Car insurance in Ontario..

Back to the original point of this thread. I called ICBC just out of curiosity and got a quote from them and it is seriously cheap. For me a new driver and the vehicle that I'm using(a 2003 mitubishi galant) it's 105$ a month for insurance... I asked the guy up and down "no hidden fees, that's it, I am a NEW driver.." and he assured me that's it. Even with maxed out everything a 2 million liability and all other options maxed it's still under 200$. Here in Ontario it's 350 minimum per month for BASIC insurance.. I've seriously gotta find a way to get my car temporarily insured so I can get outta this province without paying 7 months worth of BC insurance(2 months of Ontario insurance) for the whole day it'll take to leave Ontario.
Back to the original point of this thread. I called ICBC just out of curiosity and got a quote from them and it is seriously cheap. For me a new driver and the vehicle that I'm using(a 2003 mitubishi galant) it's 105$ a month for insurance... I asked the guy up and down "no hidden fees, that's it, I am a NEW driver.." and he assured me that's it. Even with maxed out everything a 2 million liability and all other options maxed it's still under 200$. Here in Ontario it's 350 minimum per month for BASIC insurance.. I've seriously gotta find a way to get my car temporarily insured so I can get outta this province without paying 7 months worth of BC insurance(2 months of Ontario insurance) for the whole day it'll take to leave Ontario.
wtf I pay 55 dollars a month.. Canada sucks. U don't need insurance to drive a car...just don't get pulled over.
Austin metro has ~2million people

Pretty awesome city
Mines a bit cheaper but yea.
Felt like sharing.

New driver, Aren't you 30something? How does that happen?

I lived in Calgary for a good portion of my life. It was a city but a small one so taking public transportation wasn't that big of a deal. Lived in small towns after that so getting anywhere was easy. That aside, the idea of driving a motorized vehicle has always made me nervous. One little mistake and I end someone's life or my own. Also all the extra cost of owning a vehicle, I've had a stable job at points in my life but rarely a good stable income.