Car insurance in Ontario..


Active Member
Ok so I got a car and I'm going to get my G2 License so that I can move to BC in September but car insurance costs in Ontario are retarded. I need to know if there's anywhere that I can go in the GTA to get 24-48 hour insurance or at least 1 month insurance. I don't want to be stuck on some 6 month insurance term paying what Ontario charges for insurance when I can get insurance for 1/3rd the rate in BC. I know there's the option to cancel but I hear they charge a cancellation fee and I can only imagine the cancellation fee is bloated beyond reason.

I'd appreciate any ideas.
Why not just get bc insurance on it right away?
If thats where u plan to drive the car anyway.

Believe me that was my first thought but I'm fairly sure it needs to be inspected and such in BC in order to get BC insurance on it. Mostly cuz the safety laws or w.e are different in BC than here. I asked my friend about taking that route and he said something along those lines.
If u call insurance companies in bc im sure u would find one that would gladly give u a temp slip to drive it to bc.
Call around and ask them yourself directly.
Maybe use a site like kinetix to find the cheapest rates anyway and call them in that order
If u call insurance companies in bc im sure u would find one that would gladly give u a temp slip to drive it to bc.
Call around and ask them yourself directly.
Maybe use a site like kinetix to find the cheapest rates anyway and call them in that order

I will likely be doing a lot of calling around but if that isn't an option then any other ideas would be welcomed.
Ok so I got a car and I'm going to get my G2 License so that I can move to BC in September but car insurance costs in Ontario are retarded. I need to know if there's anywhere that I can go in the GTA to get 24-48 hour insurance or at least 1 month insurance. I don't want to be stuck on some 6 month insurance term paying what Ontario charges for insurance when I can get insurance for 1/3rd the rate in BC. I know there's the option to cancel but I hear they charge a cancellation fee and I can only imagine the cancellation fee is bloated beyond reason.

I'd appreciate any ideas.
If you are a young male in Ontario getting car insurance, you may as well just bend over, grab your ankles, and bite down on something hard until it's all over.

If you know any people that have good corporate rates, you can go on their insurance as an "extra" or something. My dad was in the engineer's league of extraordinary gentleman, so I had cheap insurance for a long time because I just paid him.

Know anyone connected?
There's only one option for car insurance here in BC, and that's ICBC. No matter where you go you be paying out the ass. Oh and good luck affording insurance if, god forbid, you ever get in an accident and actually have to claim something.
Lol how bad could insurance really be?

Is it like elec in cali and made from union unicorn sperm... tx rates=.08 per kwh.. mid .30 per kwh in certain stupid states
I'd still rather be a Canadian than American economy-wise and obesity-wise and not being a condescending fuck of a country-wise and honey boo boo, need I say more?


What about bieber and Celine?? Oh wait,nickelbacko_O

What about bieber and Celine?? Oh wait,nickelbacko_O

Those are singers and it's relative to how good/bad they are. Personally I like celine dion and I don't think that nickelback are as bad as people say they are. Bieber has had one or 2 songs that are ok, as for bieber himself, well.. It's not like mentally retarded folk don't exist in america. I mean honey boo boo is a show about an entire family of inbreeds. Little people big world was filmed in America as well. I suppose it's easy enough to point out a singular retarded/disabled/growth-stunted person in Canada since they stick out like a sore thumb but there's entire family's of them in Amurica.
Wow !! You kinda sound like your from the middle east?such hatred..
you say your from Canada, but do you really live in a eastern litter box:o
Wow !! You kinda sound like your from the middle east?such hatred..
you say your from Canada, but do you really live in a eastern litter box:o

Ya don't need to be born in a middle east shitbox to see what America is like, ya just need to clean the shit outta your eyes. Outdated gun laws, high rate of obesity, shit economy and with all that ya still find the time to go "YAY AMURICAZ THE BEST!!!" So much condescending pride and you people wonder why the middle eastern shitboxers wanna blow you all to hell, duh...
Watch out or we're gonna take over your county too:cuss:..

Gun laws?? Outdated? Sorry eh, that's one of "our"freedoms.

The only reason for the legalization of firearms was back in the 1700-1800's when people could actually do anything about a corrupt government. But in this day and age there is no use for it beside this
I don't think the UN would take too kindly to the US doing a hostile takeover on Canada. Me personally I could care less, at least then I could go live in Cali. I'll say one thing about Canada, we got seriously fucked on land mass, the top half of our country is an iceberg, the US got pretty much all the tropical areas.