The positive, economic effect of lowering the minimum wage to $0


Well-Known Member
If commerce were not regulated (cronyistic protectionsim via government edict) that same burger flipper could set up a grill on his front yard and open his own business. If he made a good product, or a bad product, the free market would sort out the income part.

If somebody shit on his lawn, he could kick their ass out in a hurry too.
free market free marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree marketfree market

i have won the debate.


Well-Known Member
I guarantee if you gave those shoe making jobs to some Wisconsin labor'd be wearing $500 Nike's....and they'd probably fall apart within a month.
yet another prediction from benis, too bad not a single one of his predictions has ever proven to come true.


Well-Known Member
$320 is a little steep. It's amazing how much people will pay to acquire something that raises their self esteem.

Of course there are people that blow thousands of dollars on new cars etc. because they believe the model will buy them an image.
Tou mean we don't get that hot model lying on the hood?


Well-Known Member
I see, I thought you were one of the ones going in the opposite direction for a moment

Check out this thread:

Feel free to cast a vote if you don't mind

The fight for a living wage is front and center this election. LA just voted on $15/hour minimum wage (2nd largest city in the country), so that makes a statement. I'm 100% with you that the minimum wage is simply not enough to survive on basic necessities. Opponents want to bitch that it's too much, let em bitch about the price of rent, the price of milk or eggs. The middle class has been fucked for too long, this is our time to take what we're owed and profess the justification for it. CEO's and shareholders walk away with the product of our labor. This is unacceptable. Something needs to change, and if nothing changes voluntarily, something will change by force. See the French Revolution. I just read an excerpt from one of my history books that almost exactly mirrors the current USA landscape, and it didn't really work out too well for Louis XVI..

So the next couple decades should be very interesting in American politics
Reported for threatening POTUS


Well-Known Member
thank you TB!

currently, my only benefit is $193 from SNAP.

you are correct in saying that i've paid into SS over the is however, to the point i will receive maximum benefit when i retire without any further deposits from if i never worked again a day in my life..guess what folks?..also had a marriage for 11 years:mrgreen:..i get which evers bigger..and guess what?'s going to be my SS.
$6 a day to feed yourself?

red can save the taxpayers that money with a $0.02 match.


Well-Known Member
I think you may have misunderstood my previous post. It was regarding the lunches kids do bring form home being "monitored" by the schools. There have been instances of schools micro managing bag lunch contents.
yeah, we should just let growing children eat whatever they want, no matter how unhealthy.

oh, and let's not forget that you should be able to pay them to have sex with you.