Flowering, no fan leaves!?


Well-Known Member
i forced flowering my plant in the beginning of july and after about 2 weeks you can already see the bud sites and white clusters of hair, after 4 weeks i noticed it was already growing small early buds, and that is when i decided to switch to 14/10... its kinda hard to believe you over the majority bongripinbob!
a canadian weed growing dvd proved that 14/10 works mid flowering, just takes 10-15% longer to finish thats all... read the faq and do some research, you will probably find the same info....

and sativas flowering 12-13 weeks? damn!
thank god i got lucky with a female indica!


Well-Known Member
The majority is not always right. I mean think about it, the majority picked George W Bush but they were not right, the majority said we should go to war, they were not right. I can come up with tons of examples where the majority was not right.

14/10, done mid flower, is completely different than flowering on 14/10 like people have mentioned. If you start at 12/12 and then switch to 14/10, yes it will still flower. But many strains, if put under 14hrs of light all the time, will continue to veg. If you started them at 18/6 and switched to 14/10, they would probably flower, as the days have gotten shorter. But if you start them from clone or seed at 14hrs, many strains will not flower.

You mention it will take 10-15% longer. Why do you think this is? Its because the plant still has the compounds in it that cause veg growth and so it conitinues to put on more leaf, etc. It is just like when you re-veg a plant that has been harvested. Those plants will continue to flower for a while even under 24hrs of light, but it won't be as good because it is trying to grow vegetation and not fruit and flowers.

Many people on these sites will tell you bullshit because their friend told them this, they read this somewhere, etc. I went to school for horticulture so I have a good understanding as to how plants work. And when people tell you science is wrong, I just have to laugh.


Well-Known Member
The majority is not always right. I mean think about it, the majority picked George W Bush but they were not right, the majority said we should go to war, they were not right. I can come up with tons of examples where the majority was not right.
well thats true right there, but George bush is politics and were talking about plants.. thats a vague example.....

but anyways, your probably right about people telling us what they heard ex. putting milk in your plant, or pissing on your plant...
hopefully my plant continues to flowering, i think t is i mean the hairs are turning orange which means they are maturing...

thanks for your input!


Well-Known Member
It will continue to flower, this was never an issue. The issue I have is that people say a plant under 14hrs of light will flower/produce better. If this were true, wouldn't people who grow poinsettias run their stuff at 14hrs on? They don't, they run them at 12/12 because it produces more abundant/better flowers.


Well-Known Member
thats right
oh yea like i said 12/12 is optimal for growers, meaning thats for best results.
i would flower my plant 12/12 everyday but, i got tired of taking it in and out, staying home and shit EVERYDAY!


Well-Known Member
nah man i have to move it around so much cant put it in the ground.
but im noticing a little more burning on the tips of the upper inner leaves as well as my few remaining fan leaves. looks to me as a nute burn... now what should i do because i heard if i flush my organic 10-5-5 mg soil it will release all the nutes at once! i dont want that to happen it will just get worse, most likely die. so is there anything else i could do to stop the nute burning when im not even feeding it nutes!?


Active Member
I have been very succsessful in growing my first cannabis plant. I started cultivation indoors and move the plants outside in gallon pots in spring. Watering only at night when the soil was dry to touch, feeding once a week after plants reached a foot in hight. I didn't start the 12 hour night cycle untill my plants were a foot in hight. I watch the weather if its cold at night I bring the plants in and put them in a smoke free room. I cut off all the large fan leaves and now I have a 4ft high by 3ft wide very bushy and completly buddy plant, hardley any waste.
Ps i think your plant looks very sad, as though you have not maintained even temperatures, watering or caring.


Well-Known Member
You are going to have to flush some time to get rid of the nutes in the plants. If you flush that plant well enough, you should wash all the nutes out of the soil. I have never used MG soil personally, so it may release all the nutes. But if you continue to flush it very heavily, you shouldn't have a problem. At least I wouldn't think so.
And to Dotty, don't water your plants at night. It is much better to water in the morning. THis way it allows for plenty of atmosphere enter the soil as it dries. If you water at night, the plants are not using the water or the nutes and jsut sit in water logged soil.


New Member
You start messing with the light cycle's to much and you'll end up with hermies!

Also outdoor grown weed is every bit as good if not better in some cases than indoor grown.

I would also suggest leaving as many leaves on your plant as possible, the more leaf you have the more energy the plant will have to use. Think of leaves as solar panels, the more you have the more energy that will be available to the plant
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Well-Known Member
Also outdoor grown weed is every bit as good if not better in some cases than indoor grown.
In some cases yes. But if an experienced grower had the same strains indoors and out, the indoor will always be better. The fact that you can mess with temps, light intensity, humidity, etc, etc, means that you will have better bud.
Outdoor, you are at the will of the weather. Indoors, you play god and decide what kind of weather you will be having. Plants don't like hot temps, yet many climates have well over 90degree days even while the plants are flowering. Indoor will not go through this. Outdoor plants end up getting shaded part of the day, indoor plants get full "sun" all day. I can go on and on.
If conditions are kept perfect, which is much easier to do indoors, you will end up with better weed. A shitty grower is going to have shitty weed no matter how its grown. But for the best quality weed, you need to be able to make changes to the environment as needed. Outside, you just can't do this.


Well-Known Member
i only changed the light cylce once which was switching from 12/12 to 14/10 on the 32nd day of flowering, i dont see any male traits or seed sacks or anything thank god....

ive been caring for my plant like crazy, its the soil thats screwing me over..

i think im just going to flush it heavily with water about 4 gallons over a bbq grill


Well-Known Member
Why over a bbq grill??
How many gallons is your pot? If your pot is like 1gal, 4gallons should be fine. If it is bigger, you may want to run more water through it.


Well-Known Member
the pot is a gallon,'
i gave it 2 gallons just letting it dry for an hour then ill give it the other 2.
bbq grill you can see if it drains right because the holes on the bottom become blocked from the ground


New Member
In some cases yes. But if an experienced grower had the same strains indoors and out, the indoor will always be better. The fact that you can mess with temps, light intensity, humidity, etc, etc, means that you will have better bud.
Outdoor, you are at the will of the weather. Indoors, you play god and decide what kind of weather you will be having. Plants don't like hot temps, yet many climates have well over 90degree days even while the plants are flowering. Indoor will not go through this. Outdoor plants end up getting shaded part of the day, indoor plants get full "sun" all day. I can go on and on.
If conditions are kept perfect, which is much easier to do indoors, you will end up with better weed. A shitty grower is going to have shitty weed no matter how its grown. But for the best quality weed, you need to be able to make changes to the environment as needed. Outside, you just can't do this.
There's no substitute for the sun! and good old mothernature!

I've been growing for about 17 years and have grown both ways.

What's your experiance with both methods?


Well-Known Member
Well actually, depending on how close you get your plants to the lights, a 400watt light is more powerful than the sun. I will search for the chart that shows that and post it for you.
Mothernature is a bitch. You can't keep the environment perfect like you can indoors. The better the environment, the better the bud. Its just like when a grower has a cab setup correctly, he can yield much more with 400watts than a crappy cab thats too hot, etc but has 1000watts. I'm not saying outdoor weed is no good. I'm just saying that indoor will be much better.
Indoors you don't all the junk blowing into your buds, so they burn cleaner. Less bug damage. No shade. I could go on and on. There is a reason the buds in the club are more expensive for the indoor of the same strains. Its because its better.


Well-Known Member
alright guys i just flushed my plant yesterday with about 4 gallons of water. today i checked on it and the burnt tips that on the leaves were curled up, semi droopy and i see the top new leave tips burned also. i hope my soil did not release all the nutes at once. is my plant showing any overwatering symtoms, and is that normal when flushing?


Well-Known Member
that make sense... i dont care if my buds are leafy or feather or watever, as long as its dank and gets me high!

hey weezer?
what about triggering 14/10 about 4 weeks into flowering from 12/12?
have you tried that in your 20 years?
no i never14/10 then 12/12...you youger people are so lucky to have a fourm for growing these day
all this stuff i had trial and error.but thier is alot i learn on here as well..
so years ago i thought to bud you need 12/12 as well i push it and got it up too 14/10 to bud it took awhile to maybe increase 15 min per crop ..i recorded weeks to mature,, weight of plant/harvest ligt time ect.. and the bud never changed not that i could tell it was still great high..longer light times also meant larger yield and shorter maturing time ....i also thougt i was the one that started12/12 inside and than put it outside july and it would contiue to bud,, but since more info became avalible i see was not me at all tryed more shite as well...experimenting is fun and very interesting:hump::hump::hump:


Well-Known Member
hey is your name weezer because you smoke so much you wheeze because ive been wheezing and that shit is sux