20 Year old on mushrooms Killed by cops.


Well-Known Member
This is outrageous. http://tribune.com.pk/story/896912/us-police-shoot-dead-muslim-student-high-on-magic-mushrooms/

Police in the United States shot dead a 20-year-old Muslim student for ‘threatening behaviour’, which, according to his friends, was just a bad reaction to drugs.

Witnesses said Feras Morad, 20, had reportedly taken magic mushrooms for the first time at a party in Long Beach, California, and appeared to be walking around like a ‘bird with a broken wing’.

According to a witness account, Morad became confused and unresponsive and was “asking friend what he was doing” after which he jumped through a second-storey window.

Morad received a ‘deep gash’ from going through the glass and hitting the concrete below, following which his friends called in the police.

Upon their arrival, the young Muslim boy was tasered and subsequently shot dead by the officers.

The family of the boy confirmed that they received the news over Facebook due to the failure of the police, hospital and LA county coroner’s office to inform them.

Police said that the student had been acting ‘threateningly’ and refused to comply with officers, who then utilised “an electronic control device, an impact weapon and physical force to gain compliance,” according to a statement.

The police statement, however, became questionable as testimonies were posted online disputing the police version of the story.

A statement posted on the Justice4Feras Facebook page says he was “shirtless, without any weapon, bleeding from multiple wounds, and possibly suffering head trauma from the fall when officers made their demands”.

It further added that he did not physically swing, attack, or verbally indicate aggression toward the police officer or anyone else but was unable to comply because he was confused and injured “like a bird with a broken wing hobbling around in the house”.

Witness reports said that there was no fight between Morad and the police, just the police officer trying to subdue him.

As friends were removed from the scene by emergency personnel, they continued to scream that Feras was unarmed and in need of help as the unnamed police officer fired three shots, all on target.

“He wasn’t supposed to be shot, even if he did something, if he was under the influence, he should not have been shot, he does not harm anyone,” said Morad’s father, Amr Morad.

A nationally-ranked debater at high school, Morad’s family had high hopes of him becoming an attorney general who would represent victims of police brutality.

It was further reported that Morad had a 3.9 GPA at Moorpark College, and friends on the Facebook page said he was also a good army cadet.

“I knew Feras and enjoyed spending time with him and arguing politics with him. The world lost a good and decent man who was very kind and smart,” wrote Eric Smith in a tribute to the promising student online on the page.

“At a time when he desperately needed a police officer to protect and serve him, a cop decided it was better to shoot him and kill him. He deserved better and it is the job of all who knew him to tell the world what happened,” he added.

Another close friend, Lisa Michelle Bran, wrote, “Wow I went to school with him and had a pleasure of knowing him and having class with. Prayers go out to his family.”

It was confirmed by Ohad Yeger that “he was a good cadet and I always saw him as a rival, we had countless arguments trying to better one another and in the process I had motivation to be a better person, he challenged me intellectually and dared me to do better and I’ll never forget that.”
It really scares me how trigger happy the police are these days I think they see other police officers on tv get away with murder and they get the idea that they are above the law I'm sure that there was a time and place where police officers actually served and protected there communitys but thanks to the war on drugs police officers have been transformed into ruthless thugs with no regard for human life
It really scares me how trigger happy the police are these days I think they see other police officers on tv get away with murder and they get the idea that they are above the law I'm sure that there was a time and place where police officers actually served and protected there communitys but thanks to the war on drugs police officers have been transformed into ruthless thugs with no regard for human life
These days!??
Its been happening forever..probably less now than ever before..it just seems like a lot of shootings happen to the observer..no more than usual,but with the advent of some technology the past ten years,were able to see it happen more before its covered up or witnesses get harrased.if civilian cars had been standard with dash cams in 1989,the evidence would make the cops the 4th Reich..'viral' back then only meant aids...
I agree their mistake was calling the cops.

Law enforcement irritates me so much they are just power hungry and think they can get away with anything they please.
These days!??
Its been happening forever..probably less now than ever before..it just seems like a lot of shootings happen to the observer..no more than usual,but with the advent of some technology the past ten years,were able to see it happen more before its covered up or witnesses get harrased.if civilian cars had been standard with dash cams in 1989,the evidence would make the cops the 4th Reich..'viral' back then only meant aids...
Your right im sure fucked up shit when on in those days as well but not all cops are bad while I do agree the majority of law enforcement are power hungry dough bags there is that small sizable portion of police officers who are just trying to serve and protect there community and who are completely against the war on drugs otherwise I don't think groups like LEAP would exist the police officer who shot this young man is no cop he is just a coward who shot an innocent man who was in obvious need of medical attention.
Your right im sure fucked up shit when on in those days as well but not all cops are bad while I do agree the majority of law enforcement are power hungry dough bags there is that small sizable portion of police officers who are just trying to serve and protect there community and who are completely against the war on drugs otherwise I don't think groups like LEAP would exist the police officer who shot this young man is no cop he is just a coward who shot an innocent man who was in obvious need of medical attention.
there are good cops,like the hot blond one who took my dads half oz and tossed it,saying she only charges people with pot that are foolish to break other laws while in possesion,but only serious ones like assault,DUI,ect..
She then told me that my pot (well i grew it,she didnt know)was the dankest she thinks she's seen(dad was just an old man medicating to her),she's a huge deadhead that had to reform her life for her kid daughter,goes to lockn and other fests to party,not police em,and so on..
Then,the hints came:
She only works 4 days a week,shell be around the hospital this week if I visit dad ect,till she came up to me in another hall,gave me her number with the very sincere 'if you need anything while you're back and forth here and home,don't hesitate to call,especially if you need help!(attempt at humor?)..
I politely accepted the number and put it in my pocket,the whole time thinking.."I don't care how sexy she is,and I know she wants the ding,but..
She's still a cop."
Hey,I have standards.
I'm no Kermit the frog:-)

Then there are the cops who are COPS.
Fuck those guys sideways with a sandpaper dildo and no lubricant.
Can't imagine how terrible the friend who called the cops felt when it was all said and done. They probably thought they were doing the right thing...although in hindsight wouldn't paramedics have been more appropriate?

There are plenty of bullies that end up being cops because it enables them to continue their trade after high school. On the other hand, we expect cops to deal with shit that they're not trained for and that we (as a society) have given up on trying to solve (e.g. mental illness, homelessness, poverty).
Cops,always around when you don't need em,can't find one when you do...

When do you NEED them? I can see the NEED for firefighters and emergency medical personnel, but in this country, 'police' the concept itself has morphed into thugs with badges, out for none but themselves.

How about this? If a cop shots someone, he's out of a job. Innocent or not, he's OUT OF A JOB. That might make the average donut consumer with a badge think twice about skinning iron.
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Can't imagine how terrible the friend who called the cops felt when it was all said and done. They probably thought they were doing the right thing...although in hindsight wouldn't paramedics have been more appropriate?

There are plenty of bullies that end up being cops because it enables them to continue their trade after high school. On the other hand, we expect cops to deal with shit that they're not trained for and that we (as a society) have given up on trying to solve (e.g. mental illness, homelessness, poverty).

Both of these points are excellent. Police are supposed to reduce social trauma, here they are the cause.

Yet those of us who really need help from our society are instead treated like outcasts... or outright targets.
When do you NEED them? I can see the NEED for firefighters and emergency medical personnel, but in this country, 'police' the concept itself has morphed into thugs with badges, out for none but themselves.

How about this? If a cop shots someone, he's out of a job. Innocent or not, he's OUT OF A JOB. That might make the average donut consumer with a badge think twice about skinning iron.
When a traffic light fails,to deliver court papers..all sorts of reasons to need them..my statement is they're never around when you DO.