...Obama has said nothing about attacking Iran

Hmm...You sure about that Natrone?

Obama said global leaders must do whatever it takes to stop Iran from enriching uranium and acquiring nuclear weapons. He called Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "reckless, irresponsible and inattentive" to the day-to-day needs of the Iranian people.
The Iranian "regime is a threat to all of us," Obama said.
While Obama wouldn't rule out force, he said the United States should engage in "aggressive diplomacy combined with tough sanctions" to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear threat.
Obama on Iran: Take off the kid gloves :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Politics

Please explain how this "rhetoric" is any different than the rhetoric the Bush Administration vomited to the populace in the build up to invasion.
President Barack Hussein Obama....:) don't be jealous...
Who me? Nothing could be further from the truth. I'm fairly certain Obama will take the election. I'm just disappointed, yet not surprised, that none of you can answer the questions I've repeatedly asked about the man's voting record. I hope you enjoy 4 more years of war and further degradation of our rights (as he's already demonstrated in his votes). It's not Obama that disappoints me, it's all you people that get fucked in the ass and enjoy it.
.Obama has said nothing about attacking Iran

Dave the worst of his rhetoric was "Obama wont rule out force"
.Obama has said nothing about attacking Iran

Dave the worst of his rhetoric was "Obama wont rule out force"
Riiiiight....I suppose the whole "do whatever it takes..." and the "Iran is a threat to us all..." is just talk, right? Again...Please explain how his verbiage is any different than the current administration's verbiage in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. Remember when Saddam gave us the big "Fuck You America" when we were rattling our sabers? When we were telling the world that Iraq was....."a threat to us all"? When we said that Iraq was a nuclear threat? Remember that? Saddam didn't back down. What'd we do? We invaded a soveriegn nation. What if Amadinejad does the same to the next adminstration?

And please tell me how his verbiage, coupled with his desire to increase troop strength by 100,000 troops, coupled with his stated desire to redeploy troops to Afghanistan in order to fight the Taliban (who are obviously a threat to our national security) is any different to what we've been fed for the last 8 years. While you're at it, Please explain Obama's votes to fund the war. Please explain Obama's vote to strip us of our 4th Amendment rights when he voted for FISA. I can't seem to get anyone willing to step up to the plate and explain those issues. You game?
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.Obama has said nothing about attacking Iran

Dave the worst of his rhetoric was "Obama wont rule out force"
Oh...And BTW....Just keep BELIEVING AND HOPING since that's all I seem to hear from his supporters. ;)

<Dorothy from Oz clicks heels>
There's no one like Obama...There's no one like Obama</Dorothy from Oz clicks heels>
Your point is that you believe that Obama is a warmonger who is likely to go to war with iran?..........and won't withdraw troops from Iraq....................................................others on this site describe him as pinko, anti-military, surrender monger, islamic apoligist......I don't know who to believe, maybe the truth lies somewhere in between.
Oh...And BTW....Just keep BELIEVING AND HOPING since that's all I seem to hear from his supporters. ;)

<Dorothy from Oz clicks heels>
There's no one like Obama...There's no one like Obama</Dorothy from Oz clicks heels>

Your starting to sound like a Mccain ad, no substance just mockery...........a little bit envious dave;-)
Unfortunately, america has been given the choice between a donkey and a mule.

Obama is still completely wet behind the ears politically, and thats a fact, period.
McCain has a lot of experience but is a bit of a maverick.

How bout we change the federal voting ballots and add in below the choices:

a. Obama

b. McCain


With this simple addition to ballots we would all ensure that the two major political parties in the greatest country on earth, actually put up some REAL talent.

Not this time tho, either way we are getting the shaft.

That being said i will vote Mccain.

It's just too dangerous to put in a plebiscite like Barack Obama. Maybe he could actually finish his first term as a federal politician before he takes the wheel? That would be nice. What was that buzz word years ago? Gravitas? Yah, he should get some and come back. We'll still be here.
Maybe he could actually finish his first term as a federal politician before he takes the wheel? That would be nice. What was that buzz word years ago? Gravitas? Yah, he should get some and come back. We'll still be here.
here, in the land of immediate gratification, we just can't be bothered to waste time thinking through our solutions before implementing them. we are impatient for everything, from that new car to a remedy for our many problems. to keep up with america's superpower status, we demand the best of everything and we demand it now. any tom, dick or barry can come along with a nostrum for our ills and, if it sounds good, we'll buy it. substance is of less importance than appearance and dreams are favored over mundane reality.
here, in the land of immediate gratification, we just can't be bothered to waste time thinking through our solutions before implementing them. we are impatient for everything, from that new car to a remedy for our many problems. to keep up with america's superpower status, we demand the best of everything and we demand it now. any tom, dick or barry can come along with a nostrum for our ills and, if it sounds good, we'll buy it. substance is of less importance than appearance and dreams are favored over mundane reality.
Dreams are nice. I especially like the flying ones.
Earlier this week, the McCain campaign put out an ad saying that Washington is broken. It's gotten a lot of press so far, but it didn't mention that John McCain spent the last 26 years in Washington -- failing to fix this broken system. He portrays himself as a so-called "maverick" but doesn't want people to know that he has voted 95% of the time in support of George Bush's policies.
Damn nomane, you sure heal up fast.....except for those two shiners, you look OK.....and anyway, Obama, that piece of shit Marxist, is no better than "McSame". That is the point. To say something about one, regarding track record, is to say the same of both. They both suck.