Time to TURN THE PAGE - maybe?

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Well-Known Member
You made a thread about how you want me to like you and it didn't go the way you wanted it to go.
You are unable to ignore me. I live in your head rent free. It is cramped and the view is crappy.

Just let it go Grasshopper.

I wasn't trying to make you feel bad, I was pointing out the obvious.
Right now you are exhibiting some of the negative traits that you possess that I pointed out.

Repay me? lol I didn't know we were keeping score.
Go back and tally it up, you have a lot of work to do.

Where did I do that? I would like to read it.

You think of me all the time. When you are at work,when you are driving, in the shower. You can not stop thinking about me and why I will not be one of your fans.

Oooooohh, are you going to post a meme or a video?
No wait, why not post the hurt feeling report.
That is a classic, such a zinger.
What if you made your own meme?

Maybe then you will capitalize some words to let me know you mean business?

There it is.
Stalker alert. Yur a petty little bitch. Be the bigger man and fuck off.


Well-Known Member
You love memes and random, dumb, irrelevant pictures. You pollute the board with them.
Why not make one that is actually funny?

You are as dumb as a box of hammers and much less useful.
Turn the page?
Make another thread about me. This one has been a smashing success for you.

Why don't you make another thread about me?
I have a feeling that you are going to move on from overweight to obese pretty soon.

<jpg of of yessica crying for attention>
I'm going to take a phrase and google it and then post a shit ton of pictures.

be7.jpg preparation_h.jpg butthurt awww.jpg H6RfaSMQ.jpeg 454820.PNG 23769377.jpg Butthurt+alert+_83a1dd99911f39d75de18bf583ba3573.gif Here+have+a+butthurt+gif+with+a+hard+g+_cf05d962360c28a6548cabd94d4f8e16.gif

Stalker alert. Yur a petty little bitch. Be the bigger man and fuck off.
He'd need a working penis to be a man. I think he's a probably a fat fucker that hasn't even seen that little guy in over a decade.

He and I have a lot more in common than you might think...

Except my parents weren't related, and I don't have to pay for sex.
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Well-Known Member

Why are you here?

At least last time you were making funny pictures and shit. Now you've reverted back to Maindouche 1.0, where you say random shit and most people ignore you.

If you started a new account and tried to not act like YOU, then things might be alright.

Why don't you go pick a fight with Trousers, you two sound like you have A LOT in common. He's real ornery, like you!
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Well-Known Member
Why are you here?

At least last time you were making funny pictures and shit. Now you've reverted back to Maindouche 1.0, where you say random shit and most people ignore you.

If you started a new account and tried to not act like YOU, then things might be alright.

Why don't you go pick a fight with Trousers, you two sound like you have A LOT in common. He's real ornery, like you!
Anybody who would ally with stinkliner should reassess their priorities.


Well-Known Member
Why are you here?

At least last time you were making funny pictures and shit. Now you've reverted back to Maindouche 1.0, where you say random shit and most people ignore you.

If you started a new account and tried to not act like YOU, then things might be alright.

Why don't you go pick a fight with Trousers, you two sound like you have A LOT in common. He's real ornery, like you!
Why are we here? Hmmm? Good question. Does the world need to see the voice of yessica? Hmm?


Well-Known Member
Why are we here? Hmmm? Good question. Does the world need to see the voice of yessica? Hmm?
I was talking to Mainliner - you must have him on ignore.

Smart choice - I'm going to ignore him again soon. I just kept seeing "17 ignored content messages" or something like that. I was getting FOMO

You ok?

Anybody who would ally with stinkliner should reassess their priorities.
How was I being an "ally" with stinky face there?


Well-Known Member
stinkyjoe is mainliner. both accounts need to be banned.
Rolli made it pretty clear that he was in no mood to do it.

I understand. Stinkliner makes many fine posts that probably result in a much wider exposure for RIU. Posts like "aw... logic son :)" get picked up by Google like a motherfucker resulting in wider RIU exposure and increased credibility. Also, Stinkliner raises many compelling topics that foster deep discussion. This place is far richer with stinkliner than without. I got so tired of intelligent posts and clever humor. Thank god stinkliner chased all them off.

How did I do?


Well-Known Member
I should give Trousers some more stuff to quote of mine before I go off to work...

I think he likes GIF'S WITH WORDS and when I TAG him!

Hey @Trousers - maybe go fuck yourself?

And since I'm such a fatty:


NAw - I love many people. Just not my nemesis. I hope he dies in a fire.


Well-Known Member
That's bad juju yessi....
I'm just evening it out a bit.

If my mental calculations are correct, he's probably insulted me at least 100 times. Probably more. I've only said meanish shit to him a couple times.

Never anything as harsh as "die in a fire".

You're right - it made my spine feel itchy just to say it.

How about this - Trousers I hope you cry the next time you have sex, after you give her the money - of course...

Lets just give each other a break. Hows that? A day that race, politics, religion, and personal beliefs are put aside. You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist.
I will give every person a break.

Except that one.

He deserves NO BREAKS from me.



Well-Known Member
I'm just evening it out a bit.

If my mental calculations are correct, he's probably insulted me at least 100 times. Probably more. I've only said meanish shit to him a couple times.

Never anything as harsh as "die in a fire".

You're right - it made my spine feel itchy just to say it.

How about this - Trousers I hope you cry the next time you have sex, after you give her the money - of course...

I will give every person a break.

Except that one.

He deserves NO BREAKS from me.

My little bird saying this is my message to you ho ho!
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