what is the most euphoric mix you have ever had

Ketamine+ 300 mics LSD+ mushrooms (lemontek'd) + weed + DMT on the peak. After the first four hours of


It turned into about 6 hours of


Literally everywhere I looked even my body

Also I think aside from being a little draining

MDMA + 700 mics LSD + weed + shrooms
Ketamine+ 300 mics LSD+ mushrooms (lemontek'd) + weed + DMT on the peak. After the first four hours of


It turned into about 6 hours of


Literally everywhere I looked even my body

Also I think aside from being a little draining

MDMA + 700 mics LSD + weed + shrooms
thats sounds extremely overwhelming and scary in my eyes tho i dont think i could handle it
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i'd like to try mdma + lsd + dmt at the peak, no high doses though

fuck i just want to have a regular trip but i can't, mushrooms is so fucking amazing when your outside especially with good vibes after hanging wit yo homies
I don't think it was too overwhelming, even when I saw a couple of Hindu Gods materialize in front of me, you gotta work up to it though, I've been doing it since in was 16 so that's 14 years of tripping, slowly increasing it
I don't think it was too overwhelming, even when I saw a couple of Hindu Gods materialize in front of me, you gotta work up to it though, I've been doing it since in was 16 so that's 14 years of tripping, slowly increasing it
when i closed my eyes to go to sleep on 2.5 g's i swear i seen jesus looking at me with orange kaleidoscopes patterns behind him, fuck i wanna to trip on shrooms again so bad lol, fucking love the visuals so god damn much, remember staring at pavement turning into kaleidoscope patterns with the sand around it glistening and sparkling like every grain of it, then a truck drove past and it seemed like a space ship zooming past in space lol, it was fucking crazy *zooOOOOSHHHHHHHHHHH* mind blowing substance that needs to be legal, fucking government prohibiting people seeing the matrix.

Go watch a truck flying down a straight away on shrooms lmao
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i'm under 30 and just had my 3rd knee surgery. chaka bra! just kidding it blows, gonna have to really take it easy
This is why I gave up skating when I was a teenager. What's the point of hurting your body for nothing? Your Not benefiting One bit from doing all that, if you're going to hurt yourself at least make it useful and do it while working hard or helping others.

But to each his own and thank GOD for our Freedom!
when i closed my eyes to go to sleep on 2.5 g's i swear i seen jesus looking at me with orange kaleidoscopes patterns behind him, fuck i wanna to trip on shrooms again so bad lol, fucking love the visuals so god damn much, remember staring at pavement turning into kaleidoscope patterns with the sand around it glistening and sparkling like every grain of it, then a truck drove past and it seemed like a space ship zooming past in space lol, it was fucking crazy *zooOOOOSHHHHHHHHHHH* mind blowing substance that needs to be legal, fucking government prohibiting people seeing the matrix.

Go watch a truck flying down a straight away on shrooms lmao
No don't do this this is a Recipe for Death. If you're melting face don't go near a busy road. Never know if you may trip and fall or as a friend of mines dad happened to him the tractor trailer went off the road and hit him severing his leg off.! Thank GOD he had enough peace of mind to tell his wife to take his belt and tie his leg off or he would have bled out right there. And all he was doing was working in his front yard.
No don't do this this is a Recipe for Death. If you're melting face don't go near a busy road. Never know if you may trip and fall or as a friend of mines dad happened to him the tractor trailer went off the road and hit him severing his leg off.! Thank GOD he had enough peace of mind to tell his wife to take his belt and tie his leg off or he would have bled out right there. And all he was doing was working in his front yard.
don't blame that on the psychedelics dumbass....
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You don't have to be mean about it bro he is Just trying to be helpful, so the same or similar thing doesn't happen to any of us
Thanks brother.
don't blame that on the psychedelics dumbass....
I wasn't. I'm blaming it on wrong place wrong time. People make mistakes and accidents happen, and I'm saying standing Next to a Road where tractor trailers zoom by is Not smart or wise. Why do you think it's illegal to be on Train tracks. Because even though you May think you're good, you never Know what could happen; Sober or Tripping.!

So if one is tripping melting face I think it's Much more advisable to Not do such dangerous activities. But hey to each his own. I mean didn't a bunch of people die back in the day when lsd came out because they thought they could fly or whatever on top of a high rise.

Not blaming psychedelics, just blaming idiocracy, and I'm the worst of us all for doing dumb shit!
You don't have to be mean about it bro he is Just trying to be helpful, so the same or similar thing doesn't happen to any of us
Thanks brother.

I wasn't. I'm blaming it on wrong place wrong time. People make mistakes and accidents happen, and I'm saying standing Next to a Road where tractor trailers zoom by is Not smart or wise. Why do you think it's illegal to be on Train tracks. Because even though you May think you're good, you never Know what could happen; Sober or Tripping.!

So if one is tripping melting face I think it's Much more advisable to Not do such dangerous activities. But hey to each his own. I mean didn't a bunch of people die back in the day when lsd came out because they thought they could fly or whatever on top of a high rise.

Not blaming psychedelics, just blaming idiocracy, and I'm the worst of us all for doing dumb shit!

yeah sorry man i apologize, i just hate it when ppl blame everything on drugs, like when i was growing up i was very depressed and shit and my parents always blamed it on the weed when really it was the only thing that helped me and it was mostly their bullshit that made me depressed
This is why I gave up skating when I was a teenager. What's the point of hurting your body for nothing? Your Not benefiting One bit from doing all that, if you're going to hurt yourself at least make it useful and do it while working hard or helping others.

But to each his own and thank GOD for our Freedom!

I've had more spiritual benefit from skating than I have most anything else in my life. I'll never quit completely, just have to stop going to skateparks and trying gnarly shit.