what is the most euphoric mix you have ever had

Hmmmm took 14 bars and a couple grams of white this weekend..just now really coming too.
Sorry walmart i really dont know why i stole 1 sock.
And to that green mailbox i hit, you can have your paint back
I don't know how one can survive 'a' bar .let alone 14!!..an old friend did this same amount(it was 16),came downstairs while his parents were eating dinner,whipped out his dick,and pissed right in the dining room floor! Shook off,flushed an invisible toilet and walked back upstairs...his parents recounted all this to him later on,and he dismissed it as sleep walking!!:-)
Ohh xanax lol

One time, quite a few years ago now, I took a few bars and drank about an entire fifth of popov. I ended up blacking out by the time it was 7:30pm and I was living at my moms house. So apparently, I decided to watch porn and jack off. What was unfortunate about the matter was that I woke up to my mother saying, 'What in the hell are you doing? You're so drunk it's only 8 o'clock'. Only to glance around and notice that I had my cloths half way off with my body having only my upper torso on the bed. The rest of my body was hanging off.. And that there was a porno up on my computer screen, it was over, but the preview picture was of a big, gnarly cum shot.

Then I fucked my mom nice and hard and killed my dad, licking the blade clean.
how does mda compare to mdma rocks? ive never tried just mda. and ive heard of mdma and lsd at the same time like people mentioned here. ive never tried lsd before. if i was to get lucy should i take it the first time with mdma?
And for those who really are into ten. Ten times the maximum therapeutic dose of alprazolam. Always follow the golden rule. Never take pills AFTER you drink. Pills first if you have to mix, pills first.

And for those who really are into ten. Ten times the maximum therapeutic dose of alprazolam. Always follow the golden rule. Never take pills AFTER you drink. Pills first if you have to mix, pills first.

why should you not take pills after you drink?
This post got me thinking about old times. Decided to do half of my favorite combo. Only had the Valium, took 15mg to start. I'm sure once it
kicks in ill be looking for some Flake. Problem is I've been out of touch with my connects for years, most grew out of it and moved on, all the others I threw out their contact #'s or lost them. Only source available that I can find right now is low quaility and I'll pass on that. I put out feelers and found some high quality flake but it's 2hrs away in a collage town (Chico) and prices are outrageous. Might bite the bullet, take the drive and at least check the quality for myself and then try to negotiate a better price if it's CLEAN. At least the Valium will make the 2 hr drive mellow. Can't believe I've been reduced to traveling to obtain this, not like having it delivered, or going directly to the source, right here in town that I've been used to in the past. You guys are bringing back euphoric experiences from my past, very tempitng, probably more for reminiscing than anything. Curious to see if I still enjoy this this altered state- I don't know why I wouldn't. P.S. I love smoking bud while on Valium, overheating can be problem, but that's another reason combining a bit of Flake with the V's will help- curbs my appetite. Sorry about the log post.

Sorry, very sorry, but it is not as good as you remember.

That was always my Vegas combination.

The blow had me sure this was my lucky night, the Valium had me not care if it wasn't.
why should you not take pills after you drink?

Potentiation. Chemistry and memory.

Rule of thumb, benzos double your alcohol. One drink is two in a standard ten milligram Valium.

You had five or six shots of vodka and you hook down a blue pill, now you got ten shots. Two, you start getting into the danger zone.

Take the pills first and you will pass out long before you drink too much.

Learned that teetering on the edge of doriden od land.

Take a couple three doriden, a big swig if beer, pass out for ten minutes, repeat. It would happen so fast we had to lick the bottle between our legs or it would spill.
I don't know about that, there's been a few times where I know I've blatantly exceeded my normal drinking routine as a pure result of taking a benzo.

Also the reason why I belly flopped onto my friends kitchen table and fell asleep on accident a month ago or so.
So I try and stay away from that.
22dangerfield1921.jpg You cannot mess with the triple lindy dude...
I don't know about that, there's been a few times where I know I've blatantly exceeded my normal drinking routine as a pure result of taking a benzo.

Also the reason why I belly flopped onto my friends kitchen table and fell asleep on accident a month ago or so.
So I try and stay away from that.
I have never done any hardcore drugs like cocaine or ecstasy but one time I pack a fat bowl of salvia and weed in my double bubbler and I started falling down a bright gold elevator shaft with wind blowing in my face and I couldn't stop laughing. When the trip ended about 2 mins later I was on the other side of the room in the fetal position.
I have never done any hardcore drugs like cocaine or ecstasy but one time I pack a fat bowl of salvia and weed in my double bubbler and I started falling down a bright gold elevator shaft with wind blowing in my face and I couldn't stop laughing. When the trip ended about 2 mins later I was on the other side of the room in the fetal position.
Now that i think of it i wonder how good a can of whipped cream would pair with some good train-wreck lol.
I have never done any hardcore drugs like cocaine or ecstasy but one time I pack a fat bowl of salvia and weed in my double bubbler and I started falling down a bright gold elevator shaft with wind blowing in my face and I couldn't stop laughing. When the trip ended about 2 mins later I was on the other side of the room in the fetal position.

weed don't scratch the surface of how good you can feel, but weed is still hella good