Flowering, no fan leaves!?


Well-Known Member
sorry for opening another thread about my tiny lil plant, but no one responded to the updates and i really want this one to live,
this is an outdoor bagseed 35 days into forced flowering, its now on 14/10.
it suffered some nute burns once before and during flowering. thanks to mg plant food. i flushed and placed in a new pot using mg organic 10-5-5, and now its just burning really slowly especially on the leaf tips and im debating on flushing again but i dont want to over water..

so my problem is as you can see im missing all of my fan leaves that died. then only ones alive are the top set and one leaf on the side, which is also burnt. can my plant still grow properl and grow buds without these leaves. ???

this is my first grow, i dont know if its already buding or not but some white hairs are turning orange, and small inner leaves are forming that are very crystalized!! i know im not going to yeild very much since its a small plant but i dont really care, im just doing this for fun and experience of growing your own.
Yes, but you have to get rid of the toxicity in the soil for it to grow better foliage.


Well-Known Member
well yesterday i flushed it with about 4 gallons of water.. the pot s almost a gallon large. today i checked on it to see more burning on the leaves, also on the top bud has burnt tips. my leaves are also burning on the tips


Well-Known Member
my plant is burning up after i flushed! mostly on the top bud leaves are all burn and as well as the top leaves. is there anything i can do besides watch it burn up and die?


Well-Known Member
Are you positive it is nute burn? Are you sure its not a pH problem, a def, or something else? The plants look like they are yellowing and this far along the MG soil really shouldn't be burning them. It is not that "hot" of a soil. Have you fed a lot? Is there a build up of salts in the soil? I think that nute burn may not be the problem.


Well-Known Member
i never fed my plant any nutes for almost a month now. does not look like a def burn. could be a ph problem, i dont have a ph tester. but i have seen nute burns before and this looks like one.

also i see some small black dots on the leaves, maybe its an egg or larva of some sort. its spreaded a little, some badly infected onces turned yellow...


Active Member
I myself am one of those instances where it's commonly known you have to cover your plants in montana early or you'll get tiny little buds by the first freeze.
Whoa, wait a minute everyone.
Outdoor plants can flower anytime after the solstice(June 21) as the days start getting shorter. In most cases outdoor plants will produce full dense, heavy buds
without any forceflowering. Im on my 5th outdoor grow and have never had the fabled feather buds appear on my girls. Give them water and food and mother nature will do the rest. the exception is if you have a sativa that will flower for 12 or 13 weeks. In that case you may want to force flower a little early if you live in a northern area.
Buy outdoor seeds for an outdoor grow and you wont have to worry bout much.


Active Member
The black spots are mites. Some of the yellowing on the older leaves is normal at this time. This plant has had a rough life and is showing all the signs of such. If you are outside the plant will flower naturally on it's own. If you are flowering inside you need to switch to 12/12 and leave it there. You are obviously a new grower and want to try advanced growing techniques, but until you learn the basics you should use tried and true growing methods until you understand how to read the sighs and symptoms of your plant. The best way to get good flowers is to grow a healthy plant to completion with a complete balanced fertilizer including micro elements. Plants do not need magic potions or photo-period changes in the middle of flowering to produce good buds.