Black rose auto leaves light green at edges help please

i have a black rose auto and a wipeout express auto in five gallon buckets DWC with two air stones in each using flora series nutes they are under two 60w led strips with two other 60w led strips glued to the sides of the grow tent so about 240w for two plants the wipeout express seems fine. They are planted in gro-dan grow-block material that I shredded with my hands I water the tops about two times a day with reservoir to keep the top of the material moist.



Well-Known Member
Cut down on your feed, for autos start with 200 PPM total and slowly increase to 800 at middle of flowering.

phil k

Well-Known Member
hate to be that guy that refutes the last comment again but no.. not it... whats happening is your usinging rock wool...give me a second to type all this...

phil k

Well-Known Member
so rock wool carries a ph of 8.0 lets say you feed today 6.5 in 12 hours that gro-dan has depleted some of its moisture... its ltterarly rock shaved as fine as hair.. nothing more... anyway 12 hour its losing some water and drying out... maybe the ph is increasing to 7.0.... maybe you don't water the next morning.. 24hrs. later its lost 80% of its moisture... now your at a ph of 7.8 (remember its natural state is 8.0 DRY so as it drys it goes back to its natural ph..) whats happening is ph burn... first off GRO-DAN is used SOLEY FOR drip feeds... or u can use it in Ebb and flo or any flood and drain... the point is that those systems consistently re-flood or re-drip PH balanced water onto the rock wool (gro-dan) keeping the ph of that rock wool balanced to the water thats dripping/flooding it..... hand feeding rock wool will always always burn your plants.. your in a consistent 2 full point battle with the rock wool at its dry state.
Thank you for the information definitely didn't think of that I have since set up a drip system for both plants here are some pictures from recent they have gotten better but I'm still seeing some leaves dying would appreciate the help


phil k

Well-Known Member
I just got the email notification about you posting give me about an hour I am driving but your having issues still ...I'll type more in an hour about what's going on but get out of the Rockwool unless your dripping or flooding the issues are all around ph and feeding ... Your not setup right for Rockwool..
I was thinking of switching to clay pebbles tomorrow but wasn't sure now I will definitely be doing that in the morning.

phil k

Well-Known Member
I was thinking of switching to clay pebbles tomorrow but wasn't sure now I will definitely be doing that in the morning.
no you can't go to clay you don't run flood i mean you can run drip but it has the possibility of not dripping to all the areas needed... a
you need to really simplify what your doing. first off take the rock wool and remove any excess the plan hasn't grown into.. take the plant and plant it into promix.. sunshine mix 4 or coca ... id suggest promix.. its ph neutral and at its dry state can rebalance your ph if you really fuck up your ph on watering or something.. but you need to get it out of the rock wool into a potting mix.

how exactly is your drip setup? there should be a reservoir.. with a fish tank pump pumping air and a water pump circulating the water in the reservoir keeping it mixed properly.. that reservoir needs to be ph balanced also... so how are you ph balancing the reservoir? also the resivor has ZERO excess waste water flowing back into it correct? all your waste from the fresh nutrient drip system should be going to a waste bucket or something and not back into the reservoir.... do you have it setup that way or are u reusing waste water from your plants too?
no you can't go to clay you don't run flood i mean you can run drip but it has the possibility of not dripping to all the areas needed... a
you need to really simplify what your doing. first off take the rock wool and remove any excess the plan hasn't grown into.. take the plant and plant it into promix.. sunshine mix 4 or coca ... id suggest promix.. its ph neutral and at its dry state can rebalance your ph if you really fuck up your ph on watering or something.. but you need to get it out of the rock wool into a potting mix.

how exactly is your drip setup? there should be a reservoir.. with a fish tank pump pumping air and a water pump circulating the water in the reservoir keeping it mixed properly.. that reservoir needs to be ph balanced also... so how are you ph balancing the reservoir? also the resivor has ZERO excess waste water flowing back into it correct? all your waste from the fresh nutrient drip system should be going to a waste bucket or something and not back into the reservoir.... do you have it setup that way or are u reusing waste water from your plants too?
Ok i will be going to buy some new grow media today and the way the drip is set up, I put a small water pump in the bottom of each bucket and ran tubing out the lids and attached 1gph drips and each bucket has two air stones attached to a air pump. I am an amature about to start taking some classes online but wanted to try getting my feet wet obviously I have a very very long way to go. Thank you again
The nutrient water is in the five gallon buckets that the plants are sitting over not sure if that was obvious by my setup or not