Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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Well-Known Member
I just am not going to go all whacked out on a tirade like you.
Where did I do that? I would like to read it.
You're doing it RIGHT MEOW...


You made a thread about how you want me to like you and it didn't go the way you wanted it to go.
You are unable to ignore me. I live in your head rent free. It is cramped and the view is crappy.

Just let it go Grasshopper.

I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, I was pointing out the obvious.
Right now you are exhibiting some of the negative traits that you possess that I pointed out.

Repay me? lol I didn't know we were keeping score.
Go back and tally it up, you have a lot of work to do.

Where did I do that? I would like to read it.

You think of me all the time. When you are at work,when you are driving, in the shower. You can not stop thinking about me and why I will not be one of your fans.

Oooooohh, are you going to post a meme or a video?
No wait, why not post the hurt feeling report.
That is a classic, such a zinger.
What if you made your own meme?

Maybe then you will capitalize some words to let me know you mean business?

There it is.


Well-Known Member
use it if you want trousers, i was going to do a tits funny but this seemed more appropriate

grasshoppers got me on ignore i think and she wont see it.


Well-Known Member
Nope. I told you, I like Trousers so don't bring me into your personal hell.
You might be in the wrong thread to stay out of it though...just sayin'...

I know you were talking about Mainone, but I have him on ignore because I'd prefer not to read his shit.


Well-Known Member
tits or hell yessy ?

i prefer tits but if you're into the darker more angry side then hell it be .... Right ?

i forgot who created tit's again ?

tits yessy


tits yessy ...... Who created tits?


Well-Known Member
Hey @Trousers

I fucking hate fighting. It's negative and annoying and makes my spine feel itchy.

I said some things to piss you off. I may have asked if the too big gif was of your mom and that's why you couldn't load it.

I may have also said I would rape you.

Clearly, I have never met your mother, and I hope that she is a lovely woman. And not fat. And even if she is, she's probably still great. My mom's chubby and the CUTEST.

Anywho - clearly also - I would not rape you. I think rapists should be shot. In the dick, or box, or wherever.

So - what do you think? Time to turn the page?

View attachment 3422491

Feel free to deny this request and I'll have to ignore button again.

Because I can't control my responses sometimes. Sometimes I see red.

But, I'm trying to be a better man.

How about you?

P.S. If anyone else wants to put some long standing grade 7 bullshit fights (in this thread) behind them, feel free.

I bet it will be Cathartic.

EDIT: This is the closest "I am serious" GIF I could find.

View attachment 3422557

But for real, I am SERIOUS about this. This isn't a joke. I really do want to see if we can put it all in the past.
start again

i know she sneeks a peek like a perv lollol hot hot hot tits;)

you looked right ;)


Well-Known Member
Did you actually put my name on a meme? hahahahahahah
You love memes and random, dumb, irrelevant pictures. You pollute the board with them.
Why not make one that is actually funny?

Do you think we are in politics? What's with the quote bukake?
You are as dumb as a box of hammers and much less useful.
Turn the page?
Make another thread about me. This one has been a smashing success for you.

If you dislike me so hard, why can't you just ignore me and shut the fuck up with your FEEEEEElings about me.
Why don't you make another thread about me?
I have a feeling that you are going to move on from overweight to obese pretty soon.

Sounds like a PERSONAL PROBLEM to me...
<jpg of of yessica crying for attention>
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