Has Anyone Ever Tried (or knows someone) Who Used Dog Urine to Pass a Piss Test?

or this?:

.1 Drug screens that work:
7.1.1 Aspirin:

According to Jeff Nightbyrd, there is testing industry data that taking 4 aspirins a few hours prior to the test might help you. ". . . aspirin interferes with the Syvia [sic] EMIT assay. It seems that aspirin absorbs at the same wavelength that NAD does which is how it interferes with the assay" (Clin Chem 34 (90) 602-606). Two reliable sources have tested aspirin and found it to interfere with the EMIT. In the future they will try to find a way to circumvent this test flaw. Until then, I certainly recommend taking advantage of the situation and using aspirin.

any lab people?
maybe this combined with the aspirins:

Well I don't know about drug tests that are sent to a lab, but an I can guarantee a sure pass on an instant result piss test (i.e home drug test). I'm a teenager and my parents were going to test me today. I have been a heavy smoker for about 6 months now and just smoked a SHIT LOAD just last night. Well when my parents popped the surprise test on me, I said i didn't have to piss right then, and this is what I did and I promise you it will work no matter how much you smoke.

Go to Walmart and pick up "sur-jell" for about 3 bucks. Do not get jello, make sure its "Sur-jell."- 1 packet. about 2 hours before your ready to take the test, mix it with 20oz of water and down it. It will taste TERRIBLE, but just deal. About 30 min. after that, I chugged a 20oz glass of regular water. I took 2 real good long pisses and used the 3rd one to take the test.
PASSED IT. My parents were like" Oh well good job son" lol.

I'm telling you, if its a instant result test, and your parents want to watch you to make sure u piss in the cup, don't waste your money on detox drinks and pills. 3 bucks is all u need. I thought it sounded crazy but trust me... It works.

Keep on tokin people, peace

Test day.

2 hours prior to test I get up and urinate then drink:

1 quart of liquid, creatine supp. 3 aspirin, 4 rolaids

1hour prior

1 quart of liquid, 3 aspirin, b vitamin, 4 rolaids

1/2 hour prior

2 quarts liquid, 2 aspirin, 4 rolaids

I uriniate as I feel the need throughout the process and right up to test time, there is no worry about being able to produce a sample, trust me your problem is going to be getting there without going in the car!

I suggest that you test the process with water vitamin alone sometime prior to test day to determine at what point it is best to take the aspirin. Take it too late and it doesnt have time to show up. Take it too early and it flushes out before your test.

Color is probably the least thing to worry about though givin thatmost people that drink a healthy amount of water have pretty clear urine.

Well that's it. That has worked for me three times now.

I am also a proponent of using home tests and doing dry runs to gain confidence that I am timing thing correctly and that it will work--nothing like that negative home test to eliminate some of the jitters.

No friends who are not dogs who do not smoke?

My dogs would fail. I would not risk the methods you describe when using someone else's is so easy.

yeah that's kinda the issue..knowing someone clean.

i'm just gonna go with the aspirins..i've crossed referenced enough to see that it would disrupt the test enough to claim a false negative.

just wanted an update from someone who works lab..but it's not going to lab..just one of those onsite 'instant' tests.

the company i'm applying to is for immediate employment..there not gonna spend money on lab testing.

my dogs would probably fail too.

just looking to talk i guess.

how sad am i.
never personally known anyone who has used the, uh, "dog method" lol but i can personally say i passed my drug tests for work with fake piss i bought. bought it multiple times at different headshops was like 11$ came with a lil warmer and instructions. i think it was called Agent X or some shit. came in a black box...good luck
well i found a whole bunch of things that could give you false positive, including:

Your own enzymes. A small fraction of the population excrete large amounts of certain enzymes in their urine which can produce a positive drug test. Dr. John Morgan of the Dept. of Pharmacology of New York City University writes: "A false positive test could occur in some individuals because they excrete unusually large amounts of endogenons lysozyme or malate dehydrogenase." Dr. Morgan judges that natural enzyme interference may run as high as 10% of positive samples.

Black Skin. This is not a joke! Those of African origin, certain Orientals, or pacific Islanders might test positive for marijuana. Dr. James Woodford, a toxicologist associated with Emory University labs hypothesized the pigment melanin which protects the skin from the sun, approximates the molecular structure of the THC metabolite to cross react on the marijuana urine test. Dark skinned Caucasians such as those from the subcontinent of India could also read positive on marijuana tests. The body eliminates some melanin in a dark person's urine sample.

never personally known anyone who has used the, uh, "dog method" lol but i can personally say i passed my drug tests for work with fake piss i bought. bought it multiple times at different headshops was like 11$ came with a lil warmer and instructions. i think it was called Agent X or some shit. came in a black box...good luck

yeah i love urineluck used it many, many times..but i don't have the money.
idk....i mean, all i can say was i was drug tested multiple times (urine sent off to lab) & passed.
Are you black? i mean, i'm sorry but it sounds soooo unlikely that'd even happen with all the variables having to line up. i doubt it'd throw out a false anyways, i bet it'd just say inconclusive & you'd have to test again. Eating all that advil and what not could throw the test off too if you use that sort of logic. so many variables.

choose your battles. or in this case, choose your dog....lol good luck :)
Yeah I was wondering how you'll collect it..My dog pees like 30 times before he is done, like short burst on every tree..
Yeah I was wondering how you'll collect it..My dog pees like 30 times before he is done, like short burst on every tree..
Place out various containers around your yard. Gently piss on the rim of the bowl and area of each container. Put wet dog food in your dogs water to encourage "over drinking"....
Good luck.
never personally known anyone who has used the, uh, "dog method" lol but i can personally say i passed my drug tests for work with fake piss i bought. bought it multiple times at different headshops was like 11$ came with a lil warmer and instructions. i think it was called Agent X or some shit. came in a black box...good luck
Fake piss is big business in some 3rd world nations.
this is one of those on the spot employment opportunities..the test is tuesday morning.

any help will be appreciated.

I can guarantee you dog urine to pass a test will not work. Don't do it

They can tell if it's female/male, and definitely if it's human or not, and they disqualify you if you don't match the right temperature (a way to weed out the fake urine)

Good luck, post what happens