My Second grow (first journal) different strains, some seeds, some cuttings


Well-Known Member
My new lighting kit arrived today - 2 x lumitek digital ballasts and 2 x Osram Nav T 600W bulbs. I went home and put one up in the cool tube reflector but left the envirolite up over my small clones for the time being. I'll get the other sorted in the next couple of days and rig them up with the vents to be air cooled.

All plants are still looking good with the exception of two Big Bang 1 & 4 who were badly affected by heat stress when I put the 1000W lamp in last week. :-(

Even the Jack's from my first cuttings which I never thought would revive properly have come around but I don't have enough room in my system for them so I may try soil or coco grow them at the side.

Do you think its too late in the year to plant them outside in a guerrilla grow?


Well-Known Member
Well as you can see all seem to be doing pretty well. Because everything has been introduced at different times I've lost track (and interest) of what day this is but its about 10 days of veg for the first set and I will be introducing my new cuttings to their positions in the next day or so. The one where I have shown the root coming through went in this morning.

PS the new cuttings are Armageddon - ha anyone else here grown this?



Well-Known Member
I decided to go back down to only using one 600W until my new fan arrives, don't want anyone else getting heat stress. The plumbing of my system is also nearly complete. I know I should have had this done ages ago but I've had a lot on n I always tend to leave things till the last minute. I've been watering manually up till now.

Well here's some new pics, as you can see there are 5 rows of aquatrays with two trays per row and 3 plants per tray = 30 plants. There are also 4 on the side in pots of coco.

If you look at all my big bang strains the leaves are droopy on every one. I can't understand it as I'm trying so hard not to over water that they are getting to dry sometimes. All the other strains seem to be doing fine under the same conditions. Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member

Last night I had the mother of all fuck ups!! Till now I've been watering manually whilst I sorted out all my hydro plumbing. I only have a couple of hours t work on it each night and been working all weekends so can only do so much at once. I finally finished it last night and started to fill up my Res which was a big tool box on wheels which I bought from B&Q. I'd put 40L in, running to and fro with a 10L bucket from bathroom. Next I heard screams from downstairs n R lass came running up saying water was pissing though ceiling int the room. I dragged the res into bathroom and tiped it out. When I looked there were tiny holes where the wheels were sat in the bottom of the res. About 30L had pissed through my newly plastered ceiling and spot lights all over the new sofa and carpet.

Kicking myself really hard now!!!


Well-Known Member

Well after cleaning up the leaking rez disaster things are back on track. The big bang strain are sill the only ones not really taking to my atmosphere. I don't think I'll be taking any cuttings from these for next time. Skunk #1 seem to be taking the lead for growth so far. One plant in particular has rocketed. I wish I had another room to keep her as a mother but I don't so just have to take a few cuttings from her lower branches. She is in one of the pics. Also the attempted close up of the pistols is from her. I need to get another lead for my proper camera so I can get some good quality close ups on here.
I plan to go to 12/12 Friday or Saturday of this week I think.

Let me know how you think its going...



Well-Known Member
Looking great ;)

How bout showing me the big plant, i cant find her in these pics... ;) I did use the ctrl+f and search'd big bang.... I read u are having problems with her :(



Well-Known Member
Looking great ;)

How bout showing me the big plant, i cant find her in these pics... ;) I did use the ctrl+f and search'd big bang.... I read u are having problems with her :(

Hi mate,

I have four big bang's, they're all the same - very droopy leaves. They're alive n growing, just not as healthy as the rest. See pics attached.



Well-Known Member
:) they dont look that bad man.. why do u spray the leafs ?

I never do that .. should I ??


Well-Known Member
:) they dont look that bad man.. why do u spray the leafs ?

I never do that .. should I ??
There's a mixed feelings about it I think. I spray them once a day at least with PH 5.2 water because my room gets fairly warm and it helps keep the humidity up. I also spray twice a week using a 5ml to 1L mix of formulex as a foliar feed. Some people say to only spray at lights off as the water can reflect light onto other leaves in a magnified manner but I've never seen this on this grow or my last. Each to their own I guess. I was told t do it by a guy who's done a lot of growing in his time so I've always stuck with it. I spray them twice a day when they are young - just transplanted into a system, just while their roots develop. There's a lot more to learn about foliar feeding which I want to look at after this grow.


Well-Known Member
Well I go onto 12/12 tomorrow so the flowering begins. I think some of my plants are way too big for the room they've got so there will have to be some trimming done. Also I want to take cuttings as late as poss. What do you all think is the best time to take cuttings and not stress out your plants, and make sure the cuttings will root?
By the way the roots on my coco growers have already started coming out the 5l pots. I only put them in about a week ago, that is quick! will they be okay to flower in those pots, I don;t really want to repot just as I go into flower.


Well-Known Member
Well here is another video and some better pics. - today will be the first day of 12/12 and using bloom nutes.

Click me. I'm a pootube link

Let me know what you all think....

Also anyone know when the best time to take cuttings is when in flower? I don't want to leave it too long but I only have one rom so I'm going to have to construct a cuttings box and try keep them as small as poss whilst the others are in flower.



Well-Known Member
Looking good, man....

:) Nice to see videos - but its down for me... not available


Well-Known Member
As soon as i c a preflower i take my clones ,best of luck 2 u
well here is another video and some better pics. - today will be the first day of 12/12 and using bloom nutes.

click me. I'm a pootube link

let me know what you all think....

Also anyone know when the best time to take cuttings is when in flower? I don't want to leave it too long but i only have one rom so i'm going to have to construct a cuttings box and try keep them as small as poss whilst the others are in flower.


Active Member

Last night I had the mother of all fuck ups!! Till now I've been watering manually whilst I sorted out all my hydro plumbing. I only have a couple of hours t work on it each night and been working all weekends so can only do so much at once. I finally finished it last night and started to fill up my Res which was a big tool box on wheels which I bought from B&Q. I'd put 40L in, running to and fro with a 10L bucket from bathroom. Next I heard screams from downstairs n R lass came running up saying water was pissing though ceiling int the room. I dragged the res into bathroom and tiped it out. When I looked there were tiny holes where the wheels were sat in the bottom of the res. About 30L had pissed through my newly plastered ceiling and spot lights all over the new sofa and carpet.

Kicking myself really hard now!!!
lol lol lol sorry but this is the funniest thing i have heard in a while you must have been stoned to not check b4 filling it with water lol :lol: your grows looking good there m8 btw


Well-Known Member


Last night I had the mother of all fuck ups!! Till now I've been watering manually whilst I sorted out all my hydro plumbing. I only have a couple of hours t work on it each night and been working all weekends so can only do so much at once. I finally finished it last night and started to fill up my Res which was a big tool box on wheels which I bought from B&Q. I'd put 40L in, running to and fro with a 10L bucket from bathroom. Next I heard screams from downstairs n R lass came running up saying water was pissing though ceiling int the room. I dragged the res into bathroom and tiped it out. When I looked there were tiny holes where the wheels were sat in the bottom of the res. About 30L had pissed through my newly plastered ceiling and spot lights all over the new sofa and carpet.

Kicking myself really hard now!!![/quote]


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the comments. I've forgotten about the leakages already- LOL. Onwards n upwards!