Shake that ass!

twerking should be banned now. its been ruined. another artform that the media got a hold of and it became this "thing" that any chick that has a backside thinks they can do now. its a damn shame
Ladies form a line. Top 3 move to the next round. The rest are banned from the sport of twerking for the rest of your life. Winners get thongs and tropheys. Twerk Championship 2015 is sponsored by cheap beer and spike tv... And may the best ass win. God speed.
That girl is definitely suffering from an eating disorder. She is not just skinny. Promise.

Anyway! I have a booty on me. And I have never attempted to twerk. It just...isn't something I would ever do. But it looks fun! Twerkin by the milk. Twerkin by the milk. Twerkin by the cakes. Twerkin by the cakes. Twerkin by the fish. Twerkin by the fish.
That girl is definitely suffering from an eating disorder. She is not just skinny. Promise.

Anyway! I have a booty on me. And I have never attempted to twerk. It just...isn't something I would ever do. But it looks fun! Twerkin by the milk. Twerkin by the milk. Twerkin by the cakes. Twerkin by the cakes. Twerkin by the fish. Twerkin by the fish.
A LOT of young girls are anorexic.

BUT - not all of them dance like they have a palsy and try to show the world. That;s just because she's tarded.
She wasn't serious lol. It was a joke video. But she swings to the side and I get hungry on her behalf. Good grief.
I have some experience with this. It's sad.

there are SO MANY pro anorexic websites. It must be hard for young girls now. Everyone is so "connected" on the internet, there's SO MANY other girls to compare yourself to.
