Come watch crybabies cry about gay rights!

The "free market" doesn't always work to produce the best possible option. Without regulations, corporations that have enough money/power/influence skew the rules in their favor regardless of the consumer and, according to an earlier post by you, they're legally required to. So without a body of authority to enforce said regulations, what's stopping enormously profitable corporations from changing the rules in their favor, thereby effectively eliminating the free market?
I never said it always worked. I never once said anything about the "Free market". You gave me a specific hypothetical question and you got an answer. Because that answer is too hard to logically defeat you now have to take a cue from the bucky to create a strawman in which to thrust your sword at.

Government, for all its faults, is a necessary evil until human beings stop thinking only of themselves and what they can get for themselves.

Of course big powerful corporations/people have influence over the way society works, the way laws are made. Its like prohibition, I bet you think that was a law created for the intention of stopping people from drinking too much so that society could be better.

It wasn't. It was a ploy created by John Rockefeller to put Henry Ford's Ethanol fuel out of business by making it illegal.
I never said the free market would solve all problems.
Customers will not take his road due to the inconvenience and danger. The business will either go bankrupt or changes will be made. That's just simple business management. As long as a choice exists, customers will use the one that benefits them the most for their level of needs.
That's the same assumption I made while reading this post, so forgive me if I interpreted that wrong but that's what it sounds like you're advocating for in this post; the free market to regulate road safety, that if it's unsafe and people die, people won't use it, right?
That's the same assumption I made while reading this post, so forgive me if I interpreted that wrong but that's what it sounds like you're advocating for in this post; the free market to regulate road safety, that if it's unsafe and people die, people won't use it, right?
No, you are making assumptions again. I gave you a specific answer to a specific (and silly) question. I could have very well have said " that s the dumbest argument I have ever heard" and then went on about something else entirely. You know anyone that acts like that?

Another thing I want to know is why do you think free market = the absence of all government? A free market is a market in which the goods sold are priced according to supply and demand and not to government decree. A free market does not mean that the market is free from any and all laws, agents or interventions of a federal nature.
I never once said anything about the "Free market".
"Customers will not take his road due to the inconvenience and danger. The business will either go bankrupt or changes will be made. That's just simple business management. As long as a choice exists, customers will use the one that benefits them the most for their level of needs."
Could you explain what you were referring to with this post, then? Because that sounds an awful lot like the 'free market' to me..
You gave me a specific hypothetical question and you got an answer. Because that answer is too hard to logically defeat you now have to take a cue from the bucky to create a strawman in which to thrust your sword at.
...Rofl.. I posted at 8:06pm, he posted at 8:09pm, so if anyone is taking a cue from anyone, it's him taking a cue from me (which he CLEARLY AND OBVIOUSLY isn't.. what, did we PM eachother just in the nick of time to be in cahoots with each other just to try to defeat your talking points?... c'mon Shelly..)

Of course big powerful corporations/people have influence over the way society works, the way laws are made.
So what's your opinion about that?

I bet you think that was a law created for the intention of stopping people from drinking too much so that society could be better.

It wasn't. It was a ploy created by John Rockefeller to put Henry Ford's Ethanol fuel out of business by making it illegal.
Please join this thread; , I'd love to read about it
No, you are making assumptions again.
That's fine, I can accept that, that's why I prefaced that post with "and maybe I was making an assumption.."..
Another thing I want to know is why do you think free market = the absence of all government? A free market is a market in which the goods sold are priced according to supply and demand and not to government decree. A free market does not mean that the market is free from any and all laws, agents or interventions of a federal nature.
Free Market - an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies. market?s=t

I think it's important to use the standard definitions for words just so everybody is clear on what they mean

"Free Market" literally means "without government"
That's the same assumption I made while reading this post, so forgive me if I interpreted that wrong but that's what it sounds like you're advocating for in this post; the free market to regulate road safety, that if it's unsafe and people die, people won't use it, right?

the free market will regulate road safety.

the free market will root out racist and homophobic businesses.

what won't this magical free market solve?

well, for starters, it won't solve any of the issues he has already said it would, that is demonstrably true.

so is there anything the free market actually can solve?
well, for starters, it won't solve any of the issues he has already said it would, that is demonstrably true.

More unfounded claims, Yawn, it was old 4 years ago. Why are your arguments so easy to destroy? Because they have no substance.

Now call me a racist, declare victory and move to the next post.[/QUOTE]
The rules of the road are not subject to Leroy Jenkins from Tennessee's crazy idea of what should be legal on the roadway between states. There are federal guidelines states follow so you don't end up with lunatics driving down the opposite side of the roadway because said state said it's OK (like you would have on Leroy Jenkins roadway)

So, absent a coercive state, everybody would drive in a chaotic way?

Only because the coercive state exists, I don't leap into my jalopy and go bombing down roads, all red eyed looking for victims?

You should learn more about rational self interest and how a truly free market works.

No offense, but I'm going to pull the "sometimes I talk over peoples heads card" and just leave this one alone and go find my lighter. My apologies for any condescension construed on your part.
your idea that the free market will solve all unpleasantness in the world is laughable, inane. historically refuted, and simply a piece of shit right wing talking point.


take a fucking history lesson and stop spamming your inane bullshit.

First, you have no idea of what a free market is, none.

The institutional racism, reinforcement and teaching of the shitty behavior of the leering racist dipshits was abetted by your Nanny State.

A free market helps advance ideas that people be judged on their actions, not their color or affiliations with people in a coercive power structure.

I realize in your zeal to "make everybody get along" you will never address the fact that much of the racism was codified and advanced by coercive government.
The "free market" doesn't always work to produce the best possible option. Without regulations, corporations that have enough money/power/influence skew the rules in their favor regardless of the consumer and, according to an earlier post by you, they're legally required to. So without a body of authority to enforce said regulations, what's stopping enormously profitable corporations from changing the rules in their favor, thereby effectively eliminating the free market?

In a free market corporations would not exist, they are government protectorates and government constructs.

Do you know what a truly free market is? I'm not sure you do.
Free Market = Support The Wealthy

With all due respect, you are painfully wrong. You have described crony capitalism.

Please write on the blackboard 100 times...

"Crony Capitalism is not a free market".

Thank you.
Free Markets will always support the wealthy, displace the poor.

No, they will not.

Again, meaning no insult, but it sure looks like you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a truly free market is.

It simply means that consensual trade is between the involved parties and that uninvolved third parties have no say in it.

In a free market world, you would run your life, others would not.
What prevents Mr. Jenkins from implementing left lane driving on the road he owns in RR's fairy tale? (not sure why I'm asking you since it's his fantasy, but I'd like to hear your reply either way)

What prevents the police from stopping your car now, strip searching you and stealing your stuff?
Rob, a free market as you describe is impossible.So the "free market" simply becomes another feel-good sounding talking point of the wealthy.

It's also a means to skirt taxation