…yes, Dj knows.
Please refer me to my 'bitching and moaning.' Perhaps we have different definitions of 'bitching and moaning.' Actually, it's kind of a derogatory term I wouldn't use, so honestly my perception of what you mean is probably way off. But if you're referring to my attitude, again, I searched my name and found a thread that was clearly created in retaliation to an altercation I had with Arthur who then blocked me and went on to start a thread attacking me. And then there's people like you who add to the whole cluster fuck of emotions by calling me a bitch and telling me, if you were my father, you'd slap me around. (Clearly a troll comment, or one of an abusive father,….but I digress).
Yes, people 'take' ideas and build on them. Sometimes people 'steal' ideas and build on them. And any industry where this becomes the condoned norm is a lawyers wet fucking dream. And remember…we're talking about ethics here. If one feels the need to involve lawyers to ensure they're fairly compensated…something went horribly wrong in the department of ethics somewhere along the way. And I'd say it all started going wrong somewhere around the point where some greedy asshole saw an idea someone else had and said, I could just steal that idea, do minimal to no work and make money off of it.
I'm not bitching or looking for empathy, I'm having an open discussion on ethics that I was basically tagged to and then attacked.
I'm doing the same breeding work as my father, with his genetics. I can't publicly offer anything new that isn't an f2 outcross because of all this unethical bullshit that's going on without also entertaining the notion of patenting or leasing my genetics, otherwise I end up doing all this shit as a hobby while swaths of other people make shit loads of money off my work, while I lose money doing this as a hobby. I work two jobs just to be able to afford doing this breeding work, and sometime three, just to survive. So yeah…it's a little lame and upsets me, I would not however use the term 'butthurt'. Again, it's clearly derogatory and troll like, just saying.
And yes, I am Dj Short's son, and I am working with Dj.