You Have The "Religious Liberty" To Suck Baby Dicks

Members may have suggested you approve of female general mutilation because it serves the same purposes as male genital mutilation, commonly called circumcision.

In male genutal mutulation the foreskin is removed.

In female genital mutilation it can go much further, infibulation, removal of the clitoral head. Specifically I am referring to the removed of labia or clitoral hood tissues in this instance.

The removal of the clitoral hood or labia can be directly compared to the removal of a patient's foreskin.

Almost universally the world has agreed that female genital mutilation is not acceptable, it is harmful and serves no purpose.

What does removing the foreskin accomplish? Very little. Cleaning is easier, but who is lazy enough not to clean behind their ears let alone their penis? Silly argument if that is used as a 'pro.' Other then that there is significant evidence that not having a foreskin reduced the likelyhood of acquiring many STIs, this is actually quite true. The foreskin is of course, skin, during high friction sex micro tears appear in the foreskin and increase the chances of STI transmission.

So. Removing part of a person's body without permission so that can have ONE benefit that could be nullified by using condoms is completely silly.

rolli told me i couldn't post the dick pics anymore, but do circumcised penises really look mutilated to you?
I'm still floored by the fact that sucking baby dick is still a religious practice in today's society. Wow.

Not surprised at all the floor shitter would defend this practice, dude is definitely off kilter.

no need to be so upset, klanman.

just go spend the day with your wife and cheer up.

woooooops, nevermind. she left your ass.
no need to be so upset, klanman.

just go spend the day with your wife and cheer up.

woooooops, nevermind. she left your ass.
Actually I left hers, but don't let facts get in the way of your defense of baby dick sucking.

Had to really, she refused to work, took money from me and my and parents with promises of running a legal business, but instead spent all day on forums spouting lies and hate. I mean, who could live with a person like that
Actually I left hers, but don't let facts get in the way of your defense of baby dick sucking.

Had to really, she refused to work, took money from me and my and parents with promises of running a legal business, but instead spent all day on forums spouting lies and hate. I mean, who could live with a person like that

you are so upset.

you know what might cheer you up?

explaining why your evolution theory, which was lifted directly from the pages of 'a troublesome inheritance' by nicholas wade, is so popular with white supremacists that david duke and jared taylor both saw fit to interview the guy.

why do you think your theory does so well with racists?

and why did all the scientists he cited in his book speak out against him and his "findings"?

hey, what does this define;
repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result is.....

yeah, kinda foolish for me to believe you would on up to your white supremacist beliefs.

you are way too much of a coward for that.
So that means you will stop repeating yourself like a bluthering idiot? nah, wouldn't be you..

exactly, the way you cower like a coward whenever i ask you about them is priceless.

so are the meltdowns you keep having.

blame yourself, you're the one who is repeating white supremacist beliefs.
exactly, the way you cower like a coward whenever i ask you about them is priceless.

so are the meltdowns you keep having.

blame yourself, you're the one who is repeating white supremacist beliefs.
So yes... will keep repeating the same thing over and over even though he knows he sounds like a bluthering idiot to most. I'm not surprised.
So yes... will keep repeating the same thing over and over even though he knows he sounds like a bluthering idiot to most. I'm not surprised.

maybe to most skinheads.

but those who don't share your white supremacy beliefs probably just want to see you explain them already.

maybe to most skinheads.

but those who don't share your white supremacy beliefs probably just want to see you explain them already.

Dude, you've got your files on me, just pull out some quotes you edited from 6 years ago and all will be right in your world.

I bet you even get a few likes, we all know how important that is to you.
Dude, you've got your files on me, just pull out some quotes you edited from 6 years ago and all will be right in your world.

I bet you even get a few likes, we all know how important that is to you.

says the guy who bases his self esteem on the postings of a few idiots at P5s.

let me know if you ever man up and explain the geographic regions.
says the guy who bases his self esteem on the postings of a few idiots at P5s.

let me know if you ever man up and explain the geographic regions.
lol at your projections

you should probably start a thread for attention or something about other members here, maybe you will get the confirmation you seek with a like or two.
lol at your projections

you should probably start a thread for attention or something about other members here, maybe you will get the confirmation you seek with a like or two.

hey coward, you ever gonna name the "geographical regions" that did not quite "evolve from the neck up"?

run away, ya little bitch.
hey coward, you ever gonna name the "geographical regions" that did not quite "evolve from the neck up"?

run away, ya little bitch.
blah blah blah, rinse, repeat

do you get as tired of repeating yourself as the rest of us do? It's not like we haven't rehashed this over and over the past few years, just dig into your saved file of me and entertain yourself, not my yob man.
blah blah blah, rinse, repeat

do you get as tired of repeating yourself as the rest of us do? It's not like we haven't rehashed this over and over the past few years, just dig into your saved file of me and entertain yourself, not my yob man.

no, i do not get tired of watching you run away from your own white supremacist ideation.

thanks for asking.

you ever gonna name the "geographical regions" that did not quite "evolve from the neck up"?
He can say what he wants, the one thing it's obvious he isn't doing is condemning his "Chosen People" sucking baby dick