what is the most euphoric mix you have ever had

Entirely forgot about a certain time candyflipping on 200ug and 150mg (long ass story that begins with my first night clubbing ending up in some random crazy-ass drug dudes house eventually being threatened by him with a straight razor).

It was about 7-8am I think? I was laying under a jacaranda tree when it wasn't in flower (has beautiful green fern like leaves) the lower leaves were about head height from the ground so laying underneath it encapsulated my vision, there were a few gaps through the leaves and branches that I could see the sky through, it was a sea of beautiful rainbow colors I couldn't even see the sky anymore it was dancing through the leaves and branches almost like smoke. The leaves seemed like these small baby lifeforms (I refer to as tree babies) just existing in front of me, dancing and flowing through the sea of colors passing through the tree. like an hour or so later I was just laying in a room with two of my friends asleep on the bed just laying on the floor with my right arm to the roof, it felt like angels were taking me away, I didn't know why and I didn't know where but it was so beautiful it made me cry haha.

That was definitely one of the most euphoric times I've had, I've candyflipped a few times but that time in particular was just like no other.

Better than MDMA and LSD? I've been meaning to try LSD with MDA for ages but every time I come across some good MDA I always forget and just use it all haha
Trust me you will like it so much better than MDMA I have had hardcore MDMA users tell me it was like there first time rolling just be careful the dosages are a lot lower than MDMA 75 to 100 mg is more than enough takeing a shower felt amazing I could have stayed in there for hours!
i'd have to say ecstasy alone or ecstasy with weed. when i take mdma i feel like i cannot possible feel any better. it's like it maxes out your brain's ability to feel good. i have not done it in many years though. another combo i really felt good was cocaine, hydrocodone, alcohol, and weed. i dont do hard drugs anymore or hardly even drink.
Xtc and mass quantities of DMT the best experiences ever imho...don't knock it til ya try it I highly recommend

Take 10mg of xanax depending tolerance, thats prolly good for most.. wait ...wait... wait.. start doing a shit ton of coke.. smoke weed and drink a something.

Then the coke mix with the bars is amazing..ill be up all night hitting lines getting fucked trying to stay conscious. If i have more bars ill take them. Hide first.. have taken 20 2mg bars doing a bunch of coke, not good.. ive never fucked doing this or had a particularly amazing time with others, but you can. Its hard to not be completely absorbed in ecstacy.

I dont do it too often now, i like my memories and something crazy always seems to happen, though usually good lol.

Have me gone for a couple days

There are a few mixes i really enjoy..low dose acid and alot of dxm or even ketamine then every puff of weed is glorious. Turns to a full agonist and kills your tolerance though as your propelled through your invinted reality in bliss.

Dliaudid and a blunt is pretty great, but could do all the time so just great. And yes a blunt is important, if youve ever smoked cigs on opiates you understand. And dilaudid is the most euphoric imo
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Been having doin smack have ya? I'll never touch that shit i know i'd never stop
Good choice!!
No I haven't touched it in years had formed a small dependence years ago when I used it but stopped after that.

It doesn't appeal to me as the Risks out weigh the rewards. Don't get me wrong it has it's place in medical use if used accordingly but it does not provide any use to me as say psychedelics where you get insight into your psyche and can learn more about yourself spiritually, emotionally, etc. & So much more. (If you choose to use them in such a way.)

Take 10mg of xanax depending tolerance, thats prolly good for most.. wait ...wait... wait.. start doing a shit ton of coke.. smoke weed and drink a something.

Then the coke mix with the bars is amazing..ill be up all night hitting lines getting fucked trying to stay conscious. If i have more bars ill take them. Hide first.. have taken 20 2mg bars doing a bunch of coke, not good.. ive never fucked doing this or had a particularly amazing time with others, but you can. Its hard to not be completely absorbed in ecstacy.

I dont do it too often now, i like my memories and something crazy always seems to happen, though usually good lol.

Have me gone for a couple days

There are a few mixes i really enjoy..low dose acid and alot of dxm or even ketamine then every puff of weed is glorious. Turns to a full agonist and kills your tolerance though as your propelled through your invinted reality in bliss.

Dliaudid and a blunt is pretty great, but could do all the time so just great. And yes a blunt is important, if youve ever smoked cigs on opiates you understand. And dilaudid is the most euphoric imo
no one listen to this dumb shit please. taking 10mg of xanax is just fucking stupid. you might be up all night getting fucked up but you sure as hell won't remember ANYTHING. 10mg of xanax is a guaranteed blackout. i highly doubt quizoking gets his xanax from a pharmacy cause 10mg is an absurd dose. i don't give a fuck how bad your tolerance is...10mg of xanax? lmao...no, not real xanax anyways.

really pisses me off to see someone act like this is an ok dose. people have ruined their entire lives from xanax blackouts...10mg is a recipe for disaster.
The blackout is part of the fun. Dont hate. I did say i lost my memory....

And yes it is from straight from a pharmacy
don't hate? your post is straight up dangerous. you don't even make sense. what the hell is fun about a blackout? do you even know what a blackout is? a blackout is when you remember absolutely nothing. if you blacked out you can't know you experienced euphoria, because you won't remember...and no one can tell you how euphoric you were..WTF

xanax is famous for people taking too much and instead of passing out they stay up doing stupid shit completely blacked out. people have woken up in jail after a xanax blackout and when they ask what their charge is it's fucking murder. that's it, life over, done! someone could read your post saying "10mg is prolly good for most" and decide either a) that's a sensible dose or b) they can handle more than most people so they'll take even more than 10mg...your post is dangerous and if you don't edit it i'll try to get a mod to remove it..that's how fucking stupid your post is.

your stupidity is really fucking dangerous and aggravating.
well one of my most euphoric would have to be well one would be a 75umg patch of fent on a main artery on the inside of your arms or back or your thigh 3 days or hard core nose scrachting bliss 2nd i nealy died from well it glued me to the ground for about 3 hours be4 i could get up and walk around straight and mind u i was in the city was we soaked about 3 kilo's of poppy seeds in viniga then we put it on a light boil for about 1 and a half hours till we had 1 100ml fit full halfed diluted with h20 boiled again till i was 50 ml the diluted again with h20 sucked it up with a cotton tip and banged that shit 2 hours be4 a hilltop hoods show we did not make as me and my mate were so fucked up like nothing we have had and mind u we shoot h and fent on a daily show here so these days we dont spend 50 on a hit more like 9 bucks but after about a month on it my veins are starting to look abit shaddy
Well thats my euphoric mix

Sorry that bothers you
I'm fairly certain CCC's objection is the lack of a disclaimer that that is a really heavy dose of Xanax and you're going to black out and quite possibly wake up in jail. If you want to have fun with it go nuts, but for most people that is a truly reckless dose that can have dire consequences.
well one of my most euphoric would have to be well one would be a 75umg patch of fent on a main artery on the inside of your arms or back or your thigh 3 days or hard core nose scrachting bliss 2nd i nealy died from well it glued me to the ground for about 3 hours be4 i could get up and walk around straight and mind u i was in the city was we soaked about 3 kilo's of poppy seeds in viniga then we put it on a light boil for about 1 and a half hours till we had 1 100ml fit full halfed diluted with h20 boiled again till i was 50 ml the diluted again with h20 sucked it up with a cotton tip and banged that shit 2 hours be4 a hilltop hoods show we did not make as me and my mate were so fucked up like nothing we have had and mind u we shoot h and fent on a daily show here so these days we dont spend 50 on a hit more like 9 bucks but after about a month on it my veins are starting to look abit shaddy
Practice site rotation and good injection technique. Your veins will thank you. Always use fresh points and if you can get them wheel filters. If not it's better to use a syringe packed with coffee filters or cotton than a little bit of cotton rolled up. Chasing with a little rinse of water will squeeze out any goodies that are retained.
Alright fine.
Should you try this understand it is a high dose of xanax, one common side effect being memory loss. In combination with cocaine can lower seizure threshold even more so. Along with the inherent problems with cokes ion blocking properties and the heart.
I like to be alot higher than most are comfortable.it is advisable you have a "trip sitter" to prevent nonsense

If a mod would like to add this somewhere in my post..seeing as its too late to edit. Feel free to do so