On "What makes you believe that God is real?"

The fact that you are all believers is first proof that he doesn't exist. It means that you are not sure of his existence because there is no solid evidence, therefore you are only believer.
There is a lot of moral in the bible, but its a fairytale just like harry potter.

The bible is not written by god. Its written by the religion.

explain the accuracies of prophecies within god's word to me then... how could any man know any of the things that were going to happen before they did. Not only that, but they have to be right 100% of the time for any of it to be true, or it is all false (unlike nostrodamus and other "prophets" who predicted some things kind of accurately).
I am illusionist. I do close up magic-tricks. I fool people and get payed for it. Its all sleight of hand but for the people witnessing it is a real-magic. As people say only god is capable of making miracles. By looking at their faces and reactions it seems I'm their new god. But when they ask me how I do it, I simply say it "magic".
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explain the accuracies of prophecies within god's word to me then... how could any man know any of the things that were going to happen before they did. Not only that, but they have to be right 100% of the time for any of it to be true, or it is all false (unlike nostrodamus and other "prophets" who predicted some things kind of accurately).
My prophecy says that tomorrow you are gonna wake up at some point. Then eat at some other point.
Now its a stupid example. But if it happens you wake up tomorrow morning and then eat. My prophecies would be pretty accurate don't you think so? I am god in that case?
If god exists then your dog would be believing in it too.
But no, in reality you are the dog's god because that dog's life depends on you.

Now put yourself in a position that you have an aquarium, with a colony of some kind of insects or animals. They are living things, but they would continue living if you give them the environment to survive.
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For you, the religion is your god. For me, I believe in action, reaction, stimulation and most important myself because I exist and I fight trough every-day's problems for my existence.

If I didn't wanted to exist id jump of a cliff and then ask god to save me. :D
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The only way to find out is if you take the time to know
If god exists then your dog would be believing in it too.
But no, in reality you are the dog's god because that dog's life depends on you.

Very good, i am like a god to my dog. However a dog only has instincts, us humans have much more than that. Where does all of that come from and why are we so different from animals? Why do we have a conscience?
You would need to study how complex and complete the prophecies that have been fulfilled are before you would understand it's not something any man would be capable of, let alone many different men used to piece together the larger prophecies....
The only way to find out is if you take the time to know

Very good, i am like a god to my dog. However a dog only has instincts, us humans have much more than that. Where does all of that come from and why are we so different from animals? Why do we have a conscience?
You would need to study how complex and complete the prophecies that have been fulfilled are before you would understand it's not something any man would be capable of, let alone many different men used to piece together the larger prophecies....

Dog don't have only instincts. You would be stupid to believe animals have only instincts. They have their own thoughts, they have the intellect to communicate to each other. They understand. They can learn. They can dream. Just like human beings. We are no different than animals. Is you that believe you are something more than any other living thing on this plant.

As I said and I am serious about it, I am full time illusionist. I can predict the card that a person is gonna take, before they even take it, because the cards are under my control. Now, if I had written it on a piece of paper, once they pull the card I've written, the prophecy will be complete, but instead I used it in a combination to achieve even more powerful illusions.

As a little kid I was influenced by my mother to be believer. I've been visiting church and studying the bible together with my mum. I really enjoyed it as a book and the stories in it, with the morals. As I grew older and and had the intellect to analyze the information that I observed.
I realized god was nothing more than santa claus.
Here we get back to science. A little kid does what it sees, being most influenced by their parents. A baby eats whatever his mum feeds it, even if she had to feed it poison.
The first few years on human life is the development of their mind before they get to stage to take own decisions. This is the years you teach a kid to have perspectives for what is good and what is bad. If you teach a kid to kill, you would make a cold blooded killer because for this kid perspectives this will be normal. Therefore if you teach it religion, law obeying, loving that is what it's gonna be.

As well being religious doesn't make you a good person.
Neither being an atheist makes you a bad person.
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Human knowledge came from evolution. Past generations have been more isolated and limited to knowledge, with other words more stupid than what we are now. Every living thing evolves with each next generation. Its a way to survive.
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I believe you should learn more about the royal families that are choosing the world order since before religion even existed.

You should ask yourself about the media and how it controls our minds.

You should ask yourself how come there is American armies in the Arab Empires?
Not because the fake 9/11. To fool the society that that Arabs are the bad guys.
The world leaders don't care if they are gonna spare a bunch of innocent citizens,
when in future this act will help their nation to progress.

If you dig a little information you would understand that this war happened because of the agreement with the Arabs to supply only America and they have denied. Did you know that the oil there is actually owned by the Germans?

Why don't you ask yourself what is happening in Africa? Do they have no gods to be let humiliated like this by the people having gods so called Christians? Or they might be the demons?

Do you know every third world country is in the hands of so called first world country?

Germans (including all British and Dutch governments and France) created the European union. To take control of each government.
With the idea of opening the borders to give freedom to people.
When in reality there is no import taxes. Me as a person from a third world European country. Do you know our products are bought cheaper in Germany than our own country?
Every undeveloped country of the European union is a slave to the leaders.

Russians are still in control of their minions.

Not to mention America still in control of their Latin neighbors, Africa, China, Arabs and probably much more.

Not to forget American leaders are controlled by the same royal families that in control of the European union.

Not to mention that they have friendly relation with Russians and would not mess in their business, because who would want to have on going war with the Russians.

These are just their latest strategies.
Lets roll back in time. Before our generation even existed.
To remind you about WW1 and WW2 are also taking big part in this very same world order.
Or back in the middle ages the Templar crusades killing people to put Christianity in power,
before even British occupied America.
Knowing today Americans are not even the native Americans.

Everything is about politicians. The royal families. The same people that created your religion.
Or so called Illuminati. The invisible hand that controls the world.
They are your system. They are your god.
Wake up!
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There is a big difference between Religion and Spirituality.
I don't who said it but :

"Religion is for people that don't want to go to hell.
Spirituality is for those that have been there."

If you had proof, you would not need faith.

I find it funny how many non believers call out his name all day long, or tell someone to go to hell..
You mixed those two up... Those who have faith don't need proof.


I have had a form of faith all my life but didn't really believe until my early 40's. (It's a cool story, I'll have to tell you sometime.)

Assuming all men are born of free will, I chose to believe in a God that wants nothing more of me then to be happy.
As a result a conciseness formed. I found I wasn't happy if I was selfish and mean.
I have had a form of faith all my life but didn't really believe until my early 40's. (It's a cool story, I'll have to tell you sometime.)

Assuming all men are born of free will, I chose to believe in a God that wants nothing more of me then to be happy.
As a result a conciseness formed. I found I wasn't happy if I was selfish and mean.

If you are not being selfish you will be abused. Give to take and take to give.
Assistance with help in emergency cases is understandable.
But I've been a very good helping person the past years and I have been abused, I've been robbed, I've been lied.
So every other good person I know.
The society is what made me be that way. People lie, people steal, people make dramas.
I've cut down my contact to a very few good friends.
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All people are the same.
We are each assholes, sometime to someone, somehow.
We are also good in ways as well.

Caution is important for me in maintaining my happiness. On the road and at home.
Belief in a god usually entails employing multiple logical fallacies

ok then let me play with some of that thinking and tell me if correct or wrong and please back up ( u seem logical and a fun debate partner )

we start off the idea of string theory (which has partly prove true) that everything that we see now everything is vibrating at a set rate.....now given the first lines in the bible (the old testament the one thing all 3 religions agree on ) god spoke and what is speaking just vibration starting everything ...big bang ....now also with the forming of the universe before all other things showed up stars had to be formed and burn up making new compounds then they below out and new stars were formed from that ....this has to happen several times for Our types of stars to be born ........any logical person knows we are all star dust everything u see once was in a star at sometime to form the atoms we know today that form us

so far science and religions text link up if u look at from that view point .......the only major issue with what it said is the time frame ........now looking at life on the plant u see different life spans fly that lives 20 hours cats dogs mice snakes to ppl ........so holding this mind why not look at the bible in the same way 1 day could of been 1 trillion years to us ....now the author of it the first parts starts off as someone telling the story of what happen then the rest starts to fallow events in daily life .....so logically again that has to be 2 authors if not several to do the history ....this is also reflected in the lang used ....yes it has been copied by hand for the last 5000 to exacting copies but meaning of words drift over time ......as u can see if u look up the original torah they have several meanings for certain characters

ok that was just for shits and giggles get u thinking


that should take care of a logical mind set proving it is real .......if not then
Albert Einstein “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

and again logical person knows the human soul is just the electrical energy that is bouncing around in our brains.........now since albert is the man here he knew that on death of the body the energy his soul was not destroyed but changed into another form of energy now what type and where does it transfer too do not know ........even good old albert believed in a god

sorry tired if grammer is worst then normal
we start off the idea of string theory (which has partly prove true) that everything that we see now everything is vibrating at a set rate.....now given the first lines in the bible (the old testament the one thing all 3 religions agree on ) god spoke and what is speaking just vibration starting everything ...big bang ....now also with the forming of the universe before all other things showed up stars had to be formed and burn up making new compounds then they below out and new stars were formed from that ....this has to happen several times for Our types of stars to be born ........any logical person knows we are all star dust everything u see once was in a star at sometime to form the atoms we know today that form us

so far science and religions text link up if u look at from that view point .......the only major issue with what it said is the time frame ........now looking at life on the plant u see different life spans fly that lives 20 hours cats dogs mice snakes to ppl ........so holding this mind why not look at the bible in the same way 1 day could of been 1 trillion years to us ....now the author of it the first parts starts off as someone telling the story of what happen then the rest starts to fallow events in daily life .....so logically again that has to be 2 authors if not several to do the history ....this is also reflected in the lang used ....yes it has been copied by hand for the last 5000 to exacting copies but meaning of words drift over time ......as u can see if u look up the original torah they have several meanings for certain characters


that should take care of a logical mind set proving it is real .......if not then
Albert Einstein “Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.”

and again logical person knows the human soul is just the electrical energy that is bouncing around in our brains.........now since albert is the man here he knew that on death of the body the energy his soul was not destroyed but changed into another form of energy now what type and where does it transfer too do not know ........even good old albert believed in a god

"String theory says all matter vibrates, when God spoke, it was vibrations, therefore God exists"

There's no logical connection from A (string theory) to B (God exists)

Timeframe discrepancy

No evidence to suggest a day is anything other than a day

"Matter/energy can't be created or destroyed"

I'm not claiming I know how the universe began, religion is. For all I know matter/energy might be infinite