My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings


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Okay so here goes my first journal. To give you a bit of background I did a grow a few years back at a friends which was pretty successful. Our biggest plant gave us 9oz and all the others were around 3 or 4oz - they started in soil where as the first started in the hydro dripper. We only used nutrients, no additives at all in this my first grow.

This time around I had some problems with some cuttings (see this thread) but have managed to bring a few around, experimenting and waiting for new cuttings. The four in the front row of the pic are Jack Herror and the four behind are Grapefruit. The second Jack from the left is struggling as is the Grapefruit on far right. My other pics as you can see are of 15 seeds, 5 Greenhouse Seeds Cheese, 5 Greenhouse Seeds Big Bang and 5 White Label Skunk #1. One of the Cheese seeds (far back left) looks like it may not grow though. I forced it to pop as it wasn’t going to on its own so we’ll see in another day or so. I started all the seeds in wet kitchen roll in the dark – they are still I the dark but do you think it’s time to put them under the light yet?

Like I said I am still awaiting some more cuttings as well in about a week but will post them as soon as I get them and take some pics.

I will be using rockwool as my medium in a home made dripper system from Aquatrays. I plan to veg for about 10-14 days once they are in the system, three plants to each 1m aqua tray, and 10 trays in total = 30 plants. I will be using one 1000W MH light as well as one 250W Envirolite but may expand on this also. I am installing incoming and extraction of air via silent fans with a carbon filter.

My nutrients are Sensi grow A & B and bloom A & B. I have also been using Rhizotonic as well as Sensi Zym, B52 which I will be using all through veg. I have also got a pack of Advance nutrients Bud blood and Hammerhead PK9/18 for flowering. I know there are loads more additives nut thin I’m going to stick with these for a starting point unless someone tells me there’s something I should definitely be using.

Does anyone have any comments so far? Criticisms welcome...

By the way this is day 3 for seeds, not sure about these cuttings though as i got them a while after they'd been pruned.


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Well-Known Member
Well if you see my other thread you will see that the cuttings aren't din g so well and are probably all on their way out. The roots aren't developing and the leaves are going rounded and are losing their points.

On the positive side 13 of my 15 seeds are coming along well. These are actually yesterday pics but are even better today. the 14th (white label Skunk #1) started to sprout but stopped after about a day. The 15th (Greenhouse Big Bang) I had to help pop after three days but then it made no developments. Is this usual when you buy seeds from reputably companies like Greenhouse and White Label?

Well have a look at my pics and any comments appreciated.



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Seeds - day 10
First set of cuttings - day about 34
Second set of cuttings - still waiting for delivery

These are all yesterdays pics.

Okay so I cocked up a bit with my seeds by placing the light too far away and they have all stretched t about 2-3 inches on the stems. I have had them tied up to kebab stick props and an oscillating fan giving them a breeze. they are a little stronger today, I have untied most and will see how they go.

Old Cuttings:
There is only one Jack which is turning out okay, I'm still just playing with others although they are now all showing roots through the base of the cubes. The fist pic of cuttings shows two JacK Herror's, the one to the right is the one I'm fairly confident may turn out okay.

New cuttings:
These should be arriving this weekend, ready rooted in Jiffy's. Can't wait to see them. Will post pics as soon as poss.



Well-Known Member
Seeds - day 13
First set of cuttings - day about 37
Second set of cuttings - arriving any day now...

The babies with the largest leaves are Cheese, followed closely by the Skunk #1 breed but the four Big Bang variety seem to all have small retarded looking leaves. Any ideas? Roots are all well kicking off now - need to get these babies in a system I think. It's not too early for the seedlings is it?

PS almost all seedling are now standing on their own without the aid of being tied up.


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NIGHTMARE! I've got a thrip problem - going to try some Pest Off I think. This solved a bug problem for me on my first grow.


Well-Known Member
Seeds - day 16
First set of cuttings - day about 40
Second set of cuttings - arriving tomorrow hopefully...

Sorted my thrip problem!!

All babies are looking good and strong now I think. Except some of the leaves on my Big bang babies are still looking a bit mongified! see fourth pic. Third pic is Cheese.

I'll be putting em all in system in next few days when my other cuttings arrive and on with the grow.



Well-Known Member
it might be easier at this stage to pick them of and crush them .
Yeah I was doing but they kept appearing - got rid of them now with some spray my mate had - brilliant stuff - I'll post the name once I remember it (got it at home).

Thanks for the "clean" comments. I'm trying my best though I knocked a bottle of nutes over last night and didn't notice so had that to clean up this morning. I'm confident this should be a good grow, I've certainly put the effort in so watch this space...


Well-Known Member
Well these are all ready to veg but I just need to wait for my other cuttings which should hopefully be here today with any luck!

Here is a pic of the bug juice I used - called plant vitality. My mate swore by it - got rid of his spider mites instantly, eggs and all. It did the same for my thrips but apparently the main use for it is to help stressed plants recover.



Well-Known Member
I'm after some suggestions:

My grow area is about 2.2m x 2.2m (4.8m sq). I currently have one 100W MH light and a one 250 Envirolite. I was going to alternate the position between the two so all plants got the same light distribution but I was thinking about replacing them both with 2 x 600w grolux which are supposedly good for veg and flower (I might use my enviro as a side light until I am ready to take my next cuttings.).
Another alternative might be to use four envirolites.

Initial cost issues aside which do you think would be the best set up?

Secondly I asked my friend how to work out elec cost other day - he told me 1000W on for 24 hours at 14p / kw was about £3.36 per day - thats way more than I thought.

Last but not least - my last grow we used a dripper system with clay pebbles. From memory we timed the dripper to go for 15 mins ever hour I think. The thing is this time I am using Rockwool which seems to hold a lot more fluid than the pebbles. What is the general rule of thumb for drip feeding into rockwool. Also my local grow shop guy told me to place the end of the dripper deep into the rockwool. Isn't it better to drip from the top?


Well-Known Member
Put most my seedlings into their aquatrays last night. Hopefully getting the new cuttings today and then we're off.
I put up my fan, just need to install the ducting tonight with the carbon filter. Can't wait to get it rickin!! I just wana fast forward two weeks to really see em get going.



Well-Known Member
Well I've put my seedlings n the system as well as the one surviving Jack Herror. I say one - you'll notice there are another four poor looking plants just placed in a tray but they will probably be put outside to see if they can man this crap British "summer".
Had confirmation I defo receive me second batch of cuttings tonight which are all rooted and should hopefully be ready to go straight into the system.

Who reckons I'm guna get at least 2.5Oz / plant? Thats what I'm aiming for anyway, prob guna veg for 2 weeks then start flower.

PS Could do with some advise on the questions two posts ago (and in my other thread) if anyones got time to reply with their comments. Thanks



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Finally picked up my cuttings last night - If I'm honest I was well disappointed. I paid quite a high price for these and was expecting them to be much bigger, healthier clones for the money and time I waited. Anyway, the guy I got them from is a good grower and these should hopefully turn out to be good quality plants. I forgot to ask the strain but I'll post later.
Also there are some pics of my favourite seedlings and my Jack clone all now under 1000W MH.



Well-Known Member

MY babies have all been under the 1000W MH all night and it was like an oven when I walked in. Extraction won't be sorted until tomorrow.
some of the leaves don't look too good. Please could some of the experts Take a look at the pics and confirm whether or not this looks like heat stress. I just want to make sure there is nothing else wrong. I've put them all back under the 250 enviro CFL for now.

(also posted in this thread)

Also if it is heat stress is there anything else I should be doing to make them better other than reducing the heat?


Well-Known Member
Well I'm pretty sure it was heat stress and I've been kicking myself as I knew t was too warm, I just didn't think it would get as hot as it did overnight. Most plants are on the mend but one of the Big Bang's looks in a really bad way. Hope she revives soon. I could tell the new cuttings had got a bit to warm too but think they should all be okay.

Overall the strain wit the most aggressive growth has been GH Cheese, followed closely by White Label Skunk #1. All four Big bang seedling have been slower to root and develop.

For the time being I have put the Envirolite (250W) back on. I am ordering 2 600W lumitek digital ballasts and Osram Nav T bulbs. I have a cool tube reflector already and will also be purchasing a sputnik air cooled reflector. These two lights will be my only light source though I may use the enviro for area's struggling to receive light.


Well-Known Member
You can see in the pic Big Bang No. 4 that she's the one that suffered badly from the heat under the 1000W - strangely she was nothing like the closest to the light. also pictures is Big Bang No 1 who is still a bit droopy and Cheese No 2 who is going strong. As well as a few pics of my room.

