doublejj's BIG 2015 adventure.....

I almost got in a accident on the road home. My brother borrowed my pick-up back in feb. and had a rearend coliision . It's needed front end work since. I took my eyes off the road for a second and we were swinging! scared the shit out of me . It's going in the shop monday.
Yeah, I'm glad you made it home safe nuggs, it was a long day, but worth it...
Regardless of how anyone feels, beating a dog because of a lack of understanding is fucking WRONG, if I was on here bragging about beating my lady because she cheated on me or some stupid shit Id still get my head bit off but when its a dog its different?

no its not.

dont get a working animal if you dont know what your doing, dogs dont speak english they understand "commands"

Yeah your right tho @ruby fruit im not trying to be a little internet thug bitch (removed my first post)
but come on man were a long way from rubbing dogs nose in shit and fucking beating them![/Q

Commands? Lmao A dog would have to be pretty fuckin disciplined NOT to chase a deer given an opportunity like this...fawns are defenseless that's why mom hides them in deep grass...not sure what zip code youre at...but people put dogs down for chasing deer in these parts...let's just hope their ass kicking was enough to keep them close to home!
I've been trying to figure out a way to say this nicely but there is no nice way to tell somebody to fuck off :) the dogs do not get "beat" they were scolded and locked in the kennel they had no intentions of killing the Baby fawn the fawn was abandoned and had been hangin out here for a couple days the dogs just wanted to play its what dogs do and as far as supervision the dogs know there boundrys on the farm and patrol the farm like they are supposed to do these dogs are treated better than most people treat there kids and before you spout your mouth off calling me a fucking idiot mabey you should man the fuck up and come stand in my face and say it and we shall see who the idiot is :)

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Hey PC
Bummer about the deer, but living in the foothills it's going to happen. I can't tell you how many animals my Pit Bull Terriers have killed over the years. Everything from grasshoppers to wild boar to the neighbors dog (damn dog should have never came into my yard).
Here's the definition of "Terrier" from the dictionary.
any of several usually small, active, and short-bodied breeds of dog, originally trained to hunt animals living underground
Word Origin
C15: from Old French chien terrier earth dog, from Medieval Latin terrārius belonging to the earth, from Latin terra earth .

The shits in their blood. Very territorial animals.
When my male pit "Raider" killed a deer, I cut the head off the deer and tied it around his neck. I let him carry it around for a few days, put him on time outs, he knew I was pissed. He never killed another deer that I know of, but he was often on his own so who knows. Did the same thing when we got chickens, he killed a few of them at once, I beat his ass, tied that chicken around his neck for 4 days, stank like hell, but he never killed another chicken.
Big hug brother, nobody wants that shit, but it's going to happen living in the foothills and owning pits. My only suggestion is not to post stuff like that on a thread full of tree hugging, animal loving, pot smoking people. Might be best to keep that news on the farm.
Stay safe brother, we missed you on the boat!
I've been trying to figure out a way to say this nicely but there is no nice way to tell somebody to fuck off :) the dogs do not get "beat" they were scolded and locked in the kennel they had no intentions of killing the Baby fawn the fawn was abandoned and had been hangin out here for a couple days the dogs just wanted to play its what dogs do and as far as supervision the dogs know there boundrys on the farm and patrol the farm like they are supposed to do these dogs are treated better than most people treat there kids and before you spout your mouth off calling me a fucking idiot mabey you should man the fuck up and come stand in my face and say it and we shall see who the idiot is :)

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It happens in the country! My dogs have chased deer, turkey, horses and coyote. They get punished if they do anything more than chase them away. My wolfhound tackled a buck in my back yard, she got punished and put in the kennel. I couldnt be too mad she was protecting the property Like she is supposed to. I never showed her not to go at the deer and dont want her to think its okay for other animals/people to come over my fence.
I would rather kill a human than a deer lol but when it comes to my livelihood if the damn deer keeps eating my plants I'll have to shoot them if I see them... Unfortunately