The abysmal failure of Citizens United


Well-Known Member
Don't hold your breath on that one, we'll be seeing 8 more years of a democrat in the white house, as with the past two elections your party hasn't stood a chance. Clinton will raise something like $2 billion, and it's the exact policy you support that'll be responsible for it.

I bet that makes you feel smart, because it should :)
Democrats did SUPER WELL in the mid terms...


Well-Known Member
Unions transparently supporting pro labor candidates for their members is exactly like corporations secretly funneling money to Candidates who will increase their profit margin.

Yes you are a stupid detrimental mother fucker
you can't win with these people. Ever.
Oh shit, that's rich.

Yes, unions legally funneling money to candidates who will increase the power and fortunes of their members is EXACTLY like corporations legally funneling money to candidates who will increase the power and fortunes of their members.

As for the SECRET aspect, it will probably take a few decades for the corporations to equal the "secret" and/or "shady" funds/gifts/perks that have lavished upon Democrats by unions over the years. I grew up in a union home, my father was a union member his entire adult life. ATI Wah Chang, Albany Oregon and Oremet, Albany Oregon. There's very little you can tell me about unions that I don't already know from firsthand experience.

"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish"



Well-Known Member
Oh shit, that's rich.

Yes, unions legally funneling money to candidates who will increase the power and fortunes of their members is EXACTLY like corporations legally funneling money to candidates who will increase the power and fortunes of their members.

As for the SECRET aspect, it will probably take a few decades for the corporations to equal the "secret" and/or "shady" funds/gifts/perks that have lavished upon Democrats by unions over the years. I grew up in a union home, my father was a union member his entire adult life. ATI Wah Chang, Albany Oregon and Oremet, Albany Oregon. There's very little you can tell me about unions that I don't already know from firsthand experience.

"Talk sense to a fool and he calls you foolish"

Like I said, not a thinking man, not at all. You're overcome with some misguided preconceived plan of make believe vengeance (against 91% of Americans, including republicans, including yourself, lulz) that actually hurts you, your family and everyone you love in the process (including and especially mommy and daddy, if they're still around)


Well-Known Member
Like I said, not a thinking man, not at all. You're overcome with some misguided preconceived plan of make believe vengeance (against 91% of Americans, including republicans, including yourself, lulz) that actually hurts you, your family and everyone you love in the process (including and especially mommy and daddy, if they're still around)
Yes, please tell me again how all that Republican money hurts me, but all the Democrat money falls from the arses of unicorns and makes non-union Johnny Workaday's life better.

It doesn't hurt me any more than it hurts the heads of those corporations who also own stock. Yup, those higher returns are killin me. Just like those higher wages for union workers are the devil, Bobby.


Well-Known Member
Corporations are are multi national entities that look out for their own interest's, that's the problem
If you own a ton of stock in one of these corporations then putting them ahead of your fellow citizen's might make business sense but then it really is every man or woman for themselves and screw the majority of american citizens just looking out for number one


Well-Known Member
Yes, please tell me again how all that Republican money hurts me, but all the Democrat money falls from the arses of unicorns and makes non-union Johnny Workaday's life better.

It doesn't hurt me any more than it hurts the heads of those corporations who also own stock. Yup, those higher returns are killin me. Just like those higher wages for union workers are the devil, Bobby.
Should your vote equal my vote, or should my vote equal more than your vote if I have more money than you?


Well-Known Member
Dude, you're getting better every day with those quotes! I'm proud of ya

A majority of Americans are in favor of overturning Citizens United, followed by a graph showing "Citizens United v. FEC opinion poll" showing 75-80% OPPOSE the court's decision. If you bothered to even read the link, without going to the page, you would have understood that. Followed by another poll showing zero ambiguities that clearly states "do you believe Citizens United is good or bad for small businesses?" showing a strong majority, 66% of voters, believe "it's bad for small businesses", right there in black and white..

Now you just look like this:

I'm having a great time on RIU today :)
Again, you misspoke, then chastise me for pointing it out. Pretending we are obligated to do an internet search every time you post to determine what you meant to say rather than what you actually said is just you being the whiny bitch you always have been. How dare we take your words for what they actually mean, oooh, the racism!


Well-Known Member
You don't have any idea what you're talking about

You're supporting a decision that the overwhelming majority of Americans oppose

If you think we won't overturn it, you're comically mistaken
Popular vote doesn't override a Supreme Court Decision. Or even a lower court decision.


Well-Known Member
Again, you misspoke, then chastise me for pointing it out. Pretending we are obligated to do an internet search every time you post to determine what you meant to say rather than what you actually said is just you being the whiny bitch you always have been. How dare we take your words for what they actually mean, oooh, the racism!
The fuck are you babbling about now? The title of the poll is in this very thread, right next to the link I posted.

Grow up and get off my nuts


Well-Known Member
So it's a great debate topic for getting the base wound up, but that doesn't sound like a movement of the kind needed to ACTUALLY change it. Nevertheless, that would do for a start.
You do realize even the Prez can't overturn a SCOTUS ruling?


Well-Known Member
Do you not understand literally everybody BUT YOU is saying "GET ALL MONEY OUT OF POLITICS", that includes unions

Any money influencing politics is bad, even union money

What the fuck is the matter with you?
Funny, you never once mentioned unions before. You never mentioned "GET ALL MONEY OUT OF POLITICS". either. So...........another lie.