Organic vs. Synthetic (Cleaner High)

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I'm a proud tree hugger. Pretty sure I'm not gay, though. Does a tree-hugger have to be gay? Maybe I'm gay and don't know it?
I am sure you are as pleasant in person as you are online. if you choose not to smell your own farts, i applaud you for that. If you choose to hug a tree and not a penis, i half applaud you for that.
either way, I don't care really what you choose, as long as you don't wave it in others face and ride around on your high horse smelling your own farts.
Just want too clarify a couple things, I only brought up the gerson project to make the analogy of organic food and health.

I did a project in my freshman years on the gerson project, (felt obligated because lost a cousin to cancer)
Two points, your first post on the warning from gerson website, yes obviously they have to state that, much like the American Cancer Society has to state that about their treatment.

And your second post about the gerson is mostly false, the American Cancer Society and the United states banned the treatment, two main reasons, first, in the United states, they legally can't say they have a cure for cancer, which is why the gerson project moved to Mexico

Second, one of the reason is because of profit and money, it's much cheaper for an organic alternative way then chemo and synthetic drugs.
Synthetics = money and profit over people

Which brings me to my point on why these articles are mostly false, they are sponsored by people with ties to beneifiting from banning them for profit reasons

I agree that our medical system is a racket and chock-full of people lining their pockets, but the only difference between standard cancer treatment and "Gerson Therapy" is the confirmed, scientifically substantiated evidence denoting standard treatment's effectiveness in curative cancer therapy. If you believe for one second that "The Gerson Institute" isn't raking in the cash, I have some property on the moon that I've been looking to get rid of if you're interested.

Gerson therapy is pseudoscience and it's charlatanism...period. They attract desperate and gullible families to take advantage of by touting "the cure" where there isn't one to be found -- THAT'S why they moved to Mexico.

Alongside radiation and surgery, adequate exercise and a nutritious diet are essential components to any well-rounded cancer treatment program but there aren't any known alternative methods that cure cancer -- that's why, sadly, go-to cancer treatment (surgery and radiation) has remained the same for nearly half a century.

If there was a cure, the entire world would know about it, the news would spread like wildfire, and that person would be very rich, famous and no-doubt a Nobel Prize winner.
And this company gets to drop their URL all over the internet. They'll rank huge in Google overnight Big cash for them. Genius
Yeh i agree, if you are going to be that much of a big mouth at least have the goods to back it up

i was always impressed with GandalfdaGreen his organic garden was lush and always green and healthy
so i am aware if done correctly organics can work great

Gandalf was a real humble cat too. Never saw the guy talking shit
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