man to lay down his life for another. John 15:3 we know this is definitely true--we hear last Father's Day of a man who lost his life trying to save his son who was drowning, along with the son's older friend who also tried to save the young boy; all three died. that father showed the ultimate expression of love in trying to save his son and the other young boy.
just as that father was willing to do for his child, our Creator was willing to die for His creation. as hard as it is to believe there is a God, it takes more faith to believe there isn't a God. the original curse in the Garden explains the evils of this world. it explains the slow death we are all experiencing. Hebrews 9:27 states that it is appointed unto man to die, and after that judgment.
that's why 1 Peter 5:8 says our adversary (Satan in Hebrew) prowls around like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour. that's why Ephesians 6:16-17 speaks of putting on the whole armor of God. because we have an enemy who is seeking to destroy us. there is a supernatural world, whether we want to believe it or not.

...so what makes me believe in God? Creation. The Bible/Prophecy. DNA. Mathematics. Love.


Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. if you're reading this thread, you should consider He is knocking...answer it.

How To Go To Heaven

What Is Biblical Repentance?
I believe in God. Or a God. Which may unlike be the type that others believe in. I consider myself to be a scientist (junior level). Which actually bolsters my belief in an existence of a God.

Just using basic understanding of what we currently consider to be the physical substance of our know universe, and what we understand to be the creation, or beginning of it. I would have to say that from our standpoint. There is a God.

Does that mean that there is some great overseer deciding who goes where and does whatever? Yes. And no.

If you asked me what I envisioned God to be. I would honestly say. For our comprehensions sake. Something that is a cross between a fungus and a snake. If I had to envision such an entity. Why? Due to my scope of comprehension. Where would I? As a single human fit into all this? Maybe the actual size of an electron in a singular cell. At most. Our planet being the nucleus. Our galaxy being a cluster.

To me. God is everything. How do our actions affect or assist God? The energy's that are transmitted and/or changed by what we do to the environment around us. They always have a deeper meaning. The ones who don't notice are the ones that do not want to accept it or see it occurring.
Their shallow reasoning doesnt reach much further than their shallow belief. Their minds are on a short leash so any far reaches in reasoning result in a scared, closed minded retreat, or, very rarely, a new, more reasonable concept of reality.

Im convinced that theres much more to this reality and that our consciousness continues after we die, but besides that I only have ideas as to how that side of reality functions. The issue with that though is the credibility of my subjective experiences that I use to explain my belief in the supernatural. The default position of agnostic atheism is definitely the only logical position to take regarding this stuff, but it doesnt hurt to make your beliefs a little colorful.
The popular "norms" are what causes us to to label ourselves as being this or that. We cannot just "be". For some reason, others must be comfortable with who we are and what we believe. All this prior to being comfortable with ourseves.

Modern society. Just as archaic as the past. Just less endearing.
God is just a word, Rab in Hebrew, Allah in Arabic, Tengri in Turkish, Tanri in Turkish (Turkey)... It defines what can not be understood or explained by current perception. We believe in what we know, and our knowledge is so limited that we need a God to fill in the gap... Many simple questions remain unanswered, like;

* What is matter?
* What is life, human?
* Why humans exist?
* What is gravity?
* Are there any other civilizations in our universe?
* Are there other dimensions, like the one our souls live (energy dimension)

Once we answer all the questions, God will be our ecosystem, and we will be Gods... :-)
The only way to understand the true God is to have a personal relationship with Him through His Word. Daily you must be willing to listen to what He wants to tell you - which is found in His Word. The evidence is experienced by testing all the prophecies that have been fulfilled precisely according to His Word, and watching as the ones that are being revealed today come true. Are you starting to get an idea yet? You have to study His Word EVERY DAY

These answers are what we'd expect.. Very shallow and not very well thought out.. Something meant for the moment, not our entire existence..

"Because I believe God showed himself to me!"

"Because my dad was an adamant atheist and he asked God for help, and he helped!"

"Because the world just doesn't make sense!"

"Because my mom had leukemia and asked for God's help, he saved her, and then the cancer returned, but she knew about it this time and felt it, he didn't choose to save her again, and she knew it, so that's why God exists!"

"I asked God to make my mom quit drinking, she quit drinking, so God exists!"


Anybody noticing a trend?
Yep, and these are the exact responses that you'll receive in here. Bottom line is, people believe their "God" because they were told to. My mother was one of them. She was a great person, but she smoked all of her adult life, and it was clearly killing her. When I would try and and speak to her about it, her programmed response was always "I'm praying on it.". Which clearly didn't work, as she is no longer with us. And, of course, the "Christian" response to that is "She's in a better place", which seems like COMPLETE NONSENSE to me. God is a crutch that people use to conveniently explain away what they choose not to believe. "It's a miracle!" is the convenient resonse, when the "miracle" is usually easily explained. My question was always "Why is their God any better than their God? . They both do what they do in the name of their God. So who's right?
The only way to understand the true God is to have a personal relationship with Him through His Word. Daily you must be willing to listen to what He wants to tell you - which is found in His Word. The evidence is experienced by testing all the prophecies that have been fulfilled precisely according to His Word, and watching as the ones that are being revealed today come true. Are you starting to get an idea yet? You have to study His Word EVERY DAY
The Klan study's studies "His Word" EVERY DAY. So do Muslim extremists.
You all facking ediots believing in fairytales written by the people who put order to the world and then abuse it.
If you read a little history you would know before politicians came on power the church used to rule the lands.
All kind of religions are nonsense even tho some of them are created to make us be a better human beings.

P.S. What I say is not believe, it is a proven facts!
Which many of you may not accept because you already have been brainwashed by the system you live in. Or because you are seeking hope and there is nowhere else to find it!

Written by a Scientific Realist.
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I ask of you to give proof that he doesn't.
The fact that you are all believers is first proof that he doesn't exist. It means that you are not sure of his existence because there is no solid evidence, therefore you are only believer.
There is a lot of moral in the bible, but its a fairytale just like harry potter.

The bible is not written by god. Its written by the religion.
The Klan study's studies "His Word" EVERY DAY. So do Muslim extremists.
You are talking about different gods. which there are many. The muslim's god is a different god, much like the catholic god, the baptist god, the klan's god, etc...

The true god doesn't say your mom is in a better place, she's in the ground like every other dead person (except jesus).

no one convinced me or passed on to me anything about god or his word, i was open-minded enough to find out what all this bible hype was all about. then i was intelligent enough to study both sides of the subjects in detail (such as which day is the sabbath, is there a rapture [NO!], or what is man's purpose). The thing i found is that counterfeit religions, traditions, and interpretations are more accepted as "christian" than what his word actually says. You could write a book just on the misconceptions of what jesus taught while he was on earth in the flesh, and that was only during a 3 year period. I don't mind you talking about all the lambs being herded into the meat grinder, following their "ordained" minister of fairy tales; however, don't lump the ones who don't follow the counterfeit version of god, jesus, the holy spirit, and religion with all those idiots who do.