Has Anyone Ever Tried (or knows someone) Who Used Dog Urine to Pass a Piss Test?

I can guarantee you dog urine to pass a test will not work. Don't do it

They can tell if it's female/male, and definitely if it's human or not, and they disqualify you if you don't match the right temperature (a way to weed out the fake urine)

Good luck, post what happens
They could, but do NOT test gender.

For future refrence.
Fake piss is great, not ideal though. Ive failed with it a few times in the lab..not related to temp or anything obviously

The avg fit person can pass in 48 hours post cessation. Thc actually has a relatively short half life, for me about 2 hours. It quickly leaves your blood... and keeping urine levels below 50ng/ml is pretty easy.
Unless your over weight and pretty sedentary.

Fruit pectin- sure gell whatever, also has a high success rate ~90%

I have a drug test today at 1pm,
I speak from experience

For future refrence.
Fake piss is great, not ideal though. Ive failed with it a few times in the lab..not related to temp or anything obviously

The avg fit person can pass in 48 hours post cessation. Thc actually has a relatively short half life, for me about 2 hours. It quickly leaves your blood... and keeping urine levels below 50ng/ml is pretty easy.
Unless your over weight and pretty sedentary.

Fruit pectin- sure gell whatever, also has a high success rate ~90%

I have a drug test today at 1pm,
I speak from experience
More BS. I have very little body fat and am in good shape and the last time I quit for a test it took 16 days. It helps but NO daily smoker cleans up in 2 days.
What does bs mean to you?

As i said i speak from experience, so its certainly an accurate statement. And ive gotten drug tested monthly for over a decade.
That is the half life...im confused by your statement

Smoked last at 10am day before yesterday i believe. I marked it down in a thread as well.

And last month i did the same thing. Passed in ~40 hrs..
they only way you get caught is they know its not ur piss because it will not be body temp. best bet get a clean mate to piss in one of them fake plastic lemons used for lemon juice then stick it under you balls to warm it up (maybe a good 2 hours or so) will be fine
What does bs mean to you?

As i said i speak from experience, so its certainly an accurate statement. And ive gotten drug tested monthly for over a decade.
That is the half life...im confused by your statement

Smoked last at 10am day before yesterday i believe. I marked it down in a thread as well.

And last month i did the same thing. Passed in ~40 hrs..
BS means that you don't know what the hell you are talking about. You may have found some trick, but your body has not given up its thc in 2 days. You are setting people up for a fail with your false promotions.
they only way you get caught is they know its not ur piss because it will not be body temp. best bet get a clean mate to piss in one of them fake plastic lemons used for lemon juice then stick it under you balls to warm it up (maybe a good 2 hours or so) will be fine
The big labs do test for the use of common masking agents.
The big labs do test for the use of common masking agents.
na im not saying the lemon juice will mask it mate get a mate to piss in a empty one. but you just have to get it up to body temp 27 d me thinks. if you hand them a cold pot off piss then they know its not yours
na im not saying the lemon juice will mask it mate get a mate to piss in a empty one. but you just have to get it up to body temp 27 d me thinks. if you hand them a cold pot off piss then they know its not yours
I was responding to your saying "the only way you get caught is..." And not your method(which is just like mine. :). )
Well you certainly seem to have it all figured out lol

Not everything, but BS smells so it is easier to discern. For instance, I am still working on an answer for who someone would have to kill or molest while under the influence to be tested monthly for a decade. ;)