Random Jibber Jabber Thread

My truck looks like that but I work out of it, I clean the trash out once a week but the damn thing is still full of tools. I've been trying to find a camper shell for it so I can put them all in the back.

I wouldn't normally need it but these people at work steal everything that isn't chained to the ground and under armed guard.
Men don't have long hair or make up to do.

Plus outfits for men are super easy. Unless they are fat... even then tho.

Women have these things growing from their chest that require different degrees of coverage on different occasions.
haha sarah says that shit to me all the time. but i say f that. chicks in boot camp do all that shit in 10 minutes and they look nicee ..so that means its possible

i win
haha sarah says that shit to me all the time. but i say f that. chicks in boot camp do all that shit in 10 minutes and they look nicee ..so that means its possible

i win
All the chicks in boot camp started looking good after a couple months in. I remember just smelling them in the chow hall and getting excited (boner).

A note to the ugly women out there. If you wanna get laid by men out of your league then join the military. I seen it (maybe participated) many times underway. Ugly chicks were getting fucked all over the boat after we were out to sea for months at a time.